The best DOOM game is a console game

>The best DOOM game is a console game


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but thats not gba doom

Looks better but plays like shit.

it's not the best doom, it just has a better atmosphere

not even close and N64 had also better fps, turok 1/2, goldeneye, perfect dark, quake, duke nukem etc

>tfw you can now play mods on Doom 64

n64 was a damn good console

Can't see shit, even in the sourceport

Agreed. Just make sure you play Doom64 EX with uncapped frame rate

>not Brütal Doom
what the flying fuck op?

>Babby's first Doom mod

The atmosphere was way darker and creepier, I'll give it that.

Second-best, after the original. 2 has some pretty bleh level design.

>shit performance
>butchered maps and graphics from 3DO
>music out of order
>green blood
>no gibbing
>disappearing bodies
>less blood and gore in general
>no Spider Mastermind or Cyberdemon
>"best" anything
ya bait son?

>being a BD kid
kys pls. Kys.

>Implying psx doom isn't best doom
>mfw brutaldoomfags will argue otherwise
doom 64 isn't bad,but eh

But PSX Doom lacks some texture variety, with one example being the lack of fireblue and intestines floors.

how the fuck was psx doom better than the pc one?

>muh colored lighting

TnT Evilution and Plutonia Experiment aren't that good, desu. They have some pretty shitty monster layouts.
Doom 1 is still the king.

I enjoy DOOM 64 more than DOOM/DOOM 2. ask me anything

>He doesn't know the original doom games were intended to be creepy asf
>He doens't know about all the improvements made to the ID tech 1 engine vs the original pc release
god damn summerfags,summer just needs to fucking end already.

>Doom 1 is still king
truth. everything else feels like an expansion/level pack.

>A shitton of maps are cut
>Maps that made it in were butchered to prevent the PSX from melting
>Gameplay was way easier 'cause lol controllers
>Try and hide it with colored sector lighting.

Doom 1 gets boring as fuck because the monsters are boring and fighting barons or even cacos with a regular shotgun is such a chore.

Some maps bypass that by making time and space a concern, like Hell Beneath and Perfect Hatred, but most OGtards hate those and jerk off endlessly to Knee-Deep.

How did you felt, when looking for those demon keys?

>The best DOOM game is a console game

I'd have to disagree. While if you forced me to find some weak maps I could, pretty much all of the levels in Doom 1 were great. And I personally never had the tedium with the combat in it you did.
How come Doom gets so many good mods?

The thing with Doom 2 is that while a lot of maps aren't exactly good, it has one of the most unique and memorable sets of monsters I've ever seen in an FPS. IMO it's on of keys to Doom's longevity, you can design so many cool encounters with those guys. And SSG is very satisfying with its risk-reward mechanics which force you to get close to monsters to get the most out of it.

>fanmade port / recreation of a Nintendo 64 exclusive somehow negates the fact that it was and still is a console game

Not the best but an amazing game for sure. Better than nu-doom.

Does it still have the insane difficulty where enemies areconstantly respawning?

Because Doom has the best fanbase of any fps.

This holy shit, Doom 1 is the most overrated Doom game, and Knee Deep in the Dead is the worst part of Doom 1.

I also believe it has to do with the flexibility of the engine.
Shame only one mod is popular, while Skyrim and GTA have more popular modding scenes, even if it's just "Spiderman with realistic horse vagina"

Fair point, and honestly don't take my love for Doom 1 for a dismissal of Doom 2.
Unpopular opinion, but I've actually enjoyed all of the mainline Doom games, to varying degrees. It's the only video game series I can say that about.

Say what you will about Brutal Doom, but I at least can respect it for giving a major spotlight on the Doom modding community among the uninitiated. I like to think of it as a gateway for new players to get in on the fun.

Doom 64 has a great OST.

But some still don't know about any other mod.
If it wasn't for something like Marveller's 150 Doom mods video or channels like Icarus Live3s, they probably didn't hear about Combined Arms until then.

>But some still don't know about any other mod.
Those who wouldn't care enough in the first place don't. True though about Icarus, I'm a pretty big fan of his channel.

>Those who wouldn't care enough in the first place don't
Which is a shame, when there's so many mods that they don't know could have liked better than Brutal Doom.

Hey now, I don't think Knee-Deep is bad. It's a good introduction to the game. The levels are fine. I liked playing through it 2-5 times. But it doesn't even have cacodemons, it has 2 kinds of zombie guys, imps, pinkies and... I don't think it even has lost souls, right? And there's a Baron boss fight in the end. That's not the best Doom has to offer.

It is a shame, but for the chunk of the audience that does care enough to go deeper, it's like discovering a whole new treasure trove of content.

Doom 3 has colored lighting too. Does that mean it's the best doom?

I guess you could shill them some mods, to see if they care.

>step towards generic horror trash with shit-tier monster sprites
>slower and simpler gameplay due to n64 limitations
>mostly mediocre levels

But that's not Hell on Earth.

Did anyone ever play the dbzone wad with class mods? I miss 'em.

yeah, it kinda does, why would I play the N64 version with shitty controls when I can play Doom the way it's meant to be played?

This. and only for it's soundrack.

It does. That's just retconning history.
D64 was made for N64, with every aspect designed around its hardware and capabilities. If anything, it's Nintendo 64 on which it was meant to be played.

A totally KINO soundtrack.

Was was there such a need to give the cacodemons arms/appendages? Doom 3, doom 4, and doom 64 gave them arms that nobody wanted. At least doom 4 looks close enough to the originals though.

Taking the best away from the Doom series:
D1 for map design, D2 for SSG and additional demons. D64 for atmosphere. D3 for scares. D4 for Q3A-exque gameplay and UT style alt fires and double jumps.

>The perfect Doom game takes elements from all the games and mix them at once
What do we take from the mobile RPG games?

You boys ever play MetaDoom?

Best Doom is Russian Overkill try to prove me wrong tovarich

Metadoom put in the Hellhound Collars, Hellhounds, and Fire Extinguisher and Fire Axe from Doom RPG, and the Holy Water Pistol from Doom RPG II.

For actual gameplay, it also has Doom II RPG's Sawcubus enemy (why is that and Doom 3 the only time a monster had a chainsaw) and its idea of named stronger versions of an enemy kind, but not necessarily the recolored sprite looks or samey attacks.

It'd be hard to take actual elements besides those, they were turn based on a grid.

hi doombros, ilu

I didn't say it was bad, I said it was the worst part of Doom. Like you said, it's literally just low tier enemies and low tier weapons. The Baron fight at the end was cool though.

Fags act like Knee Deep in the Dead is all there is to Doom though and it's all downhill afterwards. I mean why not just play KDITD and leave it at that, quit the game.

Great spooky atmosphere, but meh level design. Still better than Doom 2 though.

Doom 1 will always be the best one, due to better, more logical and coherent maps.

Doom 64 is the *real* Doom 3 imho.

>no massive hordes of demons because of the hardware limitations on the n64
>shit enemy redesigns

You could put in Doom II RPG's buffing items. Shit was neat. Fire immunity, poisoning enemies, better accuracy, faster speed, and that Hell Knight Sweat that made you all kinds of buff.

RO is a bunch of ugly mismatched sprites with tacky 3D effects that either kill everything in the room or kill everything in the room including you. Might as well play fucking Aeons of Death.

Yeah, I guess.

I think the nuDoom version is fairly okay despite the appendages. They look like heavily mutated floating humanoids.

Duke Nukem 64 was also an amazing port from PC to N64.
>fun maps
>can save the babes
>multiplayer never got old

i disagree with shit enemy design, agree with other point

i guess youd have to have something personal against that art style cause i think it all looks awesome

>I really really like parroting popular contrarian Sup Forums opinion despite having no grounds on which to think this way regarding the subject aside from validation and pack mentality retardation

>Doom 64 is the *real* Doom 3 imho
Modern id Software seems to agree with you, if the Doom 4 lore can be read that way.

Is there actually any way to play the Doom RPG?

It's a port of Jaguar doom not 3DO Doom. It's performance is fine.

You are being sent to gulag

D44m borrows a lot of visual elements from 3. Which is a good thing, IMO.

Oчeнь cмeшнo, пpям oбхoхoчeшьcя.

>no massive hordes of enemies
I don't get why people say this. There are several levels that feature... well, massive hordes.


>It's performance is fine.
I literally played it through last year. The performance is far from "fine", even for a GBA game.

If you want to have an acceptable portable Doom game, look no further than Doom 2 on GBA. Some shitty censorship issues still, but it was built from ground-up to run on the system, and has way less cuts.

Yes, Daam, as in "Damn". It's probably stupid, but I like it more than nuDoom.

Now that's just not true, especially the last level.
The thing about Doom 64 is that the level design stays solid the whole game through unlike Doom on the PC where you start getting platforms and pits in every damn later level, Doom 2 is terrible on this.

You gotta understand, it's a "3D" game on the GBA. Doom 2 uses a weird engine that doesn't feel right and the controls are fucked. Doom 2 sucks anyways.

>still believing the summerfag meme
>even after moot himself disproved it

N64 was a lot more powerful than your 486 shitter PC that Doom was designed for

>Best sound
>Best atmosphere
>best graphics
>Best enemies

That's not Brutal Doom
never ever on consoles btw

>Tom and Jerry go to Hell

with the shitty 64 controller sure, plays fine on pc tho

>massive hordes

The vanilla Dooms barely took advantage of that many enemies outside of rare cases like Suburbs or Refueling Base.

Ultimate Doom is objectively the best, perfect example of consistently good level design and the first two chapters are an excellent introduction from the greatness that lies in Inferno and Thy Flesh Consumed, Romero was a crazy genius.

Fuck Thy Flesh Consumed and 4-6. That level was the worst.

I could never even get past level 1 of TFC

pc is shit

>Forced constant traversal of damage floors with the player having to figure out how the teleporter works and limited radsuits.

E4M6 is not good level design.


>Doom 1 gets boring as fuck because the monsters are boring and fighting barons or even cacos with a regular shotgun is such a chore.

Horrible bait, Doom is always a great game to replay, good level design and fast paced action will never feel like a chore unless you are a total pleb, you should go play serious sam or strafe.

Serious Sam is great. Enjoy running through the same maze with the same four enemy types over and over again, though.

SS is objectively shit

Doom > 64 > D44M > 2 > Final > 3

>I need to take my time even though the level gives you over 20 minutes worth of hazard resistance scattered through the level.

>t.low t plebs who can't appreciate vertical greatness and rather have 1000 plane maps of kiling the same monsters

Mastering how to play maps like these is an art and a game on itself, doom was great for many reason other than being a classic.

I found myself liking the N64 version of Quake II better than the PC one as well.
>Completely different levels
>No Rhyme or Reason, just killing dudes and getting to the end of the levels
>No generic butt-rock, ominous ambiance sounds.
One bad thing about the N64 version was the final level was AIDS.
>4 enemies
>Go up evelvator
>Smash-cut to credits

SS is objectively great when it does that thing with varied surrounding spawns that force you to come up with a precise strategy and prioritize targets.