Let's pretend all games were on all consoles

Let's pretend all games were on all consoles.

Which console would you honestly like the most?

PC and Switch, no contest. Xbone and PS4 are literally just a shitty PC in a smaller box, anything they can do a PC can do better. At least the Switch has portability, which would be neat if there were no more exclusives.

Xbox One X since it has the best hardware. The portability of the Switch is cool but I don't play video games unless I'm at home.

Switch because I can take it to the shitter or outside during commutes.
Then play on PC at home.

Xbox One X, the only entertainment center capable of native 4k and 60fps.

PC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xbone x > ps4 pro >>>> xbone > ps4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >switch

>xbone > ps4
see i understand the logic in putting xbonex above the pro, in the op's scenario both have the same games thus hardware is the determining factor

on that train of thought, how the FUCK did you come to the conclusion xbone > ps4?

ps4 has slightly better hardware, xbone has better controller, better online, better ""free"" games with the compulsory online tip and backwards compatability

>destiny 2
>30 fps

whichever has most price to performance ratio
i think one X or ps4 standard

If PC games didn't exist, I would have to make the PS4 my main console.

I don't even own any consoles though. Don't plan to.

>better controller
disagree, xbone only has better battery life
>better online
xbl has been down more frequently than psn in recent years
>better ""free"" games
depends on the month desu
>backwards compatability
it's not actually bc, but it is nice to have all the same

I'm most used to the PS4 because that's the one I have and I like the controller the best for the types of games I play. ideally I'd play on PC though since the controller works there and online is free.

Ps4. Fuck micro$oft.

switch of course, unless PC is included, then obviously PC

how is this even a question

xbone s. TV can actually recognize it as a 4k signal and much cheaper than a ps4 pro. That being said, ps4 has wayyyyyyy better games. I don't need to play games on the go since I have a car and don't ride the subway for 2 hours each day.

If all games are on all consoles, then I'm assuming they'd all have the same performance in this situation, because there are games that some consoles wouldn't be able to handle otherwise.
If that's the case than the only right answer would be the Switch, since it'd do what the other consoles do and would also be portable.

If Nintendo started publishing on multiple platforms, I'd go PC.

>Let's pretend all games were on all consoles.
>all these illiterates saying pc
jesus vee

I don't like to be tied to the couch.
Ease of portability, if I go out of town, it's not a bitch to take with me.

XboneX, easily.

God dammit I know you're baiting, but I still got triggered.

Pc and switch, they'd be no point of a console other than a portable switch.

The Switch because it's portable. So many times I wanted to take Persona 5 to another room but I kept forgetting it wasn't on the Switch.

this desu senpai
PC is the best "normal" gaming platform, while Switch is great for portability.

I would probably still play on my PC and Switch. PC at home for max settings and all, and Switch for the comfort of playing in my bed or in transit..

>So many times I wanted to take Persona 5 to another room
Vita remote play

It's not ideal for things like Bloodborne, but a turn based RPG like P5 is fine.

Most of Sup Forums is just r/master race, they don't play anything lord gaben says they can't.

PC and Switch

PC does all games best and Switch cause handheld

Why have the others if PC has them all?



Pc for higher res and switch for portable I guess. Or Vita.

I love the chest thumping of random toaster jockeys making claims about mythical PC that can do anything.

Switch gets the insta-cut, too many problems with that system that aren't even related to its lackluster power (I'd also rather not play a constant supply of shit ports like DragonQuest Heroes 2)

The easy thing to say would be "The most powerful system" which is the XbXOxbxBXXEXEEEXX but if price is still a factor I guess I'd chose the normal PS4.

unironically this

But PC is not an option you fucking retard. I know OP's hypothetical question is stupid to begin with, but your response negates everything. Take your spergy PCMC shit elsewhere please.
"Hurr I'll take the quatum power-leap super laptop machine" Yeah that's very smart of you, really answers the question. congrats.

Switch for portability, PC for the things everyone has already mentioned. Also because my games won't stop working after (at best) 2 generations, unlike the actual consoles.

xbox. playstation console is strong but i hate sony as a service.

Can I pretend that all games are on Vita and choose that?

Whichever one has the best hardware.

Switch because it's a handheld.

Runner-up being the Xbox because it has the best controller ever.

>Also because my games won't stop working after (at best) 2 generations, unlike the actual consoles.
You still need to spend money upgrading it. Are you stupid, perhaps?

I'd say the PC or the Switch. I have nothing against the PS4 -- I got a lot of mileage from mine -- but I'm on the go a lot and I can't bring it with me everywhere.

You know, the games would still run at 15-20fps. Just because OP says it can play all games, still doesn't mean it would play them well.

Do we get cross save too?
Because they best option would be PC and Switch. 4K/60 plus portability is a dream.

But it can?

Seriously what would the other consoles do that a PC can't do?

What the best game console, for someone who hates and rejects the all Indie (independent) games and only likes and only playing AAA video games?

same desu

you can have a good time with any of them but PS4 would have the largest library of them. switch would probably be worst because it's getting more indieshit ports than mainstream games at this point, but that might change later on.

Switch, because I can play games in bed.

probably PC. Other option would be something like a 6th gen console where you just turn on the console and the game just starts

For me all indie games suck.

And preferred a console, where there is no indie games

I wouldn't like any of them. I'd just have a PC because that could play all games better than any console, plus I can do all sorts of other things on it that a console can't.

I only have a PS4 because there are some games on it that I can't play on anything else.

You need to upgrade it to play the newest games. When you do upgrade it, your old games won't stop working on it. If you don't upgrade it for some time, you'll still have an enormous catalogue of games spanning decades to choose from. Consoles remain relevant in a certain small period of time.


PC for everything I like to play while relaxing. Switch for on the go/also relaxing.

Switch and PC

Switch for portable and PC for controls

>PC is not an option
Then it falls onto the Switch, which he also mentioned.

>in b4 "I'm only pretending"

>You need to upgrade it to play the newest games.
Just like buying a new console every 8 years

>When you do upgrade it, your old games won't stop working on it.
And your previously owned console which can play those games doesn't vanish either.

>Consoles remain relevant in a certain small period of time.
So do PC parts, just like consoles. It's a constant cycle of spending money to upgrade, it's never-ending in both cases. Even on PC I can't play a lot of 2 decade old games I still own without some sort of hassle, such as installing an older windows version to make them run without problem.

The end result is still the same, you spend money on new hardware, that's all I'm saying

The Switch because of the portability and the easiness of LAN play

The literal only thing a PC can't do (until proper emulators are made) is play console exclusives. If every games were on every platforms, there'd be literally no reason to own anything but a decent PC and maybe a Switch if you value portability. The Xbone and PS4 would become entirely irrelevant because there'd be nothing they could do that couldn't simply be done better on PC

Why would you go from the best performing machine to the worst performing machine that can't run games? I don't get it.
Even if Switch got Battlefront2 or Anthem or Cyberpunk like OP said, it would run those games at 5fps, or at best 20fps heavily downgraded, with Nintendo's shit voice chat system and you'd need a Phone to create parties and whatnot.
It doesn't get a magical boost in power and its functionality is still the same even in OP's hypothetical situation.
If it could simply run the games as well as other consoles in this imaginary world then it would also be fair to say "I want the XboneX but portable". Both cases are impossible and not real options.

Would you truly pick the Switch as your only machine for the next 4 years?

there are no consoles without indie games, i'm sorry to say.

Portability. LAN with others anywhere. Cheaper online. First party Nintendo games are always more enjoyable than others.

Switch for versatility

I sit on my ass all day at work, I don't want to sit on my ass when I get home. I'd rather go play Vidya in my hammock in the backyard or just unwind in bed with my Switch in handheld mode at the end of a work day for maximum comfort.

>B-b-b-but muh graphics
Graphics are not important to video games in the slightest, underaged b&

Switch because handheld, pc for gfx.

>And your previously owned console which can play those games doesn't vanish either.

They could break. Consoles are brittle pieces of shit so don't tend to last very long. It's upsetting if you want to play a game on an old console but find it no longer works, rendering your collection of games for it useless. Then there's the inconvenience of having to plug something else into your TV whereas on PC you can play all sorts of games across various generations seamlessly.


Probably Xbox One X with those circumstances.

>It's upsetting if you want to play a game on an old console but find it no longer works
Do you destroy your consoles on purpose?

PC for incremental upgrades and hardware variety or Switch for portability.

If you take exclusives out of the picture and assume everything is on a common platform, the two "industry leading" consoles are functionally the worst.

Switch, I don't care about graphics and PC is not a console, I'd have a poweful PC anyway because I need for work.

>First party Nintendo games are always more enjoyable than others.
Nigger the whole point is that PS4/Xbone would also get Nintendo 1st party games, that's not a factor.
So that lapse in logic aside, would you sacrifice a good home playan' experience (running games at 15fps, using your phone for most online interactions, etc) just to play portably?

>They could break.
Your $500 GPU or CPU can also shit the bed. Are PC parts impervious to damage now? News to me.

>hen there's the inconvenience of having to plug something else into your TV
HDMI/multi-port splitter. Look it up.

>whereas on PC you can play all sorts of games across various generations seamlessly.
Not really seamlessly when you have to create partitions for different versions of Windows to run certain games. Or at best download emulators and tweak settings in order to make them work


Only kids still living with their parents own one system, the rest of us own all or most of them. It's also the reason for why there's console wars, kids think their system is the best.

>only way to justify a Switch purchase is to use imaginary circumstances

PC and Vita. Probably also WiiU for in bed gaming on the tablet.
>Steam Controller compatible with console exclusive games
>my fucking face imagining playing Halo 3 among without goddamn sticks on a proper controller

I would go PC and Switch but the build quality of that thing is just a piece of shit good as the concept is, +no dpad/shit dpad since it'd likely be a lot of older games I'd play. Vita might not have great software but it's got pretty good hardware and top tier buttons.

>Halo 3 among others*

I don't think I'd be happy with any. I've been playing games since the original NES and watching consoles introduce online play and then force you to pay for the same service is pretty upsetting when the companies have only gotten more successful.

PS4 & Xbox are practically the same nowadays. The Switch has a very limited library and I really hate the idea of a hybrid console. I'm honestly not sure I'd have any of them.

fpbp and /thread. If you pick anything else you'd be retarded.

say hi to my 532 day achievement streak bicth

zero counter arguments, better controller, better rechargeable battery if you have the money for the play and charge, if not, dsposable batteries last more than charging cycles anyway, best free games (4 per month and extras in new year,events, etc, halo DLC is all free right now)

please go back to neogaf to tell your friends how you were banned for paypal chargeback


>pic Switch
>give reasons why
>some fag goes ape shit
Every time.

>Let's pretend all games were on all consoles.

>Which console would you honestly like the most?

If my favorite hobby is this dead and commercialized than what's even the point. Thank god for the mighty few that don't inhale corporate cocks for a living.

>xbl has been down more frequently than psn in recent years
Nothing goes down more than PSN and that's a fact.

>PC fags as always shows up

Never fails.

So many triggered Sonyfags that people don't want their paper weight when they can play any game on the go on their Switch, with cheaper online, and local LAN.

PC: 1 system, every game from every generation game is available.
Console: 1 new system every 2 generations, at best.

>You still need to spend money upgrading it. Are you stupid, perhaps?

>upgrade PC
Games work just fine.

>upgrade console
Gotta pay for re-releases.

>B-but getting really old games to work is too hard.
You can get them to work, good luck doing that with your console.

>Virtual console.
Good goy.

Xbox one x, Really the PS4 pro has no upsides in that case.

still the pc, because it's almost already the case and I have double fps and quality

Switch or Xbox. Switch for on-the-go and Xbox for ease of use and a better design all around, from controller to UI.
>xbl has been down more frequently than psn in recent years

Xbox. I like the controller. PS4 has a cool style to it too though.

>Gotta pay for re-releases.
WOAH! Where did my PS2 go to? The moment I bought a PS4 my PS2 vanished!!! MAGIC! I can't play PS2 games anymore now, damn.

WOAH, when Xbox does BC it helps the game out instead of just looking like it did on the 360! That's ANTI-CONSUMER, JUST KEEP ALL THE OLD SHIT PLUGGED IN HAHA

Xbox one X because it is the most powerful