>buy a gtx 1070 cuz muh fps and muh pcmasterrace XDD
>end up playing diablo III only
>buy a gtx 1070 cuz muh fps and muh pcmasterrace XDD
>end up playing diablo III only
Other urls found in this thread:
In Steam, the blizzard store is empty, silly.
I built a new PC recently too and there really is absolutely nothing to play. It's all indie shit, console ports and mobas
protip: there are no pc games, people just buy them for emulating
Just pirate things
>go to blizzard store
>wtf where are the games its only blizzard games here
>Buy gaming PC
>End up with thousands upon thousands of hours playing videogames
Research your purchases and see if they're according to your need next time dumbfuck
It's almost as if you should go for the platform that has the things you want to play rather than the 'best' one or something.
I'd say dumb frogposter but half this board does this shit.
Ummmmm just play PUBG it's the best
Bought that last month, dropped it withing 3 hours of playing.
>dumb frogposter is a thin skinned shitter
who would've guessed
You guys are fucking idiots. Why did you build an expensive ass PC if you didn't even know what you wanted to play? Hell, if you were with the times you'd realize that AAA ain't but shit. So you'd have to be into the other genres... I can survive off 4x/sims/rts/city builders. I grew up on that, but you faggots??... just buy a damn console.
>Buying 1070's & 1080's while still playing with a 1080p 60hz monitor and no AAA games
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people.
Why would you think there are games on PC? PCs are for work, consoles are for games.
If you're building a new PC why wouldn't you just get a 1070?
>Hating pepe
>playing Diablo 3 on pc
That's the worst version.
Don't ask what bizarro realm fracture caused that to happen, but it is.
because you dont play any games or have equipment that benefits from it?
>unironically liking a dead horse
But why when you're not gonna use it the way it was meant to? It's like buying an unlocked CPU without wanting to overclock it, it's retarded.
They are getting harder to find at a reasonable price with bitcoin minerz buying out everything upto 1080
>A dead horse
No wonder everyone hates this board.
that's how it's always been, pc gaming is a meme
That's your fault, no one is forcing you to play Diablo III
There are about 5+ games in the Blizzard store you could play.
The card doesn't come preloaded with games, dick bag.
I have a 6600k
but my mobo doesn't support overclocking
will get a new mobo when I need it though
high end gpus aren't for playing games. They're for mining, you doofus
PUBG, Subnautica, Forza Horizon 3, Doom (2016) and Quake Champions, there are your games, now fuck off, go play and thank me later.
You bought it by mistake, at least you didn't do it on purpose.
Tried quake champs cant find a single match
Fuck is it that bad now? I'm injured and havent been able to play it in 2 weeks.
Imma commit sepuku if champions fails.
fuck off faggot
The only purpose of PC gaming, if you aren't into indie shit, is to play multiplats at higher settings. That is its one and only purpose. Oh, and hype the shit out of Star Citizen.
>tfw I play on a 1070 while having a 1080p 60Hz monitor and a 6600k that's not overclocked
Don't forget the 'other' genres. Which ironically is indie shit nowadays. If you want a good space sim or 4x city builder... I mean... fuck, what else yah gonna do?
Also pirating games and emulation.
>he fell for the pc meme
PC is literally the only platform that matters. Any console, you'll buy one and play maybe 15-20 games before shelving it forever. On PC, there's a lifetime of games.
right here bud
*unzips dick*
>I7 7700
>1070 just before the price hike
zero fucking game
fuck PC gaming
>buy 1070
>Only have 1080p 144hz monitor
Did I fuck up guys? I was tired of my 960 2GB
Pic related is specs.
Also how the fuck do I get most games to 144hz anyway? Was it a meme all this time?
>Paying $400 for a GPU
you brought this on yourself
~$250 has always been the price of a good midrange GPU. If you pay any more it is only for bragging rights but it is not actually going to improve your game experience.
The only reasons are to play WoW and RTS.
>tfw just bought a 1080 for like $550
Literally this, PC isnt for gamers, its for faggots who like to count FPS, fund kickstarters, play and pay for "early access" garbage like dayz, enjoy ports of console games people played fo death years ago (see vanquish and bayonetta recently) buy sub par ports that dont work (see batman, AC, gta iv, fallout 4, skyrim etc.) Want to spend way over the odds for hardware that plays the same games with better dirt textures (as if that's important to gameplay in any shape or form) don't own any physical copies at all at this point (enjoy when steam reserves the right to let you play "your own" games you bought, as if this isn't coming) and think its a must that you should be able to mod your games to fire bananas out your characters ass. They don't ENJOY games, they are something else that i can't quite place.
Battlegrounds, I hear that is the PCs most popular game, I imagine it has incredible graphics
And yet they're still having more fun with it than you are
Last console I bought was PS3. I mean, I played some fantastic things on it, but the hardware itself barely runs its own games and feels cheap, low quality. I'd rather pay premium on PC.
Stay salty
I can't play old school Role Playing Games on console
>build pc
>see nothing good
>go d/l emulators
>go d/l roms
>they gone
>constantly installing and downloading shit, getting a hex editor and image viewer to have spider-man in san andreas cutscenes just to find out it crashes the game in some of them.
totes fun
>Playing a casual arpg instead of one that takes skill like PoE
thousands and thousands of hours playing a console port because every pcgame is either indie shit that's trash by default
>Diablo 3
>Wolfenstein (TNO/TNC)
>Metro (2033/LL/Exodus)
>Divinity: OS/OS2
>Nier Automata
>Dude Sex: MD
Granted, some are multiplats and some are upcoming games, but the point is that you have plenty of games to play with glorious 60 FPS.
>Telling lies
You know where to go.
>Build $1200 PC
>Just use it to emulate SNES, N64, GC, PS2 games
Consolefags seem to have this disease where they can ony play the newest games and don't even notice anything else.
Depends more on your RAM honestly
I just put together a new PC with a GTX 1080
All I've played so far is Factorio, Hacknet, and Rimworld
>end up playing Diablo 3
>console version is superior
you were memed friend
and even then the video doesn't tell you everything you have to do
Please refer to Thanks
>console peasant
>play new game on console
>pc muh tard race
>wait 2 or more years to play the console game on higher settings with the possibility of cut content and dlc
you didn't even check who was that user replying to.
you fucking idiot
I don't understand console players, if there is no games you want to play on PC don't get PC
>PC game called "Thief"
Please look again. If you don't get it, then please leave this site as it's for +18 only.
>you fucking idiot
Please leave the site
There are good games and bad games. Whether they are brand new or not is completely irrelevant. there is no other reasoning.
FPS is probably one of the biggest QoL improvements that PC can offer.
I remember even as a kid noticing how Goldeneye chopped out with splitscreen MP. Honestly, 95% of games are multiplat anyway. So who cares? If you like your console experience, keep on trucking. But no one who ends up putting a PC together besides console faggots were "memed" into anything.
>buy 1070
>play racing sims, elite dangerous in VR with my Rift
>MMD/CM3D2 VR anime porn
>play Cities:Skylines on max with great performance
>play every single FPS on max settings at constant 60
>play Subnautica
>play every Dark Souls
>play Nier Automata
>play literally any one of the other Steam games in my library, new and old
How about you learn to like things other than diablo-like games
>Modding a game is hard
Any other news, Reddit?
I thought the bottom part said "Masterrace"
You poor bastard.
>obnoxious as fuck friend of a friend always bragging about being "PC master race" and how "consoles suck because they can't get 60fps"
>just bought a 1080 and a big case and fans with tons of LEDs, a mouse with LEDs and a mechanical keyboard with LEDs
>continuous shitting on everything that isn't on PC
>he only plays LoL, PUBG and whatever popular multiplayer only game there is
Jesus fucking christ PConlys are as annoying as fucking veggies.
Idort is the true maste race.
what's wrong with the vanilla game that it warrants modding?
>>go d/l roms
>>they gone
What do you mean by this?
Using mods isn't even hard, dude. Minus the advanced autism displayed in that strawman video, it's 90% putting folders in other folders. It's stupid easy. You could probably put Forrest Gump in front of a PC and he could download and install mods.
Because Rockstar are fucking retards that don't have an anime girl as their protagonist so I have to doing it myself
>My friend is a retard that uses a PC
>Therefore everyone that uses a PC is a retard.
I really don't give a shit about what you think, bought 8 games this summer sale and I'm having a blast playing with my friends.
ITT: console retards who pretend to be master race and have no idea where to find games because there isn't a dedicated PC store program to launch
Okay, Reddit.
Dirty, dumb frogposting scum.
>STILL triggered by a fucking cartoon frog
Wow, you really called me out, not like I've never gave a shit about a site that has literally the most ugly interface I've ever seen.
Got my 1070 for $350 back in September
Because of all the old memes, facebook dug out the one that's the biggest fucking eyesore. If you safve frogshit images on your PC, you have zero self-respect.
I do. I'd like to see you try and stop me
>not using adobe, drawing art,making videos
>not using ableton, making music
>not streaming and getting viewer bucks pretending to be a girl
>not torrenting a shit ton of shows and movies
i took the bait.
Dirty, dumb frogposting scum.
>Still getting 60fps with a 970
Feels good to be so fucking right.
You seem mad