Less have a webm thread

less have a webm thread


(GOTY) Dying Light (GOTY)

dying light

dying light.


dying light


dying light

dying light.

dying light

living shadow

Dying Light

light dying

Dead Island 3

dying light

>low bitrate webm of a low bitrate video compressed by Youtube compressed originally by the author

Reminds me of these hood twitter posts with screencaps inside caps inside caps.


dying light

>weapons break after ten strikes
>just end up using fists and legs since they are indestructable

Did that in every Dead Island and Dying Light.


Punching shit was fun as fuck in DL anyway, but pas a certain threshold ennemies are too spongy.

>not just using a mod that removes retarded condition system

What game is that? It looks sweet!

boku no dying light


>the opposite of light

>not just playing a better game

Alright buddy I'll tell you just this once since we don't spoonfeed around here. It's dying light.

Or you could do that instead.
it was fun in coop running shit scared at night tho

Holy shit

lying diet

>not running
>ignoring the fire flower
>that flagpole jump
I'm assuming it was done on purpose to make people like me angry.

what game?


dying light

Lets color the city like blood

expiring illumination

2 guuys 1 hummer

shadow is the absence of light, dweeb

fading luminescence

Lmao he fell funny

reminds me of the NES demo that plays from the start menu.

It's a self trained AI playing

dying light

Webm looked good
however anything from dead island devs is gonna be absolute shit so D R O P P E D


fuck you


fuck off m8

Dying Light is pretty much Dead Island if it were actually good. Worth a buy, even more if you have friends to play co-op.


I just went to get the Excalibur sword and continued using it after it broke because it sends zombies airborne regardless.

fuck you



This some kick simulator knock off?

that's not Dark Messiah




whats happening here?

>3 hour run

It's fun but the weapon balance feels like shit. Once you can buy a bow there's zero reason to use melee until like really late game when you get swords that do 300+ damage with stacks of elemental effects and shit.

Bow one shots everything but virals and the larger infected but you can just pop a flare and headshot spam virals while they freak out

Paint the Town Red

You can force volatiles into the safe zone with a UV flashlight

That doesn't look sporting.

there are giganiga zombies that only come out at night that hunt down the player that are afraid of light

they glitched it into a room that is supposed to be guarded by uv lights. It tries to run away so they follow and trigger an ingame cutscene where time hasn't paused for the rest of the game

Double barrel shotgun point blank to the head absolutely destroys the volatiles

You can get one early at Jeff's place after he blows himself up

>zombie lunges in for a grab
>my charged up baseball bat swing gets interrupted as my character enters the canned 'getting grabbed' animation

I fucking hate these kind of attacks in these first person action games. I like the game but this shit is as infuriating as the fucking eagles in Far Cry 4


>he didn't say 'what a shocker'


Dying Light was great though. I just hate the sand-nigger setting. Harran reminds me a lot of Kabul.

I fucking hate the middle east.

I hate that all zombies are bald. It makes all the lady zombies ugly as fuck and not at all as satisfying to kill.


BT was a true bro

Best. Game. Ever.


my nigga

Drive: The Game


Fuck you. Last time I played Mario was fifteen years ago and this video is still making me angry.

is this bf4? which map?

The new Wolfenstein was fun, I hope next one will be as good.


>being this triggered

thats apperantly an ai playing nigga its cool as fuck if true

>not buying it for the multiplayer

Dying Light is actually pretty good

If it had white people they would cry "muh white genocide", you can't win with these tards.


Toddposting went too far

is that a male(male)?

That's Hardline.

its a girl(girl)[tl note:male]


what game?


Somebody post the final boss fight

I'm still trying to forget.