>I hate modern games because they pander to those filthy casuals
I hate modern games because they pander to those filthy casuals
Casuals don't deserve to play video games. They fucking ruin everything (including gameplay) because "aww it's too hard!!!". Seriously, casuals are almost as bad as normies when they're complaining instead of actually training to get better. Prove me wrong.
Casuals are normies user.
that isn't accurate OP. That guy isn't in a basement.
Let me just make this very clear to you fucking faggots. Vidya taking up most of your time does NOT separate you from a casual gamer, you are still a casual gamer, you do it for pleasure, the same reason some normie plays Fifa, the only difference is that you're all elitist autists that don't realize your own hypocrisy. The only gamers that cannot be considered casuals are the ones who make a living off of gaming, esports athletes, so if you're not attending tournaments with the goal of winning, or making any sort of income off of your gaming, you're a casual like all the rest.
I've competed and won.
I still think it's just a hobby.
If developers appeal to a group I don't like it's actually pandering
Casuals occasionally play video games and they're not very good at them. They don't have much knowledge of vidya in general and really just wanna blow shit up. That's what separates casuals from real gamers.
With your logic, people who were trained to cook, did workshops or whatever are normal house cooks because they are not working as a chef. People that do race laps in tracks are still normal drivers because they are not professional drivers. People that create toy dioramas are still hobbyist because they are not paid to do so. Artist that creates art are not artist because their art was not sold.
And, you are not a shitposter because you are not paid to shitpost.
Devs litterly can't make "hard" games anymore with out getting bomb player reviews. So yes they do pander.
Friendly reminder that if it's no a multiplayer game it can't be "hardcore".
What about Dark Souls?
I know it has multiplayer but the thick and important part every talks about is the single player.
It is true though. You can hardly find a game today that you can't sleepwalk through and requires you to think for more than a second. I find myself just going through the motions as my hand is being held every step of the way with a golden trail showing me where to go and text popping up telling me how to put the square peg in its hole.
Casuals are a legit problem though
Playtesters are a legit problem.
They should simply test bugs, nothing more.
Developers need to go back to designing games that they themselves would enjoy, like doom, fucking carmack had to bust down ramero's door to get him to stop playing.
Listen, you fucking idiot.
AAA Games operate in a market segment that DID NOT EXIST when games were "hardcore".
Castlevania sold around 300k copies when it was released. That was a "premium game" that was marketed and promoted heavily.
AAA games now regularly sell 10m+ copies as a norm.
If you want "hardcore" games that are ridiculously difficult, you can find more of them now than you ever could before. They're in the AA or A markets, which again, didn't exist back in the 80s and early 90s because the market wouldn't support them.
You have more QUALITY options for games of every single type now than you ever have before, but you still bitch because you want to appear aloof and educated, but instead, you're just coming off as a whiny little faggot who can't spend 10 minutes to reflect on how good you have it.
If you honestly think AAA games are too casual for you, don't fucking buy them, you mong. The market segment literally did not exist 8 years ago, so there's nothing that was even lost.
Buy games that don't have literal millions of dollars of funding with 100+ person dev studios and you'll not ever have that issue, retard.
Hardcore games have always been niche.
You'd be better comparing the sales of mario and zelda games then OG castlevania to the modern AAA market.
The problem is in part that developers constantly use things like that to cleverly go "this place doesn't actually exist" in other games, so unless a game makes it clear that isn't the case people will often go "okay so I can't go there, because it doesn't exist"
But I do.
I've not owned a console in years, and i've not bought a game for over $30, and i've quite enjoyed my time thus far.
So then why complain about games that aren't even aimed at you?
Do you also complain about the fact that they sell tampons at drugstores?
They don't need to all be super hard difficulty but a little complexity like Deus Ex has couldn't hurt. You can be a down syndrome retard and beat these "AAA" games.
Dark Souls is a game where you die over and over again to the same enemy until their attack patterns are engraved into your skull, which will make any further encounters with that enemy a cakewalk.
AI is incapable of evolving so it's inherently uncompetetive and thus AI based games can't be "hardcore".
I can see that. I don't blame anyone for thinking they can't go somewhere when an NPC tells them they can't go somewhere.
>wow user get a fucking life i just wanna have fun not practice the same game for months and months just to get good
you'd make a good submissive gf user ;)
On the offchance that you got me wrong, I meant as in it's impossible to go somewhere because for example an area is still locked or doesn't exist because the devs couldn't be assed to put it in
>dark souls
Lol retard