Do you guys think this will be at least decent?
What is your opinion on the previous darksiders games?
What do you want to see in the third game?
Do you guys think this will be at least decent?
What is your opinion on the previous darksiders games?
What do you want to see in the third game?
Other urls found in this thread:
>le female protagonist may may
>Still getting triggered
I want poltards to leave
shes been female since darksiders 1 bro
I wanna keep the customization from 2
I wanna more than 4 movesets to bosses
The last 2 games were pretty good, I doubt this one will stray very far, probably a 7/10
Who's she? Pestilence or famine?
Also... who's making this? Didn't THQ went bankrupt?
Long-dead beloved franchises are being revived thanks to feminist money. Meanwhile you're still stuck on Sup Forums and pirating games you'll never play anyway but you just want to hurt the developers.
Maybe it's time to rethink your life?
We know you want a safe space.
>Do you guys think this will be at least decent?
Decent is the very definition of Darksiders. They're very solidly 7.5 games, and I don't think they'll mess with it too much.
I liked Darksiders a lot. It's the first game I ever got all trophies for, and I recently got the PC remake for like 3$ and it was just as good as I remember. Got all achievements for it there too.
Darksiders 2 is a strange beast. It kept a lot of what made the first good, but also added a bunch of stuff that doesn't really make it better. But ut doesn't really make it worst either. And I respect them for changing enough of the game to avoid being formulaic.
I hope the 3rd game does something similar. Keeps some stuff, changes other. Maybe go for a more stealth approach to differentiate Fury from her brothers. The gameplay video we've seen so far made it look like what you'd expect from Darksiders.
Don't see how it could be since they're SJWs now.
My only real complaint for Darksiders 1 is some of the areas went on for too long to "teach" you how to use items, like the bomb. I don't need like 15 bomb puzzles to prove I know how to use bombs to kill the boss.
IIRC Darksiders 2 alleviated some of that.
started out 3 brothers, what the fuck happened? r.i.p THQ
Or was it a boomerang or something? Whatever.
>who's making this? Didn't THQ went bankrupt?
No one bought Vigil Games when THQ went under because Darksiders 2 had just come out and Vigil had nothing in the production pipe. So they mostly split into two smaller studios.
One is called Airship Syndicate and is making an RPG called Battle Chasers: Nightwar.
The other studio is called Gunfire Games and they're the ones making Darksiders 3. Both studios are in Austin, Texas I believe, and both are now being published by THQ Nordic, which isn't THQ at all, it's a small Austrian developer / publisher that used to be called Nordic Games which bought the rights to everything THQ that hadn't been bought already, including Darksiders. They then talked to the two Vigil off-shoots and both seemed to like them and they're all working together now.
There is nothing about feminism or progressivism involved here. The franchise was always planned to involve all the horsemen, and Fury was always a woman. And while they've changed her armor a bit, I think she looks more like her brothers now.
Out of 4 riders, 1 was told to be a female from the beginning.
They had 2 male protags and now they had to choose between male and female. There is nothing SJW about that SO FAR.
So I've got Darksiders and Darksiders Warmastered. Is Warmastered that much better or is it a touch up that actually makes the game worse?
I just wish darksiders 1 and 2 had a better check list for the items collected.
I'm trying to plat darksiders 2 but geting all the collectables is a pain in the ass, especially because i didn't have a checklist for it before starting the game so i'll have to backtrack the entire game.
>Do you guys think this will be at least decent?
The short game play the showed looked kinda bad. Combat complexity was maybe sub DS1, camera was a mess, environ was maybe OK, as it had some nice scale, but then quickly devolved to sewer level, graphics are OK, fury design/model looks pretty bad, boss fight looked boring, fury move set is meh, animations are obviously, r-r-right?, a work in progress.
The next trailer has to impress.
I found Darksiders 1 to be very easy to get all of the collectibles and achievements, with only one or two being missable.
Darksiders 2 is much harder to fully complete, and doesn't feel as rewarding to because of the randomized loot. Once you've gotten everything in DS1, you know you're as powerful as you can possibly be. In DS2, you might already be brokenly powerful without having tried if you got lucky.
All it did was touch up the graphics. Because of the style, the games still look great. I highly recommend you at least play the 1st.
The trailer they showed looked very much like an alpha build. I know the "But it's just an alpha" meme, but I can appreciate that they're actually showing what they have here and not some pre-baked shit trying to pass off as actual gameplay like Ubisoft always does.
>Once you've gotten everything in DS1, you know you're as powerful as you can possibly be. In DS2, you might already be brokenly powerful without having tried if you got lucky.
Only reason i'm being able to attempt the 100% run is because i got lucky and got a life steal scythes. Also some unique items you get level up with you on deathinitive mode.
So Warmastered will just make it look better? Alright, I'll give it a shot
i wanted to play as the one with guns more desu but this could be interesting too
i just hope they learned from DS2 and don't go for the open world meme too hard and don't have a bunch of shitty samey Diablo-like stuff
I really like the first two games.
First entry was a solid game, second did some things better and some things worse.
Excited for 3, one way or another.
Sup Forums falseflag is really getting out of hand.
The only thing they did was make her uglier and her eyes too big becoming some weird ass amalgamation between ugly american comic art and some weird ass manga art
found a better comparison
I mean what the fuck where they thinking
>The only thing they did was make her uglier
They made her look like her brothers. Well we can't really tell with Death, but War has high cheekbones, a pointed face and a large forehead. Death's Mask has the same style as War's face, and now Fury has a similar look.
I wonder what order they were born in.
We know Death is the eldest and War is the youngest out of the four.
That's exactly what is SJW about it. She was too sexy so they uglied her up so she wouldn't be attractive. Bet her whole personality is gonna be "bitch" too, because that's what SJWs think a strong woman is.
Maybe they'll fix her before the game comes out?
because square high cheekbones faces correlate to extreme ugliness right?
Well hopefully they'll add in some cool helmets or 20$ paper bag DLC
I think only a small percentage of it is falseflagging. I'm convinced that /r the donald spread out from Sup Forums to Sup Forums just to shit it up even more
>Do you guys think this will be at least decent?
Not really from what they've showend
>What is your opinion on the previous darksiders games?
1 was decent, 2 improved the combat a lot but introduced a lot of mechanics that simply didn't work in that kind of game which ultimately made me drop it.
>What do you want to see in the third game?
No more leveling up, loot or climbing segments and a combat at least as good as 2's
Not holding my breath for it tho.
The first two are great, absolutely love em.
This one still looks good, although Im wary of how it will turn out after the IP changing hands.
Im sure it will at least be good, just by the fact that the style of gameplay alone is something we dont get much of on PC.
The fuck are you babbling about? I just asked because I liked both Darksiders, played the second on WiiU and then bought both of them on a Steam sale. And I thought 3 would never happen when THQ went bankrupt.
>because square high cheekbones faces correlate to extreme ugliness right?
Actually traditionally it correlates to being evil, or untrustworthy. Thats why villains have high cheekbones almost always.
First game was great, one of the best Zelda games.
Darksiders 2 was kinda weak. It was entertaining enough, but they switched their main inspiration from Zelda to Diablo trying to meet them both half-way and ended up with rather unfocused mess without a hope in hell for consistent difficulty curve. Story had pretty much nothing to do with the first game. And finally it just felt lazy in too many aspects, particularly how often you were sent to get three X, and to get each X you had to get three Y. Still there was enough good in it, particularly when it came to visual design.
Wonder what they're going to do with third game.
Her in-game model looks better but yeah, she should be at least as attractive as Uriel was in the first two games. I hope they tighten it up by release.
I also don't love that she just wears pants. She doesn't have to have her cheeks out like in Mad's art but she looks a bit too "Warrior" right now. Without the pants it looked more mystical. If they were going to cover her up, they should have gone with lighter armor and more flowing clothing to get across the "mage" aspect of her character.
Wow, he looked like absolute shit.
Yup, though part of me wished it was an unlockable skin, just for some variation.
And I want to say Fury and Strife are twins, at least that's what the wiki said
>first one is a great stomp with well balanced and mostly well designed game balance
>second goes deep off the loot'em up genre and feels a lot more lacking in focus
Not mention DS2 is such a fucking arse game technically, having deleted and reverted my save tons of times, last time it having the audacity to corrupt my save after i instantly died to one of the optional bosses that was actually way past my level, and then kindly give me the option to start from the very beginning again :^)
DS1 only crashed once, and only after half a day of constant running
pic related
>sjw uggo main character
>they literally changed the original design to cover her entire body in armor despite Death not wearing a shirt the entire game of DS2
>main weapon is a boring whipe
I get where you're coming from
I just really hoped she would've been sexier as depicted in the first concept art. Right now she is uglier then Lilith(although she is a succubus) or the angel girl from 1.
So far everyone is handsome or hot and would fit any punk rock bands but she just feels out of place as the sole ugly person right now
They altereed her original design, you stupid fucks who keep saying "Shes always been a woman".
Yeah we know, too bad they went back and changed her face to be mannish and covered her body up.
I still can't decide how I feel about DS2. I mean, I enjoyed it a lot and the combat is significantly more satisfying for me but I've replayed the first game three or four times but I haven't been able to replay DS2 once. I always get to the Land of the Dead and stop shortly after.
I'm very excited, hell I'll buy the collectors edition, artbook or whatever they sell with it.
it is because darksiders 2 went for the open wolrd meme and the game feels a lot more boring when going trough the areas.
They added a bunch of shit that didn't really improve the game, it just stretched it out.
man I fucking love the realistic real world proportions contrasting so hard with the comic style of mad
The game pulls it off so well
i hope the combat is a little better and that they work the came a bit more, having it behind your back at all times feels kinda shitty when you have a bunch of enemies on screen.
Here's hoping she has the Abyssal Armour set as well.
I hope it releases for Switch, but I'm not really banking on it.
Her hair looks like cotton candy in the game
I hope there's at least 1 slut armor.
The first two were pretty good so I'd expect this one to at least be decent. Shame about the shitty main character though.
knows what he's talking about.
they should stick with the same formula as one or at least don't stray away too much. i'd rather be mildly disappointed than completely because they wanted to make the next best thing. keep it simple.
Imagine how good the game would have been if they had used the original design.
But no, gotta feminist it up to appeal to fat cunts who want to suck the life and fun out of games.
Wouldn't want anyone to see a womans skin, because that's "sexist"
Using guides =/= 100% completion
Using guides = cheating
You = cheating faggot
They already said it wouldn't be open world so there's that I guess
warmastered has serious audio issues with cutscenes, like the voices are super quiet and offsync, someone said if you replace the cutscene files with those from the original game the audio will be fine, but the cutscenes will be lower resolution, i havent tried it though
I played the original and half the sequel before my PC died. I was so starved for games I thought anything was great.
Turns out I was being a delusional faggot. For such a massive store, Steam is a pile of shit.
I'd say the original's a 7/10 and the sequel's a 5 or 6 based on what I played. Commendable that they tried new shit, though. I also love Death as a character. It's just the gameplay that felt lacking. I'm talking real review scores, not game journalist faggotry. I'm saying Darksiders II is average or a bit above.
Not those faggots again. I hate those giant fucks.
That one is the dude from ds1, Ulthane
It'll be interesting to see how he managed to meet 2 horsemen within a short time of each other
That's fucking Ulthane, he hold pivotal role in the story since the first game and he lives on Earth.
I beat the first one a few months ago. I don't remember that guy.
The games are badass, can't wait mate.
I'm not even edgy normally, only with darksiders.
Well that's an interesting experience, to play through entire game blindfolded.
You try to get his hammer and he fights you, than you go into a competition of who kills more angels
then he builds a revolver for you. he also fixes the Armageddon blade.
Did they make any confirmation on when the events of the game are taking place? 2 if I remember correctly was between War's initial deployment to Earth and his exilement.
You say it like edgy is a bad thing.
Liking edgy shit doesn't mean you wear a fedora like a spergelord. It just means you like cool shit.
Take this .gif for example. Are you afraid to say it looks cool? 'Cause it looks cool.
Favorite horseman go
Oh. Fuck. Now I remember.
Damn. That gun was fucking cool.
I wanted them to do a coop one. I thought that was the plan. That would have been bitchin'
I dont want to play this one, at all.
Good answer.
My favorite thing about Death besides the snark and dryness is that while he might not be as straight up powerful as War, he and the other horseman are still more than capable of wiping the floor with whatever attacks them.
>remade her design into this ugly monster
>whip as a main weapon
>whip combat looks absolutely atrocious so far and lacks the impact of Lords of Shadows whipping
I have absolutely no faith in this project.
>while he might not be as straight up powerful as War
In terms of gameplay he pants on head retarded and way stronger than War. Not to mention much better with magic.
I love Death, but War had like 9 health bars at full power, and he could pick up cars and throw them like footballs
Not saying Death is weak, none if the horsemen are, but I think Death even states in the comics or the novel that War is the strongest of them.
But you're right about the magic.
I really want them to get done with Fury so we can finally have a gunslinger MC.
Death got his name because he was the most unstoppable of all the four in battle. Maybe War has stronger peak performance, but Death killed the most Nephilim and personally murdered Absalom who was the ruler of their entire race, so overall he's stronger.
And hey, Fury is supposed to be a mage right? Wouldn't it be funny if she btfo her brothers in terms of pure magical power and skill?
>the fool isn't Wicked K
First game has one of my favorite endings of all time.
>have the camera move dynamically to help the player see more enemies
>lock the camera down behind the character and let the player control it themselves
These games can never win on the camera front, nobody is ever happy.
Forgot about him, hope he's somewhere in 3 too.