May the Lord smile, and the Devil have "a Suda51 thread.
I just beat this game yesterday, and it was phenomenal. How do you feel about Suda's other games, like The Silver Case and No More Heroes?"
May the Lord smile, and the Devil have "a Suda51 thread
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I liked No More Heroes 1 and thought 2 was a shittier game that had some OK boss battles here and there.
Killer is Dead was kind of garbage and felt like a cheapo version of NMH, but for some reason everyone likes it. I don't know why.
What do they call this chick again?
That reveal at the hotel rooftop was amazing
Suda hasn't directed a game since NMH1
I don't understand how some of his games can have shit gameplay, but I still get hooked on them. That guy is a master of presentation
Only played NMH
I hate how they took out Santa Destroy but the minigames for jobs in 2 was a way better idea. Wish they did something with those like a minigame compilation.
David would be the best final boss of the decade is Senator Armstrong didn't exist.
Sally Sunlight
>I hate how they took out Santa Destroy
because everyone complained about the empty and dead hub world
I was one of them, but I felt that the menu map system was kinda cheap and lifeless - moreso than NMH's overworld. It made me feel like they actually had an overworld but scrapped it at a later point.
The bigger complaint point was grinding for cash to qualify for the levels. That was lame.
I never played the PS3 rerelease of NMH, but I hear it combined the good elements of 1 and 2 into a single game. Which if so would be great, because there are things that the first game does better (story, bosses, variety) and things that the second game does better (combat/combos, moves).
>tfw figuring out all the advanced moves you could do on the bike
It was neat doing instant donuts or jumping off of that one hill with turbo to get a ton of air.
when's he gonna spill the beans
I still wish he showed off The 25 Ward a little at E3 or something, or something besides that tiny cameo. After beating The Silver Case and FSR I'm really excited for it.
Fuck them so much for making a US version of her theme. It's beyond inferior in every single way.
[sploiler]Glad I got the JP OST in flac[/spoiler]
You know No More Heroes 2 may technically be a better game, but it lacks a lot of the punk rock charm that made the first one so memorable.
>fucked up ctrl+s
no bully pls
I feel like a total sucker, but I loved the burned-out otaku vibe of the first No More Heroes. It's my favorite wii game.
I tried to get in to Killer 7, but I just couldn't. I found the shooting infuriating.
>get The Silver Case
>expect Killer7 or NMH1 shit
>just a trash VN with awful story
Fucking hell, waste of money.
NMH2 is better in every way except story and characters, and the characters are really the only reason to play any Suda game.
>shitter 7
nothing quite says EUPHORIC like an idiot actually admitting that they like that boring horse shit. that THIS mouth breather actual has the audacity to call it "phenomenal" is just cringe wowrthy.
I like Killer7 but I fucking hate Suda. He's a fucking hack who knows nothing about video games.
My guess is that Killer7 only turned out great because of Mikami's influence.
>if you like this game I don't like then you're an IDIOT
isn't there an e-celeb thread you can shit up or something?
>tfw Suda hasn't directed a game in like a decade
>tfw last thing he did was "executive director" in Let It Die
>tfw there won't be No More Heroes 3
who was in the wrong here?
>fedora guardian gets triggered
>fails to make an argument
shock and awe lmao.
>caring this much about image
Are all gen Z kids this pathetic?
Suda51 games stand out because of how fucking mental the worlds he makes are
but they really need some help in what regards to make the gameplay compelling, because most of his games are very of unbalanced in that sense.
Some of the gameplay ideas are very neat, and Killer7 was particularly unique, but they need to work out their polishing. No More Heroes 2 was the most fun to play.
STRONG and OBVIOUS projection from the 13 year old detected. Sup Forums is 18+ squirt, so you gotta fuck off for a few years.
what was your argument though? why you should like it? you never said why you didn't like it.
It might just be hotline miami + travis touchdown. I hope it's cool because there's potential there.
>there won't be NMH3
>nothing quite says EUPHORIC like an idiot actually admitting that they like that boring horse shit. that THIS mouth breather actual has the audacity to call it "phenomenal" is just cringe wowrthy.
if this is what you call an argument then I'm glad I've pissed you off
>too stupid to read
>wants me to do his homework for him
18+, little faggot.
Suda said that he just wants to use the Travis character in an indie game
pretty sad lad. hope tomorrow turns out better for you than today has.
Why do you type like a retard?
gotta source on that?
pretty sure he stated it would be a new No More Heroes game, but didn't specify that it was NMH3
tfw I actually liked killer is dead
>being THIS desperate for a response from your superior
No wait that's SWERY not SUDA
My bad
I really enjoyed The Silver Case. I was expecting something different from the story, but I sincerely came to love it in the end. Descending down the secret passage while all the past events replay before you was surprisingly moving, and the writing in the Reports is phenomenal. Morio composing a heartfelt email only to never actually send it, his interactions with the barkeep, his ascent up the bar steps. Morio and the barkeep may just be two of my favorite characters out of anything I've played.
reminder to continue talking about video games on this board about video game discussion, and ignore+report any shitposters who try to steer you off-track
and don't forget to sit up straight and drink plenty of water!
>being this much of an infantile shitposter
Did you play Flower, Sun and Rain yet?
Although it's obvious if you've played Yami, Tokio makes an appearance in the second to last chapter or so, and then has his own story in 25 Ward.
>mfw this gutless little bitch was so terrified of being further put in his place he tried to hide his projection like a total fucking coward
imagine being THIS emasculated by a post on Sup Forums.
You know I actually liked playing as Shinobu. It was a nice change of pace. Henry got fucked over though.
the Shinobu platforming was awful, but the fights were nice
You Otaku.
The NMH games are seriously so poorly made, but they are one of my favorite games of all time.
>someone thought it would be a good idea to make a game in which you do menial minigames just to try a punch-out styled boss that required trial and error learning, otherwise the game happens in a completely empty open world where most of your interactions are with trash cans
And it somehow worked, I fucking love the first game
>being this much of a weaboo
I can hear you mouthbreathing from here you fat anime sperglord
how long does K7 take to finish, all in all? need something new and cool to pick up to pass the time
The player for changing Travis' default clothes.
I thought he worked on Killer is Dead?
If you're intuitive enough to clear the puzzles in good time, not very long at all.
Suda seems to get around alot. I don't know what we consider a Suda game. Killer is Dead was directed by Hideyuki Shin but it feels very Suda.
No More Heroes, Killer is Dead, and Killer 7 is the trifecta. I love these games. Lollipop Chainsaw was kind of shit. It gets better on your second playthrough when you have all the moves unlocked but I just don't like how the game feels.