Aligning with Mr. House is the only faction that makes sense.
Aligning with Mr. House is the only faction that makes sense
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It bugs me that he only promotes me to the rank of lieutenant and not a more prestigious rank like
>General Who Rocks Bandits
t. paladin
That fucking Big brother look makes me uneasy but OP is right.
I wish he had more facial expressions
you dumbfuck
mr house betrayed his brother and his H&H tools factory.
I will never forgive house for that.
If you count yourself/yes-man as a faction you are objectively wrong
He's a rotting dick from the past that's so greedy he still cares about caps when he's stuck in a box. He should've ghoulified himself so he could be like Dean Domino instead of what he is. All his technological genius and he couldn't just figure out radiation.
From a writing perspective, all the choices are meant to "make sense," so that you can naturally pick one without it seeming weird/narrow/forced.
>old dick from the past
how is being old a negative wiser and more knowledgable than any upstart groups in the region
only as much as the NCR
>being ghoulified is more efficient
all ghouls are doomed to becoming feral at some point, not very effective long term
>mr house betrayed his brother and his H&H tools factory.
I don't even support Mr. House but his brother deserved what happened to him
Childhood is idolizing the NCR. Adulthood is realizing that House made more sense.
hope ur trolling, else ur really far off the mark
Yes-Man is the best ending, it being a self-insert all it takes is a bit of imagination. Its the most beneficial ending for the PC, and if you have a 10 int 10 luck Courier you can really make a lot of assumptions about how well Vegas will start doing.
>Solo cucks thinking Benny didn't manipulate them all along
Benny is fuckin dead so what's it matter
Mr. House's ending is objectively the best. Why? Not just because of what he can do for the Mojave, but because of what he can do for the NCR. The NCR is expanding too aggressively, and wearing themselves thin. If they lose the mojave, they'll drop they're jingoistic policies and focus on internal growth. Trading with the mojave, within a century both nations could be at a level above current first world standards.
If you go for an NCR victory, they will continue their mindless expansionism until their empire collapses from within, as is already beginning to occur.
If you think Yes Man or Legion should win, please finish middle school before you reply
tl,dr: The NCR is the best faction and thats why HOUSE should win
Headcanon faggots not welcome
Big Brother, or rather the world governments of 1984 sought to control the lives of their citizens. House doesn't particularly care what his people choose to do with their lives, so long as they aren't torching buildings and murdering each other in the streets.
He programmed Yes Man, the thing that will be running New Vegas
Solo cucks really are this stupid, huh?
Just because you wrote a fanfiction in which your courier turns vegas into a utopia does not make it canon
Julie Farkas programmed Yes Man, did you even play the game
Emily Ortel reprogrammed Yes Man and did a really shitty job of it
Benny gets nothing from it other than a small legacy for setting it in motion. He either dies or gets the fuck outta dodge after you slaughter a whole legion camp.
>I don't have an actual argument against the fact that the courier could feasibly be a better leader than House so I'll just call it fanfiction!
New Vegas was a mistake
Someone call national geographic. I found a live neanderthal.
Benny was the one that had it done, you get what I mean
>people who shit on the Independent route haven't even played the game
That explains a lot.
except you assigning all these extraordinary leadership skills to the courier literally IS fanfiction
Did you?
See pic related
Cool encounter but that's cut content. Benny is too pussy to fuck with you after he screwed you over twice and you manage to rescue him in the real game.
All ghouls are destined to be feral but it largely depends on your resources and ability to stay sane doesn't it? There are tons of prewar ghouls that are clear as day with no resources compares to House. Maybe staying a computer is still better but he could easily live another thousand years as a ghoul without slipping
I hate the independent ending but WoG is that he's referring to changing his code so that he only obeys you
>what is role playing?
fucking self insert fags
>assigning all these extraordinary leadership skills to the courier literally IS fanfiction
Lmao so I guess character stats that can objectively be measured via the games own story/gameplay mechanics are now fanfiction.
Ghoulification relies upon rare genetic mutation
Not everyone exposed to radiation will become a ghoul
I don't see why the Courier shouldn't have extraordinary leadership skills, you have stats and perks that pertain to leader-ship ability. A super-genius cult-leader who's already capable of inspiring loyalty in companions who will follow them to the death sounds like a good leader to me.
>Legion is full Autocracy
>NCR is corrupt powerful federal government taking the rights of the individual
>House is small government that protects the people and keeps order but beyond that lets the people do what they want
>Yes Man is Ancap
Why would you pick anyone but House?
Yes Man is the worst faction tho
>only delay the inevitable war between ncr/legion/vegas
>everywhere except the strip is fucked
It's too much for one courier to carry.
>House is full Autocracy
Good thing they cut that, Benny would have to be clinically retarded to try to kill a guy who single handedly slaughtered the entire Legion camp to get him out by himself. Christ, he could have at least used this stealthboy for a stealth attack
They all fuck off at the end to do their own things though
SPECIAL stats mean nothing. House has 5 intelligence and Caesar has 4. SPECIAL is either only a gameplay thing only or has no bearing on how well you can lead
>You deliver mail!
he has to be clinically retarded to consider that a burn
>It's too much for one courier to carry.
Yes but surely the wrinkly old fuck who can potentially get easily bamboozled by the fucking errand boy can handle it by himself
>Benny would have to be clinically retarded to try and overthrow House without having any idea how to get into the Lucky 38, without knowing what was in the Fortification Hill bunker and without any way to control the Securitrons he would find there
So, what's your point here exactly?
Too many special snowflakes here telling us how their courier is the best possible leader for new vegas and if you dont believe them they have the fanfiction to prove it
By the logic your earlier argument though if you're going to dismiss the courier's stats as fanfiction you may as well dismiss every story interaction the courier has in the game as fanfiction.
Well he can make peace with ncr and legion. An all out war can't be avoided if you choose yes man.
You can kill caesar, the legion is no longer a thing but a bunch of savages without direction.
NCR are a bunch of pussyfaggots who can't get anything done without the help of the courier.
You have an army of robots.
I think new vegas would do just fine.
Leading a small group of companions is different to running vegas user.
True i do the same thing everytime
No, I'm saying we have no idea of how SPECIAL stats affect a courier's capacity to lead, which is objectively true. Just because you gave your Courier 10 INT does not imply he will be a great leader, as evidenced by House and Caesars stats. Thus, if you're insisting your courier would be a great leader regardless, we are leaving official game canon and heading into fan fiction.
>NCR is corrupt
i hate this meme
not one group has any lasting loyalty to the courier
The courier is a mary sue bro
Yeah, me too. There's corruption in every system in the world. Hell, the strip, which is run by house, is corrupt as fuck. NCR is the LEAST corrupt faction in NV by far
But my courier have 10 chr 10 int and he's a good leader. That's called roleplaying.
[Barter 100] Yeah I'm gonna charge you about 2000 caps per kilowatt hour I think.
And house does right? Definitely didn't have any of his minions try to backstab him.
Oh wait.
...and the courier will get old and die and his empire will fall with him as it did for so many other fallout characters.
House outlives you. He outlives your children. He's the closest thing to a benevolent dictator and his ending proves he has not and will not go mad despite being stuck in his pod for centuries. The NCR owes much of its success to the extremely long life of President Tandi, and without her the NCR is full of political infighting and corruption.
>bitter springs massacre just for shock and awe to get the khans to fuck off
>Hanson is falsifying Intel
>OSI scientist is doing shady research and appropriating funds to further himself
>Oliver isn't corrupt just literally retarded and deserves no spot in the military
>Moore doesn't give a shit about anyone outside her group and just wants to kill savages
>strip ambassador is just a figurehead who has no control over any dealings
Hsu is maybe one of the few decent officers you meet in the game and he's sidelined to a base
>Caring about the quality of the Mohave desert and not your direct profits for being in charge
Yeah, and if you like that, have fun with it. But if you come on this board and argue that your roleplay is valid as acceptable canon, then no shit people are gonna disagree.
>That's called roleplaying
That's called autism
Too many House fluffers here telling us how their megalomaniac businessman is the best possible leader for new vegas and if you dont believe them they have the fanfiction to prove it
are you really trying to make the argument that your courier is the bestest leader and everyone falls in line because you say so? BoS would fuck over the courier first chance to get houses' tech seeing as that's there job
>Oliver isn't corrupt
>Do you know Colonel Hsu at all?
>What I heard, he'd be a general right now if Oliver didn't know the president.
Technically the courier could just hop into house's pod.
Besides "Hanson", none of these characters are corrupt. You can dislike them, but that's not corruption.
This is dumb
NCR would only be charged by house because
1. He controls the dam
2. He controls the strip
3. Has a securitron army
If the courier has all 3 of those then why wouldn't the NCR pay fees
Bitch I'm not guaranteeing yes man is the best ending; I'm just pointing out that it definitely has potential to be the best outcome for vegas depending on the type of courier.
No I'm making the argument that no one is loyal in the shit mojave so you shouldn't try to use it as an argument in the first place.
That's why you have the option to destroy them.
sure, but its not fun to always roleplay with the same things happening.
>no way to clone Tandi and have her as an eternal waifu
>Born into wealth, loses it, becomes richest man in the world anyways
>Graduates from MIT, and creates the most succesful robotics company in the world
>Creates a missile defense system better than anythign the Enclave could make
>Saves New Vegas from Destruction
>More technologically advanced than anyone in the wasteland sans Big MT
>Literally rebuilt Vegas after the world, making the wealthiest and most prosperous city in the whole fallout universe
You're right, there is NO canon evidence for House being a good leader!! But telling people the Courier is a good leader because you roleplayed him that way is enough
i like ncr
And we're saying that if you wanna think of it that way, you're welcome to. But there is NO canon evidence for it, and thus it's fanfiction, sorry.
That's why you get a chance to ally with friendly factions and purge untrustworthy one.
The courier has significant cybernetic modifications by the end of the game and access to all of the science of big mt. and you think house is going to outlive him?
I can see why you think what you do since you're blatantly ignoring major parts of the game.
Reminder that Obsidian added House's demand to kill the Brotherhood of Steel only because they thought his ending was the clear choice otherwise.
Do his ending. See if it changes whether or not your have those enhancements.
All of the Big MT doctors are insane and mentally unstable, they didn't solve it. He did.
Lmao Mr House is way smarter than the Big MT. Despite all their SCIENCE!, his immortality tech is better, his robots are better, and he's actually used his intelligence for something
>ywn find a qt lobotomite to transfer Dala's brain into so you can both be together at last
>implying it doesn't make it even better
This. The only argument people are coming up against house is "but my courier has good stats :'(" I mean at least NCR fags had an actual argument
So NCR being the only faction that can make peace with BoS so it wouldn't be the worst choice by default? Seem about right.
The one nice thing about this thread is that we don't have any Legion fags here. Its a small mercy
Too late
There's literally just as much evidence for your fanfiction that house's new vegas is going to be anything less than an authoritarian shithole. The dude can't go ten fucking minutes without getting betrayed by his subordinates (betrayals for which he had literally no failsafe plan) and you expect me to believe that he's going to guarantee some fucking wonderful future for new vegas?
>Born into wealth, loses it, becomes richest man in the world anyways
I didn't realize the ability to make money equates to leadership skills
>Graduates from MIT, and creates the most succesful robotics company in the world
I guess that means bill Gates would be the best leader irl
>Creates a missile defense system better than anythign the Enclave could make
Oh shit I guess the ability to create new technology is now the same as the ability to lead
>Saves New Vegas from Destruction
Because of the aforementioned technology which totally proves he's a great leader right? After all the people who have made great technological innovations were all great leaders and totally not as pie motherfuckers who have no idea how people actually work.
>More technologically advanced than anyone in the wasteland sans Big MT
Huh, it seems like all of your arguments for house being a great leader rely on tech ability = leadership. I guess anyone with an advanced CS degree would make a great president.
>Literally rebuilt Vegas after the world, making the wealthiest and most prosperous city in the whole fallout universe
That's like saying you're the smartest most qualified person to lead in a town because you invented something that kept your home from burning down when the town caught fire.
House>Legion>Yes Man>NCR
>make peace with BoS
It's a truce. If the Mojave Chapter ever got wind that the rest of the BoS out West is still around, they'd pick up and regroup as fast as humanly possible. And if the Western BoS is still clinging to it's war with NCR, they'd turn around and start gunning down Troopers again without a second thought.
Yes Man>House>NCR>Game Over>Legion
house>NCR>anarchist retard robot>legion