Xbox One have no games because everything is on Windows 10 as well

>Xbox One have no games because everything is on Windows 10 as well
>PS4 have no games because everything will eventually come to PSNow
>Switch have no games because all it have is mostly Mario/Pokemon/Zelda over and over again and it's third party support is terrible
>PC have no games because everything that matters on it is on PS4/Xbox One as well

Alright Sup Forums, now that NOBODY have games, which one is your platform of choice?

PS4 because PS1,PS2,PS3 were the best of their generations and still are

>inb4 asshurt people come in thinking they can outshitpost me

um sweetie I think you left something out

Milsims are only available on PC so there's that.

PS4 because it's the most powerful shit I have
and destiny
I'm sorry

Name one WiiU release from it's "lifecycle" that did anything worth mentioning.

>not just waiting to buy a Atari

Jive ass turkey.

People will still buy consoles no matter what

Real talk man the Xbox ecosystem is great.

It's my primary TV box. TVTVTV but damn if it doesn't so it well. I can torrent 4k content right up in there.

Licenses are handled better than Playstation, backward compatibility is great, the best controller, Judy great.

Shame about that whole nogames things. Where are the exclusive?

yeah, I forgot that fun isn't an end unto itself anymore

From another black stop with the hand pics just for the (You)'s you attention whore.

>ports and shovelware
you really showed him

You literally posted a list of shitty ports and children's games. Hopefully the switch can do something useful for once.

>because everything will eventually come to PSNow
So streaming while paying monthly to Sony is acceptable now?
Fuck, this place has no standards at all.

stop that

Nintendo switch + Pc
Is the best decision

Ps4+ PC is the best decision

>now that NOBODY have games, which one is your platform of choice?

>Switch has no games because it has 3 games


Memes usually never make sense.

kek what is this autism? so games don't exist now?

PS4 is a PC and none of its exclusives are worth getting

PS4 is just the poor man's PC, a third party machine.

What exclusives does Sony have? Even Final Fantasy 15 was day 1 multiplat.