Why don't more indie devs go for low poly?

Why don't more indie devs go for low poly?
>Very easy
>Not taxing on the hardware
>Easy to make 3D games with it instead of being stuck with 2D platformers
>Looks fucking great with a decent lightning engine (and every modern game engine has beatiful lightning)

Pic related looks 50 times better than the billion of indie trash you can see on STEAM that somehow sells

I'm actually thinking of making a paper mario kind of game, with 2d sprites, over 3d backgrounds, maybe low poly would be the way to do it.

are there any guidelines to get this look easily?

That looks like fucking ass. What the fuck are you thinking?

They think 3d is all about realism user.
There is no going back now

Wait for someone to make a 3D modeling tool that's as easy to use as Paint and we'll have low poly indie games everywhere.
Animating and making 3D is much harder than 2D, even if it's not hard at all.

Your pic looks like complete shit OP. You have god awful taste. This isn't low poly as much as it is low effort copy paste.

Basic 2D shapes are easier than basic 3D ones

>That looks like fucking ass
Meh, i like it

All you need to learn is the basics of modelling in any program (i recommend Blender cause free + Zbrush if you want more detailed shit) and you are good to go.

Really the hardest work is getting the lightning in the game engine right

Now you've got 1 thing wrong.
it will never look fucking great.

I'm not a fan of flat-shaded lowpoly without textures, but I really like lowpoly with low resolution textures for some reason


>Meh, i like it
Which is irrelevant to everyone else.


Sort of agree
Horror games that were/are pixel messes are somewhat unsettling

I see
what you think it's easier, Unity, Godot, or UE4?

Op, there's two forms of "low poly".

The first is what low poly typically refers to. Low poly models that usually rely on textures to make up for details. The best low poly games you'll never know are low poly because they were done right. The bad ones usually pass it off as "retro".

And then there is "low poly" which is just a variant of Cubism, but hipster indie devs are fucking idiots and don't know what cubism is so they just call it low poly.

When will this le material design stop? Fucking hate this trend.

thats where you are wrong kiddo

It really doesn't look all that good, honestly. The only reason Landfall Games has been getting away with it is because it's paired with good gameplay, ala Clustertruck and hopefully that battle simulator.

I adore the look of low poly, but I can say with 100% certainty that it is now a style that actually deters people. I have met these people, realism is something that everyone likes, "style" is something only certain people like. There are people that simply will not even try a game that doesnt have realistic graphics.

If something like Necropolis had some more depth to its content it wouldve been great, the only kinds of games that can look like this are low budget, which means there isnt a whole lot they can do even if they wanted to do it.

Unity is fucking garbage for 3d games for what i heard, UE4 is the best all around i think

What the hell is Godot, that Amazon Cry Engine?

Yeah probably a game like Cuphead or Ori will be visually more impressive than your typical low poly game (so not really that typical but stilly), but the style is good enough if done right that if your game isnt total trash and its actually playable and a bit fun people will play it. Its for sure better than trying to go for Ratchet & Clank tier graphics and developing a game 20 years

>for what i heard
so basically your opinion is based on nothing

It looks bad in motion

Thats why i said from what i heard.

OF Necropolis had realistic graphics it would be 100X better, you know this to be true.

I loved the way the game looked and played, but it just needed more work, it wasnt even to do with teh visuals, the game looks great, it was the lack of content in game that was an issue. If it had a drop in drop out multiplayer mode it wouldve been fantastic, have a separate game mode which was just a short open multiplayer dungeon crawl, and also have the one it already has.

Its a shame because the game looks really nice and I would play more games that look like it.

>Very easy

come on now

Working on starship captain simulator,(battlecruiser 3000, Star Trek Commander, etc). As easy as it would be to go down the lego blocks path, I have more respect for the people that would be into the type of gameplay I am creating. It would be insulting to their intelligence to not put in that extra effort.

It's not the resolution or polygon count you like, it's the art direction and its consistency throughout the game

>Very easy
Sure, if you want it looking like ass

I like Low-Poly, just not when it means sacrificing usable details (like gauges in vehicles/aircraft)..

though it does seem to be quite reliant on shading/shadows to look good.

Do you see how many polygons those trees have in OPs image ?
That shit can be done in 5min top.

>Why don't more indie devs go for low poly?
You think people who build their 1337 RIGs to run Crysis in 8K@400FPS would care about your ps1-detail tier ''''game''''?

>Not taxing on the hardware
Most indie devs are hipster shutters that for their life couldn't optimize their games to run properly.
This kind of stuff is not that bad with 2D but if you suck at optimizing in 3D it will show.

>60 centuries later and Drift Stage still isn't finished
>Isn't even on Steam yet

low poly with god tier lightning is objectively nice to look at

the biggest deal breaker of that game are the animations, it's so very unsatisfying to see.
Atleast games with realistic graphics usually have logical animation


No it wouldn't, it was a shitty arcade Co-op perma-death game with absolutely no real progression and God awful "LOL xD SO RAN-DUMB xd" humor in every fucking text.



Oh and don't forget the fucking assholish Binding of Isaac random pill effects. Real fucking nice the good descriptions on some shit end up being paralysis or blindness. Necropolis was shitshow all around that even the developers stopped giving a shit.

>deluded indie devs, shortly before getting hit by reality stick
One such game would be a novelty, once there are 5, no one would even bat an eyelash.
And that's assuming the first one would have good animation (unlikely), good story (unlikely) and great game play (very unlikely).


So basically any roguelike? Minus the multiplayer component of course. I dont know what you mean by the humor, it was light hearted, not lol random, dont confuse the two. "lol random" would be picking up a sword that is actually a dildo, and it makes fart noises when you hit things, light hearted is when you arent treating things seriously.
>pick up shit sword, read description
>"The bad news is its not very sharp, the good news is you can butter toast with it"
Is not lol random, its a light hearted description.

Is this your first roguelike, go download Tome or something, this is all common practice. There was alot of problems with the game, what you are describing is not the problems.
>more enemy variety
>bosses on some levels are needed so you feel like you are doing something other than changing floors to progress
>more environment variety
and the biggest thing it needed
>stat allocation or some kind of levelling system, where players allocate stats to different criteria to specialize in, such as armor type, swords, hammers maces etc. like in other roguelikes. One character doesnt feel any different from another because there is no way to change stats.
Actual problems, what you are describing is fair game in roguelikes.

>So basically any roguelike?
How the fuck does this description relate in any way to DCSS, Nethack, CDDA, Brogue, ToME or Sil?

Silly user, the only "roguelikes " nu-Sup Forums knows is Binding of Isaac, Don't Starve and the such.

You are complaining about having to identify effects when this is something part and parcel of roguelikes.
>find potion
>dont know what it does
>finish floor
>test all unknown items to see what they do before moving on
This is normal practice in roguelikes where there is no way of knowing what alot of consumables are until you test them. You test things before moving on, why the fuck would you use an unknown potion or scroll in a fight when you know for a fact there are items that can and will fuck you up or wont have the effects you actually need to win. Once you identify these items you never have to do it again for that playthrough either
>drank potion before, it will paralyze you
>potion says it will paralyze you in the description
>carry it around with you still

>Bed exposed on four sides
Shit nigga what are you doing

It's a kotatsu and it's meant to be used by 4 people.

>You are complaining
Nope, I am complaining about calling non-roguelikes roguelikes. This post is my second post in this thread.

Shit taste general?

Oh shit, yeah. I just saw the girl sleeping under it and assumed.