>Hard mode is DLC.
>Ultra Hard gets added in a free fucking patch, not to mention NG+.
>Hard mode is DLC.
>Ultra Hard gets added in a free fucking patch, not to mention NG+.
Other urls found in this thread:
lol both games are trash but at least Horizon is doing their fucking hard mode free.
Zelda's hard mode is supposed to be played after the main quest though. You're supposed to know all the main tricks specially considering end game mobs appear in the first areas. It doesn't just increase hp and damage and it also doesn't decrease fucking drop rates like fucking Horizon.
Still, this is bait so kys.
>not to mention NG+.
What's NG+ difference?
Just new game with your previous upgrades intact and enemy HPx5?
>It doesn't just increase hp and damage
You forgot to mention after that what else it does, instead of bitching about other game.
Pretty much. And some ng+ only cosmetics and weapons. I dont think theres much of a point for ng+in this game since the story can only go one way and theres no branching side paths either.
And why should I spoonfeed you information you can get with a quick google search? Also I did mention enemy locations being very different already, that's just one thing.
I'm not even bitching about Horizon, its a really cool game. But the hard mode in Horizon is very lazy compared to Zelda's.
>Game is good for free
>Game still sucks after DLC
Also the main girl in Horizon is more attractive than the one in BotW, which is rare for a Western game.
link is better female than that semen orc
Zelda's Hard mode
>Changes most enemy ranks
>Adds a new top rank monster type: Gold
>Adds an HP regeneration mechanic to enemies
>Tweaks enemy sensory awareness
>Modifications to some enemy AI
>Floating platforms with treasure and enemies placed all over the world to re-incentivize and freshen up exploration a little
>Cost of the Hard mode DLC also includes a 50 Floor Dungeon that enhances the Master Sword, a new temporary fast travel system and several sets of armor and the entire second DLC which includes new story content and another dungeon.
You're baiting for consolewars. I'm excited for the update to HZD too, but you're being stupid. What all changes in Ultra Hard? I'm interested but not sure if it's worth it to bother.
>It doesn't just increase hp and damage
it does
>for free
Black perchance?
Dude, shut up. Zelda's not difficult. I'd play that shit from the start.
I've beaten shit like The Evil Within on AKUMU and World at War on whatever the highest setting was. I always play on the highest setting.
I'm actually reluctant to do NG+ Ultra Hard on Horizon 'cause I'm afraid it won't be hard enough. I'm just barely resisting the urge to start Ultra Hard on a new file.
gotta work harder and give more when your game is sitting in last place :/
>>Tweaks enemy sensory awareness
Here, I'll translate the marketer buzzwords: it gives enemies bigger field of vision
Why do people feel the need to fight online wars for these games? They're fucking video games. Why are you doing battle for a fucking video game company?
are you making this thread everyday?
get a life
Nintendo Babbys always lose
Dude, really? Now I'm fuckin' hyped. Fresh cosmetics sounds great.
I know you don't give a fuck, but you can make Aloy do different shit. It's got that Mass Effect 1/2/3 dialogue bullshit.
So you don't know?
>Dude, shut up. Zelda's not difficult. I'd play that shit from the start.
You're in for a rude fucking awakening.
> I always play on the highest setting.
Yeah. I know. You're going to die a LOT before you earn your skills. I'm just as "hardcore" as you think you are and I die regularly in hard mode. I can't even pass floor 10 of the Trial of the Sword.
>Bigger FoV
>More acute hearing
>Able to discern targets much more quickly. the little awareness meter fills much faster
Get over yourself.
fight for their honor is funnier than play the actual game,
1. You didn't play HZD
2. DLC isn't out yet
Is Zelda hard mode worth it? Did they add any enemies?
My mom only buys me one console every 5 years and i need to defend it at all costs
Does this mean aloy does it for free?
Wasn't talking about Link, though it's pretty sad that Zelda is more SJW by Sup Forums's definition than Horizon.
>People pay money for it because the gameplay is good
>Nobody spends a penny on it because the gameplay sucks
All Nintendo fans are fags. They all jack it to gay Link. That's what I understand from reading Sup Forums, anyways. Still looking for the one straight LoZ fan.
>the little awareness meter fills much faster
then why not just say that instead of adding all the fluffy language that makes it sound more impressive
Gold Lynel/Lizalfos/Moblin/Bokoblin. All monsters ranked up +1 to begin with, meaning there's NO base level enemies and the overworld is entirely blue and better to begin with.
>ultra hard
>ng+ keep all your shit
>ultra hard
>Did they add any enemies?
Ok settle your hype. The cosmetics are some facepaint and some headpiece colors that you only unlock after beating new game plus on one of the harder difficulties. And the """new""" weapons and gear look and act exactly the same as the highest versions that are already in the game but with one more mod slot.
Yea theres the say different things in diolauge stuff, but none of that changes what happens in the game. Im saying all this shit as someone who loves the fucking shit out of this game. Im just not retarded enough to say everythings amazing all the time.
Because I'm not an ape and enjoy using language to it's fullest. The awareness meter is a game abstraction to represent the creature's ability to discern whether or not it's looking at an enemy or not.
Why can't Horizon fans make threads to discuss the game without bringing up Zelda? You're never going to enjoy the game if you continue to wear it around your neck like an albatross.
inflating their HP doesn't make them new enemies.
If you can't do it fresh I'll be pissed.
Different movesets and weapons.
I was going to play it anyways, gaylord. Seeing that there's new shit is cool.
Every legit HZD thread gets shitposted to death by Nintendo fans.
>Different movesets
They added gold-enemies
every enemy type gets bumped up a class, red bokoblins become blue, blue becomes silver, silver becomes gold.
They have some new attacks and presumably maxed out AI. You don't understand how enemy ranks work in BotW, but it's actually pretty complex. It's less apparent on Lynels and the like, but basic Bokoblins and Moblins show increased levels of AI intelligence as they rank up.
Just one example of many:
>Red Boko
Probably ignores most of your bombs if it's in combat
>Blue Boko
Is aware of bombs but doesn't really worry about them. Sometimes will kick a bomb away or avoid, but not often
>Black Boko
Scared of bombs. Often completely diverts pathfinding to avoid blast radius and will frequently attempt to kick bombs away from itself and others and even towards you.
No, fuck off.
they resort to chucking explosives at you immediately for one, there's a low chance of this happening in at regular difficulty.
Thanks for confirming you can't back up your claim kek
And what does gold do differently from the others?
it's ok when nintendo does it
I'm a Sony faggot and this picture amuses me.
As someone who plays on the highest setting, I'd never buy Breath of the Wild. Locking the highest setting behind a paywall is fucking heinous.
I haven't fought any yet. It's common knowledge that they have some unique attacks and I'm sure they basically have maximum intelligence and prioritization like this guys said:
kek is this rivalry really still going? Sup Forums just can't let things go
Why can't you people discuss your game without bringing up Zelda every single time?
cmon it's just a few dollars, pay for it please
>Shut up
>I ALWAYS play on the highest settings
So you like shilling. Good to know.
Oh look. It's the butthurt BotW fan again. Still mad that not everyone loves your 10/10 best Zelda game of all time?
>speaking in full sentences and without buzzwords is shilling
Magic is fucking awful. I bet you smell like ass due to never showering.
Legit Horizon threads get shitposted to death by Nintendo fans every single time.
what does a card game you play with friends have to do with not showering?
Completely false. Prove your claims or fuck off.
Also nice mature attitude "they shitpost our threads so we make shitpost threads".
>Legit Horizon threads
Tipitty topitty kek
>i-i didn't bring it up! they did!
>i-i didn't steal the cookies! they fell in my mouth!
>tfw you feel like the only idort in the world
Guys. Both games are fun. BotW is better, bit HZD is still great.
Don't be stupid.
It's Sup Forums that ruins HZd threads with "muh SJW" bogeymen.
>Still a better game
What country are these sales figures from? Bongistan?
>Changes most enemy ranks
So just HP and Damage bloat. Could have just said it like it is.
>Adds a new top rank monster type: Gold
More HP and Damage bloat
>Adds an HP regeneration mechanic to enemies
Artificially bloat HP even more if the enemy fucks about or if a Lizalfos hides in the water. Wow, great game design
>Tweaks enemy sensory awareness
fills up a meter faster than before, oh boy.
>Modifications to some enemy AI
Not seen this in the slightest. Everything still sits for 3 seconds, attacks, rinse repeat
>Floating platforms with treasure and enemies placed all over the world to re-incentivize and freshen up exploration a little
this is the laziest attempt at "freshening up" I've ever seen. At least OoT master quest LoZ Quest 2 (which was part of base game btw) bothered to redo dungeon design and orders.
>Cost of the Hard mode DLC also includes a 50 Floor Dungeon that enhances the Master Sword, a new temporary fast travel system and several sets of armor and the entire second DLC which includes new story content and another dungeon.
This is the only legit thing, but for the cost it's pointless. Even then it's still just rehashed enemies in square rooms over and over. Other games provide WAY more for much less.
So basically you made a bunch of greentext that could easily be summed up as
>HP Bloat
>Damage Bloat
>50 Square rooms of the same fights you've done hundreds of times over
user, stop shilling, we get it. You have buyer's remorse.
Walk into a hobby store on Friday at like 8:30 PM. Trust me. Just do it. Walk between the tables and just breathe it in.
>game is good
>game is bad
>marketing a game
The problem is that all your doing is bullshitting. You can say what it is far more effectively. Buzzwords or not, the DLC is lazy. You can puff it up all you want. Oh look, I can make full sentences too. The only difference is I'm not selling another companies product for them.
You didn't play HZD, though.
Does anyone have the webms of Horizon and how firing explosives into water doesn't cause so much as a ripple?
That would settle this thread once and for all. The overworld is completely static, you can't interact with it.
you alright there champ?
>The problem is that all your doing is bullshitting.
No. I'm explaining the features without resorting to oversimplification and bizzwords.
I'm a full cut above your average Sup Forums shitstain and you can't tolerate it. That or you're a second level troll, because you directed me to a post that's quite obvious bait. I mean seriously, Buyer's Remorse? Not even worth a reply.
You're firing shit from a bow, dude. You expect the water to explode?
Now I wanna check the machine cannons, though. That'd be an oversight.
Bow or sling*
fucking kek. I can't. this can't be a real post
Fucking finally. All I wanted was fucking facepaint.
Dying is not the same as Difficulty. BotW's open-ended design means that there are very few actual objectives. Death doesn't stop you from doing anything, and the camera killed me more than anything.
Does Hard/Master Mode add enemies to Divine Beasts? Does it add enemy patrols instead of MMO trash mobs with 10ft vision cones? Does it add a purpose to killing enemies? Does it disable the obnoxious autosave? Does it disable flurry rush? Does it add movesets to enemies so you can't briskly walk circles around them as they grunt and pose?Does it fix the A.I. so enemy archers don't completely forget about you the moment you step out of their vision for 5 seconds? Does Does it make the puzzles not for infants? Does it give Dark Beast Ganon the ability to be a boss fight instead of an interactive cutscene?
Of course not, I only play good games.