Cube World

What do you think of Wollay?
Do you think this game can come back from its grave?
Do you still play occasionally, user?

ded game

just let it be.

when it came out I was over 20 and into minecraft and saw it for the scam it was from a mile away

So why don't you play it, user?

Why do you think it's a scam?

the dev is one lazy pos.

they give you a lamp day 1
they have stupid npcs and quests - bad sign in a supposed sandbox game
very much combat oriented - bad sign again
cubes are not of consistent size, it's just using blocky graphic as a visual gimmick


I might get interested again if it got regular updates and actual content.

>shilling THIS hard
fuckers like you should be permabanned on sight

The game is a work-in-progress, so yes they will give you things at the start to help you start out. But if you are lvl 1, you can't just go out and complete a dungeon that easily.
I'm just trying to get some anons to play with me. Is it frowned upon to try and communicate with other people?

>The game is a work-in-progress,
it's not about that

it has some flawed ideas to start with, no matter if they are completed or in progress

that's why you can't tell a scam and I can

Alrighty then, I guess my opinion in void because my opinion doesn't matter. That's why you are a god and I am just a mere pleb. sad faces

glad to be of help.

updates never ever

How about we continue talking about this game once the dev posts an update?

Why do you kids pull games straight out of your asses and ask why nobody is playing it?

Because I had the cash not to have to sort through Minecraft clones for entertainment

He literally posted an update 5 days ago


what is this
is this like
some minecraft for weebs XDDDD ROTFLMAO

I mean an update to the game. What's the point about talking about something that you can't play?

Eh that's true. At least we know he's fucking alive now unlike when he went awol.

To imagine. Are we in an age where we can express our imagination anymore?

everything that went wrong with the game
>released way too early
>got taken down from the store
>slow as fuck updates
>new content never ever
at this point nobody cares anymore

All 4 things are true, but saying people don't care anymore... Is not factual. Just look at his twitter. People care, even the people that only spread hate.


He deserves all the hate he gets. He says nothing for years about it and then randomly updates his twitter with an update nobody can even try. I pirated the game and got bored within an hour, I don't even see why people care anyways.

What does that mean???

The game was worth the price. Paid 20$, shared it with my other friends and we played together for a while. Good if he is updating it. You never know ehat can happen in real life for him to stop working (although he may just be a lazy fuck that only works on his game when he needs money)

>Giving hate to people is a good way to get a game out faster
>I got bored with the game within an hour so other people shouldn't play it

Thank you for listing the positive sides of the game. Do you have any grievances that you wish Wollay would solve in the next update?


I wish he would sell this game again. The updates look really cool, but I didnt get a copy in 2012.

adding more classes, teleporting or some kind of fast travel between towns and areas, better ways to upgrade weapons
lets not forget that the game becomes way too easy once you reach +20lvl

Giving in to his fan's whiny asses and letting people try the game early was a legendary fuck up.
Now he gets to listen to everyone bitch and moan instead of being able to develop in peace once everyone gave up waiting on him.

It's been 5 years and not a single update, fuck him.

this and nice screenshot
also this
And there is a network called CW@ZNW that runs a bunch of servers that are for specific lvls. Just look up zircon cubeworld and you'll find it.

You are what's wrong with this world.

I'd be pissed if I spent money on something and never received it. You're the kind of faggot who'd go to dinner and then be pleased when your meal never comes.

Anyway, let's post screenshots.

to be fair, now that people have been whining and waiting he won't just fucking abandon the work out of laziness, he even took down the shop to buy it until he actually finishes it.
he might take a ridiculous long time with it (solo dev + 3d game = sasuga), but clearly he is still working on it to this day and hasn't given up.
i don't have the same hype for it as before but there's still some hope that it'll end up a decent game, considering the continued progress made

In actuality you received the salad and bread, but not the main course

perfectionism with a one man dev team coupled with great ambition just screams never ever.

He'd be better off doing what Terraria did, release a pretty complete experience, but add a large update later containing stuff they wanted the base game to have originally

Your opinion is void cause the first sentence in this post is redundant. Which tells us you are fucking retarded.

except cubeworld still isn't even remotely close to a pretty complete experience

You have zero knowledge of that considering 4 years have passed since the alpha release.

Make a better game faggots. Go on, I'll wait. Go one man army something into existence. The guy probably did it for fun and made a few bucks in the process. I've got nothing against him. I enjoyed it for what it was.

You don't understand the situation this game is in.
It has nothing to do with people wanting him to finish the game at this point.
People want to give him money to play the game even if it's unfinished.

The problem stems from wol_lay not wanting to do small updates while selling the option for early adoption like he did 4 years ago.

It's troubling because while early access is somewhat flawed, it worked spectacularly for Minecraft.

No my friend, you are the one with 0 knowledge.
The developer has shown alot of things on his twitter these last few years, which he will add to cubeworld.

>played and leveled so much that everything is piss easy
>no reason to start over

It had so much promise, but it's also one of the reasons I don't touch early access games anymore.

>Be a perfectionist
>Decide to make game
>As a perfectionist you'll never be happy with what you made.
>You never had an end goal in mind, as is natural for a perfectionist.
>Just want to chase the invisible ideal of perfect. Not have a result in mind.
>Have the bright idea to sell your unfinished crap
>Too much of a perfectionist to let people keep accessing your game
>Lock people who paid out from getting a product and cause people who can't see anything of it to lose interest
>Years past
>It'll totally come out guys believe me and my lack of proof of responsibility!

Cube World in a nutshell.

>not an argument
Twitter shows the opposite of your shitposting

This right fucking here

Shill your shitty, unfinished scam somewhere else.

bought the game years ago
I'm just wait for another update quietly
unlike some idiots

its too late now. i was interested when it first came out, but 0 developement for however many years killed all interest
trove also came out. its everything cubeworld promised to be. i played it for 30 hours and had my fun

Take note at this, fuckboyThis is why you're getting blown the fuck out at every turn and why your thread is shit.

I still laugh at all the people who paid for this.


>Lock people who paid out from getting a product


Shut the fuck up you stupid brown cunt. Go eat some steak with ketchup, you sad worthless fat sack of shit. You probably stink up that small pathetic house of yours something fierce. Still live with your parents?

He worded that poorly.
You can still access accounts and download the game.

They are definitely barred from getting updates past the build from four years ago.
That's what he meant.

>he doesnt filter tripfags

I somehow think Cube World will come out.. eventually. Though the series of events, as it currently stands, means people can be rightfully skeptical about it. A permanent open beta state would have been less damaging to this game's reputation.

I don't see how that's something to whine about. If you buy an alpha version of a game and whine about not getting regular updates you are literally the cancer killing gaming right now.

At worst it was a poor PR move by the developer. But the game itself never had any issues, and the gaming community contains the dumbest consumers in the world, so I'm sure he'll do fine once he starts selling the game again.

>pay to access a game early in good faith that the developer will use the interest in his product to continue supporting it
>developer doesn't ever add any updates, but constantly post about things he's working on
>be upset that you aren't getting anything after all this time
>"you are the cancer killing gaming"
Kill yourself dude.

Devs are the ones that break promises and make eternal betas. Not players. Stop trying to shift blame to the consumer for shitty developer habits.

What a weird opinion that is.
He's damn near the one and only developer to not update during early access.

Sincerely hope you don't support the selling of alpha games as finished products.

Hahaha, cry all you want, but you will never erase that humillation of falling for such obvious scam.

I wonder if he'll be like the Grimoire guy and in 19 years from now, in the 23rd year of development, it'll be released.

He's not EA though. He's literally the only developer who's done the correct thing of realizing he's nowhere done and stopped taking people's money while he continued development.

The only thing he could've done better once he realized his mistake was to setup automatic refunds for everyone who wanted one.

The flaw of perfectionism is that perfect cannot be defined. If it can be defined, it can be critiqued and questioned. Thus it is not perfect. For a video game, this means development never ends cause there's always something that can be changed, improved, or entirely revised from the ground up. A wise developer will release it simply as a permanent work in progress. Which I think is fine so long as they are honest about their aims.

Cube World took the wrong path. No one may see it 'till it's done'. By the words of a perfectionist. It will come out only when the developer is left with no other choice and has to release the game as is.

EA is still made up of individuals. Individuals all leading up to a decision. He's also an individual making a similar choice. That he is one person, rather than many, does not change what he's done.

>He's not early access though
He was, the moment he said the game was paid alpha and updates were still coming. If he was done with the game he should have said that and stopped teasing possible updates.

> EA
> Early access

released too early, got his money and got too lazy to update

> If he was done with the game he should have said that and stopped teasing possible updates.

Literally what happened

Updates will probably come in like five years
It'll be tight, watch. It'll also get a shit ton of publicity. It's the perfect plan.

Shit, I'm tired. Then I'll revise my statement.

He still sold it as early access once upon a time. Which even defenders of the game will admit was the biggest mistake he ever could have made. Worse, people who bought it can't get updates till a nebulous "when it's finished". It's worse than usual Early Access. Far worse.

>pay to access a game early in good faith that the developer will use the interest in his product to continue supporting it

stop this then maybe? you're buying a product, not donating money to some friendly indie dev

Your shitposting is high on word count.
Work on that shit, user.

No one will give a shit in five years. This game would have been relevant released years ago already. It doesn't have five years.

I dunno. It was ridiculously popular for a couple of months. If he plays his cards right he can bank off of nostalgia, like Samurai Jack did.

Bought the game, agree that selling the alpha was his worst mistake, but not because I feel cheated on my money, rather because I sympathize with the guy. He probably didn't expect the exposure and community that grew up around it and got cold feet and bailed, and now everyone's throwing shit at him. I'm glad he's still working on the game though.

>remember that game that got released early, never got updates, and then got took off the market
It's out now, guys!
That man is 4d chess-tier business man

I'm not saying it'll make bank, but it'll get decent buzz. It would be better off with that than just releasing it right now.

Maybe he predicted the indie crash.

you cant buy the game even if you wanted

No it's not. He sold a alpha game and said more updates were coming, still teases updates to this day.

>you're buying a product, not donating money to some friendly indie dev
Incorrect, you're supporting his game and showing interest when he sold the game as an alpha build. The same mentality that goes behind all other EA games is that in doing so, you're getting more content/a finished game. And I have stopped supporting any EA games because of this situation.

>five years
Even in 5 months he'd already proven to be untrustworthy.