Harder platforming

>Harder platforming
>Easier time Gem collecting and 100%ing

Is it a fair trade-off?

Game is not that hard, 99 lives is easy to get.

All these casuals complaining about difficulty need to git gud


The last decade or so of games have been so ridiculously easy and pandering that anything even slightly resembling an old-school level of difficulty melts the minds of people today.

>99 lives is easy to get.
It's just as easy to lose them

I hope this comes out on PC. I don't really want to need an entire system just for two games.

id say gem collecting is actually harder now, since they made bonus stages count towards the box count.

you can try the bonus stages as many times as you want though

I started Crash 1 yesterday and have finished the first island. I have to say that I find the controls kind of imprecise; it drives me crazy falling to my death because I was just a few pixels short of the ledge. Also the last level of the first island was pretty fucking hard. I forgot how difficult 90s platformers were. Overall I'm having a great time, though.


Then jump later. The pill hitbox helps as much as it hurts.

I've been replaying Crash 1-3 once a year since I played them as a kid, and I've found N. Sane harder overall. I used to be able to ace Slippery Climb in a couple of tries, but it took me the better part of a night in the remake. Don't even get me started on The High Road.

I like those split seconds where you see Crash with a reasonably normal facial expression.

>harder platforming

You mean worse platforming. Once you get it down that you have to jump hours later than when you should and that enemies have wider hitboxes than their model it's easy shit. If you think any of this "harder platforming" shit was intentional, it's not, and shows itself obviously as failure.

Pill hitbox.

Dunno why the hitbox isn't pill shaped at the top and flat at the bottom.

>Don't even get me started on The High Road.
the rope bridge levels, both of them, are ptsd inducing in N Sane, thanks to Crash's pill shaped hitbox and the changed rules on how bounce momentum works

Road to Nowhere was okay because it didn't rely on turtle bounces anywhere near as much as High Road. The pill shaped hitbox hasn't been a problem in the entire rest of the game, but it becomes a glaring flaw the second you need to bounce on a turtle.

Yeah why the fuck isn't it shaped like a cylinder at the bottom, makes no sense

ctr remake with online play when?

maybe it's a thing with the engine? isnt it unity?

I'd like to see another remake collection with all three racing games (and maybe Bash). Doubt they'll include online play, though.

Road to Nowhere isnt hard up until the final stretch.
>jump on rope
>half a pixel off
>le died xDDD
shit remake

No way that's Unity.

You fell of the rope at random in the original too, and more inexplicably.

at least you can still cheese it with the rope. (though the rope also suffers from crash's pillbox issues)

A quick google search tells me that some redditor said that pill hitboxes are the default for unity "and some other game engines". N Sane definitely isn't unity.

>Believing a square hitbox will save you from being bad

>le died xDDD
More like shit poster

>xd posting
fucking stop

Also if you're getting stuck on road to nowhere you're a fucking casual and high road will kick your shit in

No, he means harder platforming.

Seconding everything in this post. Currently stuck on High Road because i keep sliding off of turtles sides and if i don't try to get the most out of the space the turtle gives, the jump is going to be those few pixels off, causing me to slide down. Overall positive experience tho

dont jump on the rope then faggot

This, it baffles me people still haven't figured this out.

No, he means worse platforming

It feels unnatural as fuck.

It's worse though. Crash simply controls less tightly. Even the GBA games have more accurate controls than this remake, and they haven't changed the level design to match the new controls or physics so it's just bad design.

Still doesn't help for the bridge levels. Those are hard to time either way.

Even the developers admitted they designed the game horribly and improved it a ton with the sequels.

Stop trying to justify bad game design with "git gud lel"

Seeing lot of mixed reviews of these games. People either 102% it or get stuck on "Native wall" what's up with that?

Please, Tropical Freeze is harder than any Crash game by a long shot.

It's not about hitbox it's about momentum

Crash 1 physics was different than 2 and 3 and the levels were made with this in mind

N Sane put later physics on Crash 1 levels so it's broken

It's my first time playing them and I'm not even gonna bother finishing them. I got to Castle machinery before giving up on the first one. The ice physics in 2 are garbage and those goddamn jetski missions in 3.
I'm just not having fun. Some levels are alright and challenging, then you it stuff like native fortress and slippery climb. Sliding off a corner when landing is also pretty frustrating.

Kek, you'll inevitably pick it up again.

I literally just downloaded and 100%ed the original game on an emulator last week and it really isn't that hard at all.
I don't get the outdated meme.

No, he means better.
>less tight
>than Crash 1
Go fuck your mother. Crash 1 controls are straight shit. The remake is better in that regard. Don't blame the remake for your inability to adjust to changes.

Why souldn't I just buy the 3 games off psn for $15 and play those instead though?

How are the Crash 1 controls shit? He controls extremely accurately and if you fuck up it's your own fault not the game.

>trying to get plat on any fucking boulder level in Crash 2

Are you using the Dash?

>those hitboxes on the fire spouts/trampolines
Holy fuck

And reviewers shat on it for it just like Crash

Slide-spin? Into oblivion?

It's stiff as hell, the spin maintains momentum even with nothing pressed and also locks you into the animation, and the air control feels like trying to steer a jump irl. It's awful and the remake is objectively better in that regard. This is coming from someone who just got done 100%ing Crash 1 for the nth time last night.

I meant the Speed Shoes you get when you beat Cortex.

>people unironically having issues with this simple platformer
i swear you fuck you all are on par with DSP or DPS whatever he is called

>and the air control feels like trying to steer a jump irl
Is that why I can 100% consistently do every jump on High Road? I didn't have a single issue with precision jumping in the game.

When are faggots going to admit that Crash was always a poor man's Mario 64 for kids who couldn't afford both consoles

That's because the bounce arcs in 1 are stilted to descend at the same speed you go up with no actual physics.

I have more fun with Crash than 64 and I never played either game as a kid.

Think about trying to jump over the tribal dudes with the shields with a flat bottom hitbox.

Crash was a real platformer while Mario 64 was a tech demo monstrosity that had nice mechanics but not a good level design to take those mechanics to their maximum potential

>Sony-bronies are now pretending that the remake is harder than the original, even with autosave.
They truly are the lowest form of human shit.

b-but muh high road

Who do you think you're kidding? Nobody is buying a PS4 for a remake. And it is a timed exclusive anyway.

The ones complaining about the difficulty are the nintenbabbys at Polygon and Gamespot giving it bad reviews, then it became a meme

Have you seen the sales figures? People are definitely buying consoles for this game.

>he didn't always get all the boxes in bonuses

I would certainly hope so.
The other game was KH3, by the way.

>remake of Tag Team Racing
no thanks

I feel you both. Native Fortress was my first game over, and High Road caused dozens of death simply because I slid off to the side of a turtle.

However, I'm slowing gitting gud. Got 3 of the colored gems so far, including the one on slippery climb. Have to revisit Lost City, though.

>Have you seen the sales figures? People are definitely buying consoles for this game.
Yes I have and no, they aren't.

>roommate and I both 102% Crash 1 yesterday
>he's never played Crash before

not saying it wasn't difficult, but some people need to git gud

>git gud
>in the age where most video games are catered towards shitters who don't want to spend even 5 minutes to learn something.

Plat everything?

>tfw started Road to Nowhere with 31 lives
>ended with 9
It only gets worse from there on, right?

It didn't bother me most of the time but High Road, Slippery Ascent and Native Fortress were a fucking nightmare with the physics changes and hitbox issues.
I never had as bad of a time with them as I did in this version.

Not really. The bridge levels are as hard as crash 1 gets, and 2 and 3 are both a step down in difficulty

Enjoy the second bridge level on the next island

I had more trouble with Slippery Climb than both bridge levels.

Yes since the bulk of my time is spent playing Time Trials over and over.

>tfw redid the level and ended with 29 lives
Feels good, man

Slippery Climb was definitely difficult, especially if you were attempting it without any deaths, but it wasn't the sort of difficulty that bothered me. A good challenge.

It's those fucking turtles and the janky hitboxes in High Road that got me mad

Just 100% Crash 2 last night and honestly it's harder than 1
Some gems are real bullshit, like the dark jungle level
Also not even close of getting 99 lives in 2, in 1 it was easy



I believe VV use an in-house engine. It isn't Unity.

Sure as hell looks like Unity.

do it, or Coco gets angry!

If it was Unity, they'd have to credit its use at some point in the game, which they never do. I wanna say it's the same one they use for the Skylanders games.

>He doesn't know how to farm bees for 99 lives

Surely there are better ways to farm than that.
Maybe the red gem route in Snow Biz? That has a ton of fruit.

was it worth getting a decent reboot for giving Anita worshipers your money

You get an extra life each time you clear a stack of bees. Getting 99 takes like 5 mins.

You've clearly not seen a Unity game before.

i really want to love this game but they managed to make the controls even worse. this is like the most important thing in a goddamn platformer why is everybody still sucking the developers dick

Literally git gud, there is nothing wrong with the controls in the original game.


Got the fucking Plat


Why'd you buy the remake in the first place? Lmao

The shine on the water in 3 sure made it look cheap lol me unity at certain angles.

good job, user.

>never made it very far on the original crash as a kid
>make it to road to nowhere in remake
>manage to fuck up so much i'm stuck on my last life
>ready to sperg out
>ace the entire level on that life