Game has dragon race

>game has dragon race

>"game" has a shortstack tittymonster race with blowjob handlebars


>game has a race of super strong thots that make you blow your load before you can even finish the game

They aren't dragons.

You're right.

But they are pretty much dragons.

No they aren't, the Dravanians are dragons. Au Ra were just steppes tribes until the Raen ran off like little bitches to do some Little Mermaid shit.

>dragon race

This is a dragon.

>Game lets you jerk it with a whore

What, is that discord? Why just add someone random? Post a damn invite.

My nig. Xaela master race.

>Granblue Fantasy has short big titted women with horns.

So this is how the shortstack fetish is born.

reptile races are pretty cool

What game lets me retake the surface world for my reptilian brothers?

>Game mistakes wyverns for dragons

I don not want a group for servicing anons. I go one at a time

just added you on discord :3

Yeah, but you know they are pretty much dragons.

Do you post butt/dicc if we add you?

>japan designs dragon
>it's just a moeblob with horns
>they don't even have a dragon form

>poison without her hat

This is weird

>Being an autist that gets triggered when someone calls a dragon a dragon.

>women are sub-5'2" even in high heels, horns, huge racks, and asses with fat thighs
>men are 6'0"+, huge and beefy muscular Minotaur motherfuckers with gigantic dicks
I like this race, yes.


Well that's no fun. I want context, a scene. I like to chat with people some in a social setting to get to know them. Makes my orgasms that much more satisfying.

>the dragon team member is stronger than the rest of the party. Combined.


t. Temple Knight

They are actually dwarfs

>But really I'm a girll(male) ;)

Trannies are the worst though. Bipolar, batshit crazy attention whores. Every last one of them. Ruins the boner.

We've known about the Draph over on /tg/ for years now.

I enjoy getting to know anons then creating a scene. Just dont be a meme happy shit and we will get along

>Points at Crocodile
>"Look an Alligator!"
>Points at Hawk
>"Look a Falcon!"
>Points at Lynx
>"Look a Bobcat!"
>Points at Crayfish
>"Look a Lobster!"
This is what you sound like

>breathes fire

It's a dragon.

those animals exist, dragons don't.


>Giant winged serpent that breaths fire

Does it hurt being this autistic?

Who are you quoting? I'm a boy

>Game differentiates them
>Idiots still get the two mixed up

Er, sorry
Meant for

That's not the point dumbass
You're misidentifying something and it makes you look dumb
Dragons have 4 legs and wings
Wyverns have 2 normal legs while two appendages are at the tips of their wings

I want to feed her muh human cock.

I wouldn't get buttmad if someone made those mistakes, it's close enough and not a big enough deal to sperg out about.

dragons eh?

Dont bully yurarri dragon you chucklefuck

I didn't mean too!

>That's not the point dumbass
>You're misidentifying something and it makes you look dumb

It doesn't exist, you can't misidentify it because it isn't real.

>loli character is actually a 5000 year old dragon

>Dragons have 4 legs and wings
>And wings
That's westen fanfiction.


added your slut ass

is she laughing or crying what the fuck

Dragons are flying lizards that breathe fire or frost or lightning and are sometimes intelligent, sometimes not.

Either way they're fictional. It doesn't matter.

Does she have a vibrator deep in her vag?


Having an orgasm, there's a vibrator inside her vago.

She's faking an orgasm on chaturbate for tips.

>that is so lame

My dick does not care


This triggers the Au Ra

Best race

she's having an aneurism

>game let's you post furry/scalies on Sup Forums instead of taking about video games.

I love this new Sup Forums

I want to curl up and sleep on that fluffy blond hair

this is demon, not dragon

>Dragon Race

Ever Oasis needs to do well so that we get more fan art and porn of her. So do your part and go buy it

I really, REALLY want to fuck Alicia

>tfw standing paizuri never

>race gets horns

That isn't even how actual dragons work in comparison to other wyrms.

heels OFF

>tfw men can't fake orgasms

sucks to say that "I had a dry orgasm" will never be a valid excuse.

>tfw you turn on your VR and make a clone of her in HoneySelect.
Shortstacks are gods gift to man, bendable and can be fucked anywhere

Why would you ever want to?

>hating high heels
Yeah whatever fag


she needs to be S H O R T E R