agree ?
Agree ?
how about stop going to tumblr for a change
Post the original fag
Only if I can be between both of them at some point
I don't even understand it but fuck off, namefag
Why do I care what some tumblrina thinks? Fuck, they weren't gonna buy the game anyway. Why should I cater to them?
Gas the furries.
Somebody give that bottom right thing an afro.
when cucked storytellers stop capitulating to the snowflakes and anita-tier cuntflaps?
Agreed. Stop treating animals like they are some type of exotic fetish.
You mean like this?
why not both
I'd prefer if it was a male mouse girl and a female mouse girl.
>huge market
>7 offended brats
Sure is a pickle
why knot?
>pretending species aren't sexually dimorphic
okay btw humans are too enjoy your -4 strength
dumb females. all this bullshit is just the end result of less developed logical reasoning skills
this is a classic Sup Forums argument/observation
here you are
what am I looking at ?
Why are they so threatened by cute things?
I dont buy games with ugly protagonists
>tumblrina triggered by monster girls
Ironic, considering they're lard monsters themselves.
I want to fuck that mouse
How are two males going to reproduce?
Paw up pal.
This is the end of the line fur you
Cause they'll never be that cute
No, I don't want to cater my game to the one faggot who thinks cute stuff is sexist.
>Both males and females are monstrous
>You can romance either
it's amazing how adding bedroom eyes and eyelashes makes anything fuckable
I fixed it
The beta male / alpha female dichotomy is something you see more often in insect species, like spiders, and a lot less so in mammals.
Looks like a case of murrican biology education.
But hyenas though.
dickgirl on girl is the greatest fetish ever
I have enhanced it
dickgirl on dickgirl > dickgirl on girl
They already tried that.
Nobody bought the game.