Why can't the west get into armor design Sup Forums?

why can't the west get into armor design Sup Forums?
why are they so shit at it?

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How deluded are you? Japanese medieval design is half naked lolis running around in a cheap anime art style hoping you're too busy jerking off to notice how garbage the game is

This is bait and you've just waited time in your life making it. Think about it, time is precious. I was diagnosed recently with a chronic internal disease and yet you choose to waste precious time on this shit. At least give it to me instead of doing this garbage.

How deluded are you? Japanese medieval design is half naked lolis running around in a cheap anime art style hoping you're too busy jerking off to notice how garbage the game is

Actually we're talking about non-anime armor made by the Japanese.


>Posts a rogue leather set.
>Tries to compare it to plate.
>Thinks a rogue would use a shield and a 2handed great sword.
Bro do you even rogue?



>medieval design

>snapping a pic at a soup kitchen


Japan's medieval Final Fantasy games are a bit wonky but to be fair, they also do other shit like flying ships and other advanced machinery. Overall though, this seems about right.

>niggers think dumping hot sauce and mayo on everything = cooking
This is "mart shart" levels of just outright bullshitting to take attention off of yourself

I've never fucking understood this. If black people are allegedly so much better at cooking, then how come the majority of chefs are white?

You took the time to revive this thread, but your examples are still cherry-picked.

>Plate armor
>Medieval design

>japanese warrior design

Oh boy, this thread again.

I guess I missed the part in the medieval history books where goblins, orcs and elves walked around

Europeans created globe-spanning empires to acquire spices

This image is accurate, at least for the black family's side.

t. Nigger

Why are white people such self-hating tribalists? baka

Lol can't handle a little spice? Why are you mad?

>All armor was plate during medieval times
Can you please come up with real bait


>japan always does thing this way
>actually most of the time it does it an other way
>yeah but I'm talking about the times it does it the first way
Makes me think

what are even saying retard? go back to school

>game have fireweapons, zeppelins and actual motorbikes and vehicles
>i-its me-medieval guys

Are there any games that take place in the late middle ages or a fantasy equivalent with all that super ornamental armor and the dawn of the knight killer with their early guns?

It's the opposite, plate is a classical/renaissance thing. Medieval is all about chainmail.

what the fuck is this gay shit?


Why is realism so important, it's a fucking videogame.

Oh yeah. Visually realistic, based on real armor, and doesn't look like it was designed to be a toy.

The japanese make the best medieval looking armor.

>it's a Western people shitting on themselves Thread #5216658

That's not medieval.

why can't white people get into armor design and spicing their food lmao?

From the same game.

I know this is probably a false flag, but WoW armour looks deliberately impractical and cartoonish. Huge pauldrons and stupid helmets are part of the charm.

I'm pretty show knight killers started showing up at the very end of the middle ages though?

That looks like a toy.
A boring toy.

you sound like a butthurt neckbeard m8

This is a very important aspect of white "culture". White people can't hate each other and actively look for ways to make each other uncomfortable.

It's weird how black people picked up the meme when they're godawful themselves, except Caribbeans, who are pretty fucking good

it's weird how white people can get so upset over something as innocent as being jest over their cooking techniques

I just feel bad for all the good white cooks out there, like the whole of southern europe. I'm sorry I'm too much of fag to handle bantz

>bring bantz
>don't expect bantz back

White people "cuisine"

I bet that's delicious

>as being jest over their cooking techniques
Hey, when you steal something from someone and star waving it in their faces they're gonna be pissed.

Black people "cuisine"

It's always black vs white with these goofy little race wars


>black people innocently making fun of cooking
>white people get upset and go overboard and start making fun of stealing and looks

why do white bois always take it too far?


>white people "delicacies"

right back at ya (though if these are stereotypes, then I'd be black too, KFC is great, watermelons are great and grape juice is great)

Eels are actually delicious and a delicacy in much of Europe. Though you do cut off the heads and remove all the internal organs. Often they're smoked as well.

It's funny because all the people you see making those ridiculous ghost pepper salsas and subjecting themselves to "WORLDS HOTTEST HOT SAUCE" are white rednecks

why cant niggers ever handle the bantz? Every time they get any sort of response they start whining


where dat jap armor can be found?

You're ignoring anime games.

Also Europs do it better than both. The fact someone is white doesnt automatically mean he should be the best at portraying shit so old it might aswell have been someone else's lineage.

In fact, one of the most popular medieval games talked about here were made by Turks.

darksouls 3

man, the classic FFT dragoon design is so good.

>"I hate a specific race" is not hate speech and is not racist
I'm against laws against hate speech because I believe in true freedom of speech, but at LEAST don't have double standards, for fuck's sake.

this is the curse of liberalism

Butthurt subhuman detected.
Don't play so many naked loli games and try an actual decent Japanese game then you filthy pedofag

me on the middle, being hugged by the guy with the beer

it's okay because the person saying it is white

I don't know, but it'll never stop being funny at how sensitive some folks on Sup Forums are about this. It's not even the worse stereotype a race could have, and yet there's always that one person.

>br cuisine

>cherry picking

tanks brudda

>post something
>get a response
>Lol why are you so sensitive
Any pictures of food get responses because everyone on Sup Forums is a fat fuck.

That image is implying only white people are scientists

White people may get butthurt over a little bantz but I rarely see them do a driveby shooting over it

it is weird though how the Japanese just generally do fantasy better than the west, especially with monster design and AI
japanese fantasy always draws from mythology and old stories where the west tries to avoid fantasy tropes at all costs and just end up creating a generic off-brand fantasy with elf racism

Mediterranean Europe and East Asia make the best food
Shitskins get fucked

>he thinks mart sharting isn't real
hello yank

where the sauce at wite boi?
no sauce on dem ribs and chicken is fucking travesty

>picks jap euro-medieval design
>ignores all the anime shit
>picks the one game that looks remotely historically accurate
>Picks fantasy RPG with fantasy RPG armor/weapons
>claims historical inaccuracy


Dark Souls
>Dark, depressing atmosphere
>Art style reflects this
>Fun light-hearted MMO
>Art style reflects this

Really makes you think

>Fun light-hearted MMO
The lore is constantly about how everything gets fucked for everyone

Left is clearly from a prison AKA actual black thanksgiving food

Next time let's compare a plastic glass with a dragon painted on it with a tanglewood guitar used to compose a song about a dragon

>all of these falseflaggers and all of these falseflaggers jerking off falseflaggers

>white """people""" have to wear sunscreen
no wonder you are all working inside while blackies fuck your girls

I don't understand this "blacks are better at everything" meme

Apparently blacks are better at cooking, dancing, singing, sports, fucking, girls have bigger asses and better curves and men have bigger dicks

It's pathetic how blacks have to constantly try to inflate their own egos by posting this shit. It's even worse when retards fall into the trap and try to act and talk like them


>South Africa


Pick one

the only reason you don't see white people doing it on mainstream sites like facebook is because it's racist m8

go to Sup Forums and all the threads will have it

>singing, sports, fucking, girls have bigger asses and better curves and men have bigger dicks

all these are true

>white people
>POLICE detained...
This race baiting bullshit really activates my almonds.

This shit always triggers me.
Frog-mouth helms were only used during tournaments like jousting, not during any kind of battle.

Welcome to America.

that's an armet
pic related is a frogmouth

You missed out on a lot user, it was hands down the best part of history.