List your top 5 3DS games

Waiting for samus returns but in the meantime, recommend me some good 3DS games.

and I have Link Between Worlds. Already 100%'d it twice. so no need to mention it

Ace Attorney Trilogy, Dual Destinies, Spirits of Justice (play in that order)
999 (which is for the DS), Virtue's Last Reward and Zero Time Dilemma (in that order, 3DS)
Rune Factory 4

I haven't found anything else good

3 SMT games of your choosing

Can I buy the trilogy all at once or do I have to buy each game separately?

which monster hunter is better because I'd prefer to only get one

4U, it's got online and more stuff in it. I forgot about Generations since I haven't played it so I don't know how that is.

You buy the trilogy all at once. It comes with three games:
- Ace Attorney
- Ace Attorney: Justice for All
- Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

Each of these has around 20 hours of playtime.

If you like these, then you buy Dual Destinies and Spirits of Justice. It's a story heavy series so you can't skip on any titles really, and you will already be skipping on Apollo Justice which is DS exclusive, but it sucks so don't worry you are not missing on anything, and Ace Attorney Investigations 1 & 2 which is like an extra story from the prosecutor's perspective, 2 is really good but you can emulate it or something if you really liked the series and must get more of it (which is usually what happens)

are the games connected or does it not matter which one I start with?

Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Ace Attorney: Spirits of Justice
Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton
>tfw just realized I'm a crapcomfag
You can never go wrong with 4u,get it my man.

They are all connected. As I said, it's a story heavy series

Ace Attorney > Ace Attorney: Justice for All > Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations > Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice > Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies > Ace Attorney: Spirits of Justice

yeesh, that's really offputting. I guess I'll wait a bit and get them if I can't find much else. I doubt I'll even have the time to finish that many games before samus returns is out

Really tempted to get 4U but I didn't wanna get it if monhun xx was localized on switch. How likely is the localization ?

It's a very unique and niche series, could be the time of your life or really boring stuff. It has a demo, at least check out the demo of the trilogy, play through the first case and see if you like it or not. You will either feel like you are in a very intense battle of wits against a clever killer or in the most boring trial of your life

I actually did play the demo for spirit of justice and enjoyed it more than I thought I would but I didn't know the series was so connected. Don't really have the time to finish so many game when I work so much

No plans to localize it at this time

DK Country Returns and Kid Icarus Uprising are personal favorites. I've always thought Monster Hunter looked cool,I like the monster designs and I love boss fights,not enough games have big ass monsters in them,but I just find the games to be so fucking tedious.

fuck...I'll probably still wait a bit but if nothing is announced in 2 weeks, I'll just straight up buy mh4. Probably gonna buy Dark moon in the meantime

>if nothing is announced in 2 weeks
I wouldn't hold my breath

it's the little things. the more you play, the more you'll notice the cool little details in monhun and the higher the chance you'll have some truly unique and interesting hunts. Had some of the best gaming experiences I've known playing monhun

FE Fates: Conquest
Both of the N64 Zeldas
Kirby Planet Robobot
AC New Leaf

yeah, but crazier shit has happened. I mean, I almost had a heart attack when MP4 was announced at E3

how is robobot? I hear it's one of if not THE best kirby game made but it didn't score so great in reviews. Then again kirby never really gets amazing reviews

Kid Icarus Uprising
Bravely Default (for the gameplay mechanics only)
Tales of the Abyss
Monster Hunter 3U

Any reason you recommend 3U when others in the thread say 4U was better?

It's the only 3ds one I've played. Played it extensively with friends locally. 2 3ds and one on wii u.

Bravely default
Spirit of justice
Dragon quest 7
Dragon ball fusion
Theathrythm final fantasy curtain call (+dlc)

ahh, I see. well, if the anons in this thread are to be trusted, you'll probably really enjoy 4U

Excluding N64-remakes, Wii (U) ports and Sega classics:

Zelda Tri Force Heroes
Zelda ALBW
Bravely Default
Kirby Triple Deluxe
Mario Kart 7

did you even read the OP?

and is there any reason why should I get triple deluxe over robobot?

Those are my 5 favorite games that aren't remakes or ports. I haven't played Robobot yet. It's on my still to buy list together with Fed Force and possibly some of the Fire Emblem games past Awakening.

wait, you're really gonna buy fedforce? why?

999 is great, but if he's going to play the ZTD series he should get the remakes on Vita or PC. The fixes to the ports got for 999 make the game significantly better.