ITT: Games Sup Forums made you to waste money on

ITT: Games Sup Forums made you to waste money on

I got to the high road in crash 1, got somewhat stuck for the first time, switched to warped and got bored after playing 1 level. No desire to pick it back up.

You suck quit playing video games.

If you use Sup Forums as the primary means to determine what to buy, you deserve anything that happens to you

Might as well stop playing games, filthy casual

I actually challenged myself to go for the Platinum trophy for all three games. Playing the first one and I'm starting to feel the challenge of some of those stages time trials.

Also, fuck the red gem. I died so many time for so many stupid reasons trying to get it. The three ones before are a piece of cake in comparison.

So you didn't like a game witch is a graphic overhaul of another game that came out almost 20 years ago and is somehow Sup Forums's fault?

Why don't you consider another hobbie?

The witcher 2 it's just no fun

Every Platinum game except for W101

and Ninja Turtles and Star Fox and Anarchy Reigns andLegend of Korra....

Just be honest. PlatGames are hit or miss. They got a 40/50 record at this point. The have made more bad games than good ones.

I learned this the hard way with The Wonderful 101. I can see the appeal, but it wasn't for me. A real slog in my view.


Does the jumping feel more sluggish than the original? I recall Crash being a lot lighter.

Sup Forums didn't make you waste shit, you could have emulated the PS1 games but you decided to buy the remakes.

PG contributed nothing to Star Fox's core gameplay, it was 100% Miyamoto. PG only provided assets and helped with framerate issues.

Crash 3 jumping across all three games but even that isn't 1:1 how it was in the original.

He literally said every game except W101, retard

You should know what you're getting here the games are 20 years old ffs

You're a casual. It's okay OP that's why they make shitty phone games for. For people like you.

Sup Forums constantly kept praising this game making it seem like it had no flaws but I dropped it 2 hours in because the gameplay was too barebones for me. It's a shame, I wanted to like it.

W101 is their worst gimmicky shit, Bayonetta is better in every way. Vanquish is still their best game though.

>he is not waiting for a patch
>he play games before being fixed