If the original metroid's samus is a girl reveal happened today how would Sup Forums react to it?

If the original metroid's samus is a girl reveal happened today how would Sup Forums react to it?


Holy shit Samus is fucking hot

Yep, my wife is hot.

oh shit! that was your wife? I already shot 5 hot loads in her. my bad

i fucked your wife last night

Cum everywhere

I'd want to suck her massive girlcock.

Breasts too large
Gun too big
Hair too long
Skin too white
Legs too long
Stomach too flat
Thighs too big

storng heroines is an old meme following the empowerment during the 80s..

but forced diversity is being exaggerated today

i'd want her to cuddle with me after pounding into me for hours with her fit amazonion body

t. ireland


Sry user but this is my Wife!

stop sexualising Samus

Fapping to my wife? That's flattering, user. ;)

Claimed her first. You can fuck right off.

where the fuck are the samus pictures?

It wouldn't happen today because then Samus would be a black woman with an afro who isn't particularly attractive

Claimed Her since 1986 user.

Sup Forums's reaction to something is contingent on how kotaku/polygon reacts to it.

By beating the monkey.

As we always do.

Not possible
With the internet, secrets in games are dead

>Skin too white

Show proof.

Nintendo Power Magazine user

Sup Forums loves waifus
hell even if she was black she'd just be added to the nintendo delicious brown pile
though I think there'd be a chance of this being the straw that broke the camels back and people start accusing nintendo of black washing their games

Beat the First game Fast. ..Faggots

Would they make reveal her to be blonde or a Lesbian of Color with an afro?

>because then Samus would be a black woman with an afro who isn't particularly attractive

No they're not. If this was done in a modern game it would be tied into the plot more so it'd be counted as a spoiler for most people which they would try to tag.

>implying the internet wouldn't explode with things like NINTENDO'S NEW STAR IS A FEMALE!

I doubt it because Samus actually looks good
Have you seen Sup Forumss reaction to Nier Automata?

Disappointed because she's a skelly.

>how would Sup Forums react to it?

However it acts when a hot female character is revealed.
>omg thicc
>omg pandering
>omg female character sjw omg
>omg why isn't she a pansexual handicapped african

take your pick


She'd also be fat, despite running and somersaulting all the time.

Report and hide waifu threads.

Lets be honest. If the Samus reveal happened today, we would all think it would be pandering to feminists.


No, not really.

If it was the second game, sure, but it's literally right in the manual of the first game. We'd know from the start, and even if we didn't we'd be too busy commenting on how Samus is fucking hot once we did to care.

I would immediately hot glue the computer screen while Sup Forums is pulled up with threads about her because hot gluing my Yoko Littner was a grave mistake and I'd never do that to a figure again

If it happened the same way (shamelessly eroticizing the main character as a reward for the player), it would be approved.

However, if it was some SJW bullshit about "representation" or "empowerment", it would not, and in today's climate the latter seems more likely.

>because hot gluing my Yoko Littner was a grave mistake
Do tell.

Sup Forums would fap furiously
/r9k/ will throw its usual hissy fit

Wow Reddit or NeoGaffer trying to sneak in pro-ethics-in-gaming-journalism and say gamers are dead? You know your forum is a leftist liberal pedo ring? Want to comment on that? Those who complain about sjw garbage and politics don't do it because they hate women and want to murder and enslave every woman on the planet. They literally just want to play games without having politics shoved down their throat, and are tired of the faux media constantly lying to them, like the election in US. Now someone will soon post the "only experience sjw when pol complain". I see that image far more often than I see any evidence of Sup Forums. Funny isn't it? But go ahead make your poorly written retort and pat yourself on the back for pleasing the "right" masters.

This picture's extremely hot.

She's a hot blonde in latex. No one would take it as feminist pandering.


Are you having a stroke?

>being this jelly

You'll find yours soon enough, user. Don't worry. ;)

It's really not much of a story, I just did it as a "hey if I get X I'll hot glue her" on this one app, so I did. But the fact I did makes me regret the fact there might still be sperm on her and cleaning her off was a bitch. But it was hot, though I'd rather not do it again on any figure I buy

What are you waiting for? Get to it.

My wife is so cute in casual clothes!

Like that.


i fucked your wife last night

What I want to know is why people do tributes with their phones and tablets. That can't be good for the screen.



Impossible because my Samus daki was in my bed last night which mean you only fapped to her which, like I said, is flattering to me. ;)

Such a tsundere user. I'm rooting for you!



Samus Daki Proof ...if its True i want it too xD

>were going to remodel youre womb

>sharing my wife

Nuh huh. Nice try, though. ;)

There is only One Fanmade Daki nice Bait Faggot HAHAHA

Dakimakura Proof Prime Faggot

Alright, whatever you say user. Just know that I have great nights. ;)


Faggots need a life with a real Woman

Where's your woman, tsundere user-kun? You're on Sup Forums in a Zero Suit Samus thread trying to lecture us. You're no better. ;)

She would be black under her suit for sure.

Eh, why not? Nature revolves around sex, if something turns you on it's probably normal. Emphasis on probably. No shame in wallowing in copious amounts of sex as long as it doesn't interfere with everything else.

yeaaa This ;)

I think you misunderstand me.

Considering she is a bimbo trope that wears skin tight clothing, Sup Forums would probably be fine with it. Not to mention it's Nintendo character.

thats fatus not samus

Hello [[R]]eddit I think you are on the wrong site. You want Neogaf

That makes me wonder how the series would have progressed as a whole. I mean, the intro to Super would have to be changed so you can't see Samus' face, and the Prime games would have to not have had the reflection of her face appear every now and then on your HUD. Other M would never have happened (Thank God), so there's that.

Would the series even still exist or be popular?

Weren't you here yesterday when autists were shitting themselves because Marina is brown? Or Doomfist to despite being alluded to being black since forever? Or how Overwatch is SJW pandering because "it has minorities" even though in-universe it's an international set of super heroes?

If she was black Sup Forums would be fucking stupid and go all '''B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BUT I HATE BLACK PEOPLE''
That's how you know someone isn't a 4channer. No one here was actually even remotely racist.

You do realize people hated Doomfist because he was a shitty hero with shitty skin right?
The only people pretending to be outraged that he was black are SJW trying to deflect the fact that he was awful with a terrible skin.

is that brianna wu with some makeup and a blonde wig?

You can go fuck yourself if you're denything that that chubby bitch doesn't give you a chubby, bitch

Nah, just clean it up quick off the screen. I don't do that but I guess that's just the mentality

Well you are definitely new, so fuck off and lurk more


Nah just seems like one of the few things I'd want to cum on.

It would be the equivalent of Doomguy being revealed as a chick at the end of nuDoom.
The reactions would be pretty great to say the least.