ITT: Times video games got you in trouble irl

>be me innocent 6 year old
>dad loved fps games
>lets me play them because I did really well at school
>played Wolfenstein 3D and Doom a lot because I loved the violence
>loved the music in the games a lot but one specific song that stood out was the title theme for Wolfenstein 3D
>used to hum that song all the time
>fast forward 4 years in elementary school
>still had the song stuck in my head
>had this math exam I took in private because I was sick the day of the exam
>only me and teacher in the room
>the test was boring and monotonous so I started humming the Wolfenstein 3D title theme
>teacher was visibly shocked and took me to the principal's office
>teacher told the principal I was humming some Nazi song
>had literally no idea the Wolfenstein 3D title theme was Horst Wessel Lied, Nazi Germany's national anthem
>mfw both the teacher and the principal were Jews

Other urls found in this thread:

am i the only one who immediately ignores a post if a pepe is attached?

its weird're conditioned to understand it's shit and it's always going to be shit

Me too senpai. There used to be a time when I actively looked out feels posts, but now that sadfrog has been corrupted into this dogshit, I really can't be arsed to give a fuck.

check this 2

>1945 game
>Die Fahne Hoch starts playing


>Horst Wessel Lied, Nazi Germany's national anthem
thats wrong, it was more of an unofficial anthem of the nazi party

Weirdly enough I got in trouble because of Wolfenstein3D.

>My younger brother somehow finds out about the LIM cheat code.
>Tells me about it.
>I tell this other kid I knew.
>My brother starts crying and screaming to my parents that I told this kid his "secret"
>Parents don't understand computers, think that it was an actual personal secret not a cheat code.
>Try to explain it was a cheat code.
>Think I'm trying to cheat at school or something.
>Grounded for a month, not allowed to use the computer for a month.
>Lasts for a week because my dad breaks it somehow and I have to fix it.

My parents still don't understand computers literally two decades later.

>redditnigger posting reddit memes
>calling anyone reddit

>immediately ignores

Pepe is as reddit as it comes

>Pepe is as reddit as it comes
The frog has been used on this site for a decade, you fucking retarded transcancernigger retard please hang yourself faggot

tfw parents would be upset when i would play spiderman 2 on pc because I would always ask for help

like one time i got my mom to call my dad at his work because i didn't know how advance to the next level when you have to chase this car early in the game

how about this one, this still ok on Sup
it was made and used here

I'm sure that happened, OP.
Why is every post made by a frogposter always terrible?



The old ones are comedy gold still
The reddit cancer is cancer


This meme is cool for Sup Forums
It's new cause I made it myself


No, don't do it user.

Nice thread sAdamska :^) You're Fav struggle
For real nice greentext tho

Please user don't do it.

You my friend are very good at baiting, gg wp

user please it's not necessary

These are unrionically cool again, fucking 2014 fags act like contrarian children trying to show how cool and free thinking they are by shitting on everything while they're the biggest sheep in the bunch

How new are you? Once it's sloppy secound you produce OC you ignorant little shit, you don't stick around with it. Case in point

I got in trouble in second grade for telling a kid to grab a step stool and jump up my butt.
Probably the most bizzare thing I've got in trouble for.

>be like 8 or 9 or some shit
>autistic for Smash64
>parents separated, spending week at dad's house
>trying to unlock Ness all night before I go back to mom's house
>"hey, user, quit playing that game and come eat dinner"
>can't quit. master hand will be beaten today
>tell dad i'm not hungry
>he lets it go and we just hang out until it's time for me to leave
>go home and parents are chatting while I go inside
>realize I'm hungry as fuck and go find some Cup O Noodles to eat
>mom asks why I'm eating when I just back from dad's house
>I'm dumb as shit and tell her he didn't feed me
>they argue into the night about why he's not feeding his kids
>she calls social services on him the next day
>every meeting from then on had to be arranged through a third party I'd go to some building to get dropped off and the third party releases me to the other guardian so our parents never have to meet
I didn't realize I fucked up my dad's life until I was late in my teens. I was such a problem child.

I was playing pirated Leasure Suite Larry, the 3d one with crappy minigames, and my mum walked in during a loading screen.

what's wp mean

all the stories I have involve me narrowly avoiding getting in trouble for jerking off in weird ways as a kid

Washington pizza

My father was a fucking idiot and would beat me every time he found I played arcade machines.

You're not the only one.

nah they fucked it themselves you were a kid acting like one


>parents separated

Your dads life was already fucked up

>"ignoring a post"
>makes the first post in his thread

So this is the power of doublethink

Now Tayne's a guy I can really get behind

Don't stick your dick where you wouldn't stick your mouth

that's kinda depressing, at least you can make the record straight now and tell them both about it.

My parents were able to reconcile their shit in the end, but by the time I remembered this shit he had died to some lung-hardening disease.

some sandnigger tried to steal my gameboy but only got away with Pokemon Yellow

fucking pika pika

thanks sonic

Jeus christ user...

no food for a few hours is child abuse now wtf

some people will use any ammo they can

I really hope I can find you and fucking torture you in the slowest and painfullest ways only imaginable from Sup Forums itself you fucking asshole before removing your arms and legs through revenge surgery and throw you in the storm shelter full of ants with your intestines twisted into s knot from inside and your bladder sealed shut and your stomach full of stones and cement up your ass and soup down your urethra...

No prob dude!
If you haven't tasted your own semen you're either gay or lying
That's all the advice I got for now!

The guy liked Smash64, no need to jump down his throat about it you Dreamcast cunt.



I'm not handing out (you)s so easily


Your mother is a legit cunt.

>freshman year of high
>guy brings his flash drive into school
>has cs 1.6, dolphin emulator with melee and halo 1
>ask him if he can drop the install file on my computer
>he agrees and we turn the classroom into a LAN party
>week later
>keep giving people the halo install
>more and more students are getting in trouble for playing halo in class
>now every computer seems to have halo on it
>wait, every computer DOES have halo
>someone installed halo in a hidden file in one of the drives that is shared by all computers in the school
>literally everyone is playing halo
>severs are filled to the brim
>names like "MrJohnSux" , "NIGGER", "Dave", "didn'tDoMyCoachsProject"
>the administration team finds out about the hidden file
>after Its deletion, students keep getting called to the office
>one of them was the guy with the flash drive
>I never got in trouble, but I felt like this was all my fault
>sit back and think about what I've done
>reinstall halo to the secret folder a week later

They're really not.

They sell rageface t-shirts at the tourist shop near my house.

My 60 year old mom bought me one a year ago because she "thought it looked funny".


No he's the legit cunt. Attacking the women for defending her child. Autism 101

>Last year of middle school
>Was really into TFC with a group of my friends
>Always played medic
>Randomly went up to people at recess and autistically pretended to heal them with medkits, including making the "budup-tsss!" sound that med stations made in half life games
>Called to principals office
>"user, you need to stop bothering people and making weird noises at them"
>I was just trying to heal them...


were you taller than him? what's it have to do with videogames?

kek, I was in after school math tutoring thing with all my friends, instead of doing work I was on my laptop playing Halo 1 campaign and my fucking math teacher comes out screaming to me embarrassing me in font of 40+ people and takes away my laptop

He found out because all our laptops had a monitoring software, it connected to the modem in the local area of the school and would show a live feed of the students desktop. Fuck my life

Not game related but I remember in recess in my elementary school years there was this odd day that somehow all the kids in the playground or just from some group I didn't know had whistles and they where blowing it nonstop everywhere and it was super annoying but what got to me the most was when some random kid ran up and blew the whistle into my ears really loud...

it fucking hurt and I sucker ounched him in the throat which surprisingly didn't choke him but made him almost swallow the whistle and the teachers where annoyed about me being bothered by whistles but fuck them and fuck anyone with whistles I have an undying hate for anyone with a fucking whistle fuck you...

Yes, very tall for my age.
Nothing really.
We were in the computer area so I was probably playing something.

why are you lying, you're 14

>be goodboy 7th grader in catholic school
>spend all my freetime playing diablo 2
>get strat guide so I can read all that shit about uniques/sets
>reading strat guide on bus
>forgot strat guide on bus
>bus driver gives guide to the principal
>principal calls me to office
>dontallowsatanicinfluenceinyourlife.mp3 starts playing
>parents had to claim guide before she gave it back

based Larry, he must hate being a jew

could you please leave my video game board?

I didn't have a whistle, and it wasn't loud.

Going to school in whistletown sounds pretty damn annoying though

your story made me laugh

That sounds awful.

Do you ever wish you could go back in time with your adult mind/personality just to talk shit?

oh wow, hitler is SOOO COOOL!!!!
lets all clap hands for the holocaust!!!! SO COOL!!! BEST THING EVAR!!11!!1one!!!!!

fucking faggot go kill yourself you antisemitic piece of literal shit

who are you quoting and why are you so mad?

>Horst Wessel Lied
>not Badenweiler Marsch
Your teacher probably was shocked by your shit taste

I remember being frustrated because she was just flexing authority
I specifically told her it was a game about killing the devil, not aiding him
idk what I'd say given another chance

>Was given PC, but with password protected internet access and only "educational" games to play, didn't really care about it, I sticked with my PS1 and PS2.
>Stopped working for some reason, but since I didn't really use it, I didn't care and didn't tell anyone.
>Dad wanted to do something that didn't work on his PC, so he wanted to use mine
>He found out that my PC was broken
>user, why your PC isn't working, and why didn't you tell me
>He gets super pissed, and thinks I discovered the password and was downloading virus infected shit
>To punish me, instead of taking the consoles, he only takes my PS2 Memory Card
>I can still play as much as I want, but no saving
>I eventually find out where the card was being hidden and take it back.
>To this day I wonder what he meant with this


Isn't that contradictory?

Brainlet detected


>he doesn't think hitler is cool
I bet you were bullied at school lmao

peanut brain tier:
>hitler was bad guy!
healthy human bean tier:
>everyone is the good guy in their own eyes
ascended being tier:
>hitler was good guy!


You mean:

peanut brain tier:
>hitler was good guy!
healthy human bean tier:
>everyone is the good guy in their own eyes
ascended being tier:
>hitler was bad guy!

Mines not as horrible but:
>Stupid 2nd grader
>Playing old Muppet game for PSX
>One of the tips that "okay" Muppet say is "avoid the currents in the water, okay"
>There are spike balls with eyes that the currents in the river lead you into
>Thought he mean the spike balls were the "currents"
>In class like the next day
>Not paying attention because it was monotonous though normally I was a great student
>Teacher asks what "currents" are
>Felt so cool because vidya was teaching me about life
>Hand soars straight up
>Get called on (I actually answered a lot of questions, I was that kid)
>"They're these spikey balls in the water"
>Teacher has the most surprised look of confusion i have ever seen a human face make
>"'re *proceeds to explain*"

Dumb video games

no thats not what I meant, delete your post immediately

you're fucking retarded holy shit

I was at a church convention in Georgia last year, bored out of my skull, when I decided to turn on Twitch at a whim. As it so happened, the last round of EVO 2016 was on, with Jigglypuff back-kicking Fox out of the arena so hard, he was unable to recover. I got caught up in the moment and did a fist-bump.

Thankfully, my church denomination was Pentecostal, so I was able to play it off as cheering and shouting for the sermon. Still very embarrassing.


jew here. this is a false flag. i can tell because we have an innate sense for duplicity.

Fifteen year olds leave.



I wish there was an algorithm I could install in Sup Forums x that immediately recognizes it and hides the thread for me

>people are now unironically getting triggered by a green frog

>3rd grade
>everyone was playing this Dino hunting game on the computer
>Im really really bad at it
>Go home and print out cheat codes
>Friend sees me do them and asks how
>He tells other friends
>Suddenly the whole class (13 kids) knows
>I get in trouble by teacher for bringing cheat codes to class and Im asked not to bring them back
>I didnt

I was a good kid. Only other times I ever got in trouble was
>a fight with a bully that two teachers actually told me a I did a good job for. A parent actually thanked my dad because the bully stopped fucking with other kids
>Me and my best friend kept fucking with eachothers lunch trays and we got a detention for "playing with our food"
>Freshmen year of high me and my buddy got to class early and flipped half the chairs upside down to confuse a really old teacher. We just had to help clean up after a football game as a "punishment"

I was a good boy, I dindu much

I feel like this is every high school
I graduated two years ago and this was happening at my school too

You should ask him

this sounds like some fantasy greentext written by Sup Forums for Sup Forums

Also, don't phonepost next time