Finally we'll be able to PS4 games on PC. Bloodborne on PC is a matter of time now!
Finally we'll be able to PS4 games on PC. Bloodborne on PC is a matter of time now!
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Falseflagging should be banned
PS Now is garbage, fuck off
This is old news slowpoke
>playing any Souls game
Good Lord, no. The inevitable input lag and fluctuating image quality will kill much harder than the actual game will.
So is PC gaming in general. With the exception of a few genres most of PC gaming nowadays is just bad console ports
Bloodborne today, Red Dead Redemption tomorrow. Get on it, petition makers!
I don't think PC "gamers" will be happy about streaming this seeing as they're all obsessed with their "4K 60FPS" meme.
you're not missing much
>Souls game with that streaming lag
No thanks.
I'm just going to way for when I buy a Pro in 2~3 years.
No, its a good game.
pc fag here
it only counts if its running natively Streaming can go fuck itself
Hello R e d d i t !
SFM od the puppet and Maria? sure why not
They waited years, I'm sure they can wait for a few frames as well.
>So is PC gaming in general.
What the fuck does this even mean? PC has and always will have the largest library. It's your own fault for playing garbage games.
Quality over quantity. The NES had a huge library too and most of it was shit. Most games released today on PC are console ports or indie shit. Not saying PC is shit or anything as there are really good games on PC, except those good games are old games.
You see this is the current problem with PC gaming. No good almost no good games are being made anymore. Don't believe me? Ask yourself if you have any game released 2010 or earlier that you still play regularly and there is your answer
good luck with that streaming input lag and bad quality tho lol
>tfw ps4
>tfw don't give a fuck about soulsborne
>streaming vidya
>Quality over quantity
With more games overall there will also be more good games. You can pick the good ones so "quality over quantity" makes absolutely no sense in this context.
No thanks. Already played Dark Souls multiple times. Doing it agin with fewer weapons and armor and worse frame drops doesn't appeal to me.
>more games overall there will also be more good games
I really wish this was true, but sadly it isn't. But I'll throw you a bone and ask you this, what are these ''good'' games called then? Surely you could name a few that were released this year?
It isn't. Souls games are so boring. I don't understand why everyone overhypes them.
Didn't want it then, still don't want it. A garbage game is a garbage game regardless of platform.
>oh no why are our sales shit!
>we blame PCfags
>actually PCfags just have standards
More games are always a good thing, but I don't give a fuck about another souls like game. Give me some Armored Core 4 or something actually relevant.
I used to think that as well but the combat really is on another level, at least the game gives you a reason to use something aside from mashing R1, namely because
>transformation attacks have high damage modifiers
>there are more bulky enemies that cant be staggered by R1s yet are vul nerable to R2s/L1s (or L2s, assuming its a 2-handed weapon)
The combat is also more fluid and fast-paced, not because the weapons themselves are necessarily faster (the cleaver untricked r1s are even a tiny bit slower than DaS3 longsword) but because attacks coming out from when you dodge either backwards or sideways usually cover more distance, allowing you manage your spacing with a bit more precision.
>Doing it agin with fewer weapons
You have a higher armount of movesets available to you at a single time, and the amount of unique movesets should be roughly the same. If you want to criticize the game, you should turn your attention towards not the weapon variety (which is actually pretty decent granted that nearly every single one unique and fills a certain niche), but build variety, since one of the games main problems lies within the fact that an ARC with a dash of quality build can use a good half of the weapon roster to their almost full potential due to the nature of Cold Abyssal gems and how easy it is to convert physical weapons into magical.
>It isn't
What are your main gripes with it?
>I don't understand why everyone overhypes them.
They offer a good amount of customization and several possible playstyles, while still having relatively decent combat system, although previous gen souls games are significantly weaker at that in my opinion, while Bloodborne improves on that greatly in spite of having some other shortcomings. They are certainly not without flaws, but there are few action RPGs that possess the aforementioned qualities.
>actually PCfags just have standards
Statistically Most PCfags are kids and teenagers playing CS:go/LOL/TF2 on a shitty laptop, so no, they don't have standards
>usuall PCMR faggotry: i won't touch anything that isn't 4K@200FPS
>PS NOW update: OMG, OMG, OMG look at all hose tasty sub 30FPS, STREAMED games that I can play if I keep paying SONY for the privilege
>actually PCfags just have standards
Hahahahahahahaha. Ha.
60 FPS is not enough anymore.
>still no Bloodborne
>literally only multiplats
>What are your main gripes with it?
I just said it's boring. This isn't exclusive to Bloodborne. All Souls games are slow as shit. Dragon's Dogma is a better action RPG with a stamina bar.
Not merely kids and teenagers, but Brazilian and Russian kids and teenagers.
we need a petition to stop console shit posting on Sup Forums ( ´_ノ` )
No him but almost all multiplats are better on PC.
I like how 3rd world countries don't count for anything until it's a console war argument to pad numbers.
Dragons Dogma is definitely amazing, but when it comes to regular enemies and a good portion of the bosses I'd consider it to be significantly slower than DaS3/BB, while the player character (again, for the most part) is faster. I also think it was a somewhat easier game, and the final boss of dark arisen was kinda disappointing. Some bosses in DDO were harder.
Fuck cloud computing.
I want my programs and games on my computer, not renting them to some companies which best interests are probably not mine.
Nice reddit meme you got there.
>N-N-Nice reddit meme you got there.
I guess we're done here.
This IS Reddit, user...
What are you talking about? There's no game even on consoles that before or during 2010 that anyone plays now. Not on consoles, not on pcs.
And I'm not understanding your argument as to why pc gaming is garbage either. Is it because console ports are bad games? Then they are bad on consoles too and so console gaming is garbage too. Or are you saying that all console ports are just badly ported nowadays? This isn't true. Because the last badly ported game was Dishonored 2 and it was released well over an year ago has been mostly fixed
If Bloodborne gets added to it there is legitimately no reason to own a PlayStation console ever again.
Why is ps now still a thing? Is it really that profitable to keep it in existence? Are pcfags that gullible?
>things I don't like are Reddit : the post
>Still unironically using the stutter meme
Holy fuck, this board is shit.
>big name games make the library
get the fuck out of here casual. if you need cinematic shit to enjoy your games then stick to your consoles.
>Ask yourself if you have any game released 2010 or earlier that you still play regularly and there is your answer
What? Most of the games I play are pre 2010, is that supporting your argument or not?
nigga i work on the pc.
how the fuck could i run photoshop/illustrator and my fucking devtools on a ps4?
how the fuck will i run all my fucking strategy games? I love them.
It just seemed logical that i'd build/buy one machine that can be used professionaly and also as leisure.
i do cry a bit about bloodborne, TLOU and god of war tho.
(btw not the guy you were talking to)
60fps was acceptable in the 90's. if you're not running shit on at least 85fps then you should not be looking for a better job, not playing video games.
Hello amerishart, please return to your feed shed
>no coherence in post
>backpedaling mid-post
What point are you trying to make?
>console release forever stuck at 30fps
>pc port runs at 60fps+
Yes, the fucking framerate matters.
>why pc gaming is garbage either
It's not garbage, It's just really getting stale
Most multiplats are garbage whether rheir on pc or console you're right about that, but on consoles you have exclusives which PC doesn't really have right now(with maybe a few exceptions).
lmao why so bitter guys? I thought PS4 was for the gamers. You didn't mind begging for PS3 games, now PC gamers get PS4 games after begging. Portbegging is cool, PS4 owners get their just desserts.
It wasn't meant to be an argument though. The guy I replied to posted a stupid meme so I responded with a stupid meme.
>own tricked out expensive gaming computer
>ps4 and switch
>3ds and vita
>Get every worthwhile game I could ever want
>have fun.
>your tax dollars are paying for this.,
>streaming games
The Xbox Game Pass is literally the Netflix of video games and it works amazingly, because it doesn't stream.
You can't stream games it doesn't fucking work.
ftfy famalam
that actually sounds similar to this rant I typed up while drunk Tuesday evening. had a few more points to bring up but sobered up and stopped.
Only true version of this.
Man I loved the multiplayer of Killzone 3, particularly the operations mode. That immense feeling of pride being featured in the cutscenes after performing well was very good.
>Im a jaded faggot who hates videogames and im projecting as hard as possible onto the entire community.
Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor...
>who hates videogames
The only one projecting here is you.
modern gaming is cancer. The fact that the recent Crash Bandicoot is called ''the Dark Souls of'' is proof of that.
Really loved operations too, wish this was in more games.
>switch isn't just a endless line of fry holding up his money
I need a PC for work anyway and I sure as hell won't settle for a laptop. It's only natural to slap a GPU on it and use the PC for everything.
>mfw was mostly in top 3, when won
>mfw once on the map with the half open house I killed 10 guys in 5 min while beeing an invisible sniper
Shit was fun
Sony will never allow it on PS Now
>That delusion
>when PC piracy is always easy
The only time Fry should give money is on stream sales
Fry is not afraid to give money to devs he wants to support, and he can choose whoever he wants to support, and even in the case where Fry pirates everything, he still buys new hardware to get the best visuals, or isn't afraid of buying good cost/performance hardware that will last at least 5 years
>Dragon's Dogma is a better action RPG with a stamina bar.
I love Dragon's Dogma, but c'mon, it's basically just Bloodborne/souls-lite for babbies who prefer to lean on stats and timesinks.
It plays nothing like Souls games though. In fact DD combat feels more like a hack and slash than anything else.