Why can't videogames do hunger mechanism right?

why can't videogames do hunger mechanism right?

is there a single game with a good hunger mechanism?

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>the joke is that its horse semen
Also, nice trips.


that game died the day they put hunger in it

it's quads, fuccboi

That is a HUGE penis


I have lost count how many times I have fapped to that pic

Imagine if it were a black horse.

How can human bois even compete

No it didn't

how can white horsis even compete

keep sucking jeb's cock, kid

haha I love minecraft

Don't bring my boy Jeb! into this.

Whoa, this great comment /thread, hahaa

weeew minecraft wooow fpbp, haha

Awesome post, haaaaahaa

Are you alright, user?

i luv this comment haha

Why don't more games put it horse genitals?

A mare pussy/donut.

I know MGSV has a horsecock sheath, but imagine running back to D-Horse and you see that long, 16 inch horse cock out, droopy and swaying under its physical movements.

Makes me hard just thinking about it.

you sound underage
you shouldn't be here

Why wouldn't I be alright?

Kody get off Sup Forums

is she drinking the horse sperm?

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
in that it adds to the feel of the zone but it isn't a hindrance.

there is also this mod for Minecraft that is called TerrafirmaCraft and it adds nutrition and the entire food pyramid too it and it's decent but it really becomes the focus of the entire game.

>Unreal World
because survival is the core of the game and it is unforgiving as a motherfucker and when you do catch that ten pound fish you really feel like praising Tengri or whatever Moomin Deity inhabits the lake that gave it to you

Because having to stop and eat in games in irritating.



I miss cannibal cupcake

Didn't even notice it until reading your comment.

As for hunger in games, Arx Fatalis did it good. You could even bake apple pies after slaying subterranean humanoids.

>yfw you realize that she isn't drinking milk

What happened to her?
Her last video was like mid 2016 right?

That's not hunger, that's thirst.

She got pregnant so probably just raising her puppies.

let's be real guys

if you were a girl you would at least TRY some horse semen

human semen is not that bad

so did she "extract" that from him? I hope it wasn't recorded haha

>human semen is not that bad
How would you know, faggot?

>someone tweeted my waifu to Trump

>How would you know, faggot?
I have a semen producing device right between my legs

How new are you?

kill yourself autistic tranny

>autistic tranny

I'm a 100% male and proud

I saw that post when it happened, I just like to point it out

it would be locked in the stable

Is this you?

It would be a hyper aggressive piece of shit that attacks anything in sight.


I know haha, wouldn't be weird if someone posted the link?

bash the fasc

>why can't videogames do hunger mechanism right?

Hunger mechanic a shit.

Horsecock quads

where's the other hand?

Modded Corruption of Champions does this, and for exactly the reasons that would imply. But I wouldn't recommend it simply because it's retardedly broken compared to the unmodded original even if you do turn on the survival mechanics.


I'd rather try horse DICK desu

It tastes like eggyolk more or less, it's honestly pretty good on ice cream.

This is my fetish, I often fantasize about being an innocent girl playing around with a horse or dog.


well atleast Ethan lost weight