What went so wrong with this series??

What went so wrong with this series??

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Yet ubisoft made the first splinter cell and chaos theory which were quite good

Early 2000's

>let's make a stealth game since people like those metal gear ones
>let's make ours based on more realistic scenarios
>let's consult with tom clancy about plot ideas and overall themes
>we'll make our protagonist a patriotic ex-seal operator
>let's add some challenge to the game and make it easy to lose a mission
>whoa, look at all these fans throwing money at us by the barrel

Post The Great SJW'ing of 2006

>omg, i totes had an idea while dying my hair pink, how about sam hates america cuz america sux! XD
>lol i jus saw the jason bourne movie, let's do that!
>ew, i just died for the first time on the third map, it's still too hard, make the game easier
>what sam needs is a strong woman who don't need no man™ telling him what to do!

Modern Ubicuck.

We will never have Far Cry 2 remastered in a beautiful modern engine.

I knew coming into this thread that this was going to be posted within the first few replies.
That's not a fucking argument man, yeah Ubisoft releases a lot of relatively bad/repetitive/franchise bandwagoning games but they have released a good amount of games as well and you can't deny it

*shoots 3 terrorists with pinpoint accuracy and no aim required*

Basically autoshootan and other dumb shit to casualise the game.


I'm OK with watching this company crash and burn after everything they've done for the past decade.

blacklist was good though.

playing split screen on conviction is more fun than chaos theory and blacklist combined, prove me wrong
Protip: you can't because you didn't grow up with brothers who you'd play video games with since you just sat in your room shitposting on Sup Forums and wacking off

double agent is good

>franchise so dead and irrelevant that they can't even get an Arby's meme

Friendly reminder that next-gen Double Agent was the best Splinter Cell game. The ONLY people who didn't like it were fucking casuals who got hit with the cold, hard realization that they were only good at stealth when it consisted of remaining invisible in convenient shadows on exclusively nighttime maps with the option to simply kill or knock out enemies if they spot you.
>best story
>best soundtrack
>best emails
>best level in the entire series--Shanghai
>best and purest form of stealth in the entire series (many missions where you can't kill, knock out, or touch ANYONE; often have no sticky cams or other crutch gadgets to rely on, as well as no thermal, EEV, Wave, or night vision--you have to use your eyes; daytime levels where you actually have to use your brain, etc.)
>best casual filter in timed missions that force you to think on your feet, adapt to changing situations, and sometimes forgoe objectives altogether to maintain your cover
>many levels are nonlinear and open and allow you to tackle objectives in any order, not just one like in Chaos Theory
Absolutely God-tier and there will never be another video game like it ever again because you retards complained about how shit you are.

pop 2008 was good doe

a true poltard memester appears

a true libtard memester appears

>if he disagrees with me he must be a libtard!
looks like i forgot to add retard in my previous post

catering to faggots who have no skill and want to run around shooting shit

gameplay went to shit after double agent

>if someone disagrees with me they're Sup Forums

i-it's only ok when my side does it!

The simplification of the stealth mechanics homogenised the game into generic mediocrity.

>Splinter Cell
Light and Sound
>Pandora Tomorrow
Light and Sound
>Chaos Theory
Dynamic light, sound, environmental sounds.
>Double Agent
red, yellow, and green traffic light stealth system.
I don't know, never played it. Gave up on the series.

I really liked Double Agent's mission structure with the hub missions and decision making, but the stealth being reduced to a super easy to read traffic light system was lame. Arguably the last good game in the series.

>i-it's only ok when my side does it!
you literally posted retard Sup Forums meme image lmao

Not him, I posted and I just googled it. Maybe take a breath and do something about that chip on your shoulder instead of acting like pic related.

>post dumb meme image
>get called out on it
>gives idiotic response
>y-you too!

Exactly the three games you have in that pic. Blacklist's gameplay is fine-ish, it could use some work. They should remove the execution gimmick.
The main problem is Sam, he feels out of touch, his new voice has no personality and the supporting cast is about as funny as having testicular cancer. He also sounds in his early 30s when he should be hitting 60 by now.

Jade Raymond

Do you retards ever stay on topic?

>playing split screen on conviction is more fun than chaos theory
You should try chaos theory before posting stupid shit.
If it's so dead and irrelevant, why did MGS 5 try so desperately to copy it?

>Sup Forums is still upset about a Christian radical group being the antagonists in FC5

I can't put my finger on what exactly happened to Ubisoft, but around 2006-2007, the quality of their products began a sharp collapse.

Conviction and Double Agent were pretty bad
But honestly I thought Blacklist was great. I'd still say the original is my favorite.

thats a picture taken on international womens day you fucking retard

>you should try chaos theory
but I did user, I'm not saying it's bad, just that nothing can match the fun to be had playing split screen coop with friends

All the first three games (Xbox, PC) had dynamic lighting. The PS2 and gamecube versions had pre-baked lights, though.

Ubisoft are fucking hacks now. The first trilogy on Xbox HUEG was great and had better gameplay than MGS until Subsistence

>portraying SF as it is is now SJW
>having an SJW villain who gets rekt is SJW
>having a non-white MC is SJW
>having non-white supporting characters is SJW
>the 5th game in a series in which you already killed all the niggers in africa, all the mexicans in some island and all the indians in kyrat is SJW when you are killing whites in the USA
>ingame politican is white and male and looks and acts nothing like Trump but has both a "T" and "U" in its name so it must be an SJW cyber assault on Trump
laughing my ass off at this retardation

It was better than conviction or double agent but that don't make it good

We must've played different games. Are you talking about the xbox/ps2 version? There aren't many missions where you can't kill or KO anyone, there's 1 mission that you get to replay 16 times. Timed objectives have been in since the first game. But it has the best emails apparently lel

Why are you so angry all the time? If conversations about video games and their studios trigger you, perhaps you should turn off the computer and seek a safe space.

His post doesn't sound angry, your response does though.

Please don't use the N word, that's racist.

Is this a real post?

Conviction was fun with co-op

But single player felt too much like a Jason Bourne movie, rather than a traditional SC game.

>double agent
na my man

>Friendly reminder that next-gen Double Agent was the best Splinter Cell game.
>The ONLY people who didn't like it were fucking casuals who got hit with the cold, hard realization that they were only good at stealth when it consisted of remaining invisible in convenient shadows on exclusively nighttime maps
Nigger, next gen Double Agent is the only Splinter Cell with literal binary visible/invisible detection. Are you by any chance retarded?

>mfw ubisoft hates making money now

>conviction co-op

That last level ending with the plane was pure hype, we need more of that.

couldn't agree more

Black List is better than Phantom Pain.
Better as stealth and action game

I suppose you can say Double Agent (PS3/360/PC) was when the series started going downhill, but it was still a passable and decent game (though GC/Xbox/PS2 versions were superior). It was Conviction when the series went to shit, and Blacklist tried to redeem what Conviction ruined in terms of gameplay.

Guess what they did with Conviction: They brought in the Rainbow Six Vegas director to do a stealth game, hence + Infinite pistol ammo, sound familiar?

Chaos Theory was the best in the series

>The Division - $330 million (First week)

Nobody gives a fuck about this shit game series or Ubisoft politics are way more important.

>Friendly reminder that next-gen Double Agent was the best Splinter Cell game.
It was hot garbage made by ubishit shanghai. It replaced the light and dark mechanics with an on or off light. It was completely linear and full of shitty setpieces instead of modular level design, the plot was a retarded mess and the choices it presented didn't matter in the end. It had idiotic, tacked-on puzzles, it forced you back into a hub after every mission and everyone was out of character.
At least the 6th gen version used the Chaos Theory engine and managed to give the plot and characters a more subtle tone.

>he thinks every dollar a game makes is profit

I take it you've never owned a business.


Siege was over 10 million last november

Must be hard managing all that money, especially with AC releasing this fall which will make bigger money.

Most expensive game ever was $250 million. And $200 million of that was marketing alone.

must be shit facing reality having to realize that Ubisoft is a very successful company
you obviously never owned a business since then you would know Vivendi wouldnt want to own a sinking ship

Conviction and blacklist both had binary visibility too

Blacklist didn't. It only showed lights on your suit "in light" or "in shadow", but that's not how the visibility system worked. Visibility was affected by density of lights around, even if in shadow.

>metal gear inspired the splinter cell games
You're a special kind of stupid.

Turning Grimdottir into some sort of sexpot, femme fatale action hero was the strangest choice I have ever seen a sequel make. She was a Washingtonian spook and tech geek, not some Dirty Harriet badass who carried a gun wherever she went. She was in intelligence. I doubt she ever seriously fired a gun in her life.

Splinter cell is one of those game series today that upsets me when it's brought up. Same with hitman, silent hill, resident evil, some other games. It's been a miserable future to live in thus far in life.


Everyone knows it was Mario Kart 64.

>disgusting stick

If this were the stupidest thing they did with the franchise, I'd overlook it with a slight cringe. The fact is that it's one bad decision after another like this.

the team that made those games are obviously gone

making grimm an attractive woman was extremely problematic.

>left is disgusting

I really liked conviction though, especially the COOP with that ending

i prefer the generic looking bitch on the left, as it's more believable she's some tech nerd anaylist, The right is just fucking stupid

Not that she was more attractive, just that she did field work. That's not really her expertise.

Double Agent had such a shit plot. The only thing they got right was letting me shoot that kang at the end.

Really made me feel like Kazuhira Miller.

>The best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds. not necessarily a talented or passionate one. - Josh

If Josh is working in game design can someone please give him a different job?

I really like R6 Vegas tho

desu Black List kinda save the series from Conviction

I dont think Splinter Cell has die just yet
unlike Ghost Recon

lets just cross finger that they wont make it into open world game when they finally decide to shit it out

>Bought the old Ghost Recon games on Steam sale
>They're a blast

Why can't Ubisoft hurry up and sell off their franchises to someone who actually gives a shit?

I spent ten whole minutes in a shootout with my friend in that. 10/10 ending when we're relaxing and listening to the cutscene.
>Hey user?
>That was some cutscene, huh?
>So, where are you?

What meant right you mean? Blacklist was pretty good. The last mission was splinter cell 1/chaos theory tier.
Just wish Sam had a mentor role instead of being an operative. At least i hope they do so in the next game.

I liked double agent and conviction too, and it would've been a nice albeit not extremely satisfying conclusion to Samuel's story.