Friendly reminder dat they COULD make her awesome


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the fact that she's a mongoloid is a good contrast to how marina is a perfect goddess though

why did they make her teeth pink?

Why does the black one always look uncomfortable?

Dont even mind the 5head, its the color of her eyebrows being too close to her skin color that makes it look like she has no eyebrows thats the problem, it makes her look like a baby.

leave my gremlin alone








>every female character has to conform to a specific stereotype

This is why we can't have nice things.

>white 'people"

we /masterrace/ now

You don't deserve nice things.

She doesn't want the child to figure out that she is a prostitute

Do one with just the eyebrow fix and one with just the hair fix.

So if a human were to impregnate an Octoling, would the baby be the same as the mother?

We'll never know since human is extinct by the time Splatoon happens.

>Have all the talent and looks
>Corporate pairs you up with an ugly obnoxious brat who thinks she's tough because corporate doesn't think an Octoling will sell well in her own

so they make jokes with seafood and fishing

It's just the stupid 5 head honestly.

Like I know they are going for yolandi kinda thing I think but they could have done better.

She's brown, NOT black.


Google black albino and you will know exactly what I mean.

The world is mostly flooded, their food is probably largely from fishing.

Splatoon always had one of the ugliest models for a Nintendo game so I'm not sure why people are surprised by pearl, I'm more surprised how good marina looks

it's japanese culture you moron
it's the stereotype of angry clever little girls, like tron bonne and many others


they all look the same with the weird legs and oval headshapes

i'd be uncomfortable if i had to hang around pearl all day too desu

she has no teeth?

Her hair thing helps hide it

they're pink


They both look like they have autism.
Nintendo panders to their audience I guess.

she does, sorta

I'm not even talking about her personality, in just saying her looks remind me of yolandi.

you just have some jungle fever m8, and that's okay

They literally just need to make her eyemask thing thicker like normal squids, that's it.

She black you retard your argument is nonsense. She does't have white or asian features in the first place so it's a plain fact your wrong.


The fix is good, best part is the non white eyebrows

Fixing the shader on the teeth helps a FUCKTON she looks like she has baby gums

>Pearl Marina
>clearly a pearl harbor joke
backlash when

I love how triggered whites get over dark skin.


i love how blacks are triggered by two words
"nigger" and "niggers"

>getting so butt hurt over skin color
>getting so butthurt over a nonhuman character


>still talking about this when they are octopuses / squids

>waaah they cant be black!111 they cant!111

>can't tell if its serious or just false-flagging at this point

I don't give two shits about something as trivial as words. Try again.


Black have copter that word your more likely to see white people triggered by it.

Yeah white people are the ones literally killing over it


>nigger and mongoloid
>N-nintendo would never pander to SJWs!!!

and you still replied

captcha swan, nope it's emu

Your other adjustments are good but the fivehead has to stay.

(You) replied first, boo.

>posting 0% mad
>while being mad as fuck
wew lad

it's true but i don't deny it

>first posts about how she most definitely isn't black she cant be, ewwie ewwie nigger gross waaahh!!!

>calls others mad when they call him out on it

It ain't the skin color, its the traits and physical features. 99% of "black" or african women are unnatractive and ugly.

Marina exhibits zero black traits - she has dark skin, and dark skin can be sexy as fuck. Her other physical features are in line with white or asian preferences, since Japan knows that nigger bitches are still gross.

>99% of "black" or african women are unnatractive and ugly.
>Her other physical features are in line with white or asian preferences

woah, squid / octopus hair, sharp teeth, wide heads, big eyes, are white features. whoa

my mind is blown

holy shit

Being black and being African are not the same thing. Aboriginal Australians are black and they are more closely related to Chinese people than they are Africans. The Ainu people had white skin and European looking features but were indigenous to Japan.


Can you give her a not shit outfit as well?

She's great in both cases.

yeah call a white a nigger and watch him chimp out.

oh wait..

she has the features of a toddler

Regardless of what people think of Pearl their music is still better than Callie and Marie.

i bet her snatch smells odd.

Whites just think NOBODY should be able to use the word, okay?

No, I will fix her and then she will be mine!

Its actually unfair that Marina doesn't exist

Genuinely considering getting Splatoon 2 just for her

She's an octoling in a city full of squids and she's black. Also Pearl is a bratty bitch and they probably force Miranda to dress for sex appeal.

All they need to do is give her a normal eye mask, fix her pink weird teeth and give her bangs. Literally could push that out in a small day one update if the game's already in production for stores.

These have to be the ugliest characters ever made, Jesus.

She's beautiful just the way she is. That's just ugly.

You know they're the end bosses, right?


This is a fucking jam

Get your shit taste out of here

>exotic condenser

>All the Jap posters comparing Pearl to Chucky from Child's Play