100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice

Suguri is cute! CUTE!

nice general

Suguri drinking tea

Whens the star breaker buff. As she is you can only play her to fuck with other people and MAYBE get second place


Ah hah, it's not a general because we talk about things that aren't 100% orange juice sometimes.

get good frendo


>complains about a few OJ threads when New Vegas is eternal

Just git gud, I win tons of times with Starbreaker.

fuck off

pots oj lewds

fuck off

>want to play
>but it's storming and power has already went out like 3 times already in the past hour


I had that yesterday as well, not fun.


Wins only Norma makes the game 5x harder for her and you will only win if you're playing against complete idiots.

Anyone smart enough will avoid you unless you're low HP or they have a battle card to fuck you over.

Then someone gets 4 stars and the boss appears. No one will fight the boss Unless it's 1 or 2 HP so you have to fight it on your own. Unless uou have godlike RNG with rolls and card pulls, you will die ar least 2 times in the process of trying to kill the boss. Once you get the boss to low HP, someone will cuck you and kill it for themselves...taking a shit load of stars and kills away from you. Then they win.

Star breaker is ass. Fuck your git gud

Stop playing against actual real-life retards.

Let's not even talk about the fact you aren't gauranteed kills against normal enemies. Whereas for literally ever other character, they are gauranteed stars at the end of every turn. They get stars from bonus panels. They get stars from kills. So many different ways for everyone else to win. So little ways for SB to win.

not them but i win a lot using her in Sup Forums rooms through sheer luck

I only ever pick wins normas as +2 ATK characters and win 80% of games, you are probably the actual real-life retard here lmao

>lying on the internet

>What is Piyo-piyo parade
>What is Gentleman's battle
>What is Invasion
>What is Assault
Git Gud


Yeah. Wins only fucks her. Makes me laff every time someone calls her P2W Yuki.

Her sole existence is to just fuck with other people but still lose in the process.

>relying on pulling your own cards to win.

This is where she fails.

as promised from the previous thread, here it is. r8 pls

fact: Sora and Alte are the best.


Kek. Nice

>this is your average aru poster who got bullied by a Star breaker
psst, hey
Magma Worms

So are we playing OJ or Risky Rain tonight?

Why not neither?

Because some of us still like video games

We are actually playing TF2

Eat my chocolate, sham!

>playing the tf jew

>not playing the tf jew

Let's play EYE.

Official Saki Fanclub

>100% orange juice

Is this the new Evangelion gave?


Why does Suguri have a big oversized zipper?

Get out of here stalker.
I said come in, don't stand there.

Why don't you?

To hold back her massive doujin futa dick

Neither were tickling each others scrotes tonight

Pure autism

Thanks for your input, would you like fries with that?

why not both? this is an older one i did on a notebook before

She doesn't have one

Neither unless Mariel is allowed to play :^)

What games you play, faggot?

I could invite him, I have him on my friends list. :^)

Fuck off Mariel

Post your card idea and rate other's.

Trap License

>Type: Trap
>Level: 3
>Cost: 0
>Effect: Scatter all trap cards in the hand of the player who stepped on "Trap License" to the field. These trap cards will now act as if the player who played "Trap License" drop them.

>Cost: 0

isnt that from the previous thread?


Drawing one right now

it's a trap card

Sauce pls

Yeah, that was me.

same drawfag again, are there anything to fix or is it perfect now?

Read Loomis

Loomis isn't a 100% solution to everything but the Sup Forums drawthread has a bunch of books on a MEGA link that could help, shitloads of books.


wow it's how literally every single poppo game ends

FUCK poppo

Needs 1


Zulu host lets go

You remember when MarielX just outright DDOS'd people who posted their servers?
At least try and put it in a picture first.

ok thanks

you mean this?


Also stop summoning me.

Зaкoпaeм вac, cyчьё! May~

>Not saving Jonathan Rush for this exact situation

Her arms, legs, and head shape looks kinda strange. Nice job on the hair though. Keep up the practice and it'll look great eventually.

I would recommend doing your own style instead of basing it so closely off of that one picture of her. Also try drawing things in a 3D space as opposed to facing right at you, it'll let you make some really interesting things once you get it down.

I tried something a bit different so it's pretty shit,but tell me what you think anyways

Wait I'm retarded

>opponent starts talking about their shitty personal life, making turns take forever
I just want to play video games.

That butt is top tier.


Make skin lighter, clean the lines, ribcage seems nonexistent, shoulders too high. I'm still going to fap to this.

>fact: Sora and Alte are the best.
I already drew Sora, so here's Alte!!!!
pls r8

It's really nice, but like with the sora pic, the head feels a bit too... circular? Not sure how to explain it, the cheek should be a bit accentuated and then curve backwards

>one of the other players asks if anyone wants to see his penis
>someone says yes
>it gets to the second guy's turn
>he waits until the very end of his turn and then says "DAMN NICE DONG DUDE"
>they flirt for the rest of the game
fucking awful

She's shaped like a pear, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn't fit Saki much imo

>join pub game
>two players are furfags
>third player is openly gay
>leave game

I actually have no idea how to draw the animu face bulge thing, but seeing your red line just made it a lot more clear to me. Thanks dude.

Thanks guys, I'll keep that in mind next time I draw saki
Alright, thanks for the critique

It's usually meant to be a bit more subtle though, I just like exagerrating it to add cartoonyness


Yeah, Saki is mostly average with a variable breast size.

Who is best and why is it Sumika?

Locked Out

Type: Event
Level: 3
Cost: 30
Effect: Freeze all home panels for 2 chapters.

You and I are comrades now.

I'm the original Sumikafag. That was a commission I made. Also the pic of Sumika in a flower field was another one of my commissions.

Her game is fun too but I confess, I don't remember if I've ever 100% it.

Funfact: Krila is best female character.

You spelled Tomato wrong, though.

That's nice post more

Why do you feel the need to type all of that?