Why don't western developers respect freedom of expression in online games anymore?
>tfw nobody talks in game anymore in fear of getting banned
Why don't western developers respect freedom of expression in online games anymore?
>tfw nobody talks in game anymore in fear of getting banned
inb4 reddit numales bootlicking cucks shitting up the thread
They are litterly the most spiteful gameing company. Just look at the bitch fit they had over that comic.
Which comic, user?
I can tell none of you are american because you have no respect for the rights of businesses or the importance of a contract.
They never did? What changed is how the servers are managed aka no dedicated and hidden p2p
t. Right To Censor. a Shareblue subsidiary in co-operation with NeoGaf
Spewing senseless insults isn't a form of expression you child.
yeah it hurts when you get reminded of the bullies in high school huh
Get out you commie fuck libtard. You want someone to save you from signing then breaking a contract, that's some real cuck shit.
why do you keep making this thread it's been like a year since this happened
When you use their service, you play by their rules.
>they always wanted to censor and now they got the means
>wow, fuck you for supporting it!
Are you retarded?
nigga did you know it's a fuckin video game?
>Thinks the left would support companies exercising their rights on their own platform.
>He thinks they aren't for shit like censorship.
Wanna know how I know you're a nigger?
I'm pretty sure the Bill of Rights supercedes any kind of TOS the player "signs". If I was the guy I'd sue. No judge worth their salt would accept a TOS as legally binding, especially if it directly contradicts American rights.
Is this really the hill you're going to die on, Shareblue?
You're not a real conservative you just want to meme. Fuck off back to the gulags you commie.
I don't care. Don't agree to a contract then whine when you get punished for breaking it. Contracts are the foundation of our society.
What in the bill of rights would protect the whiner in question? If I open a cafe and state no swearing then you come in and swear I can kick you out no questions asked.
>say something mean to some aspie redditor
>get banned and lose access to your $60 purchase
you are literally defending this you mongoloid
kill yourself
A game isn't the same thing as a real life space. You can't talk about an online video game as if it's a physical location.
I'm defending the right of a company to enforce their contracts. Take out a membership at a golf club then start harassing the other members and see what happens to your membership.
>a golf club is an online video game
commit suicide, nobody will miss you
Just don't say mean shit? How hard is it to ignore people on the fucking internet. You bought a license and its well within the companies rights to take it away. You signed a contract stating you wouldn't act like a faggot. Don't act like a faggot.
Why can't I? The ToS wants to treat their servers as their establishment, tough shit if you didn't read it.
>agrees with reddit
>calls anyone else a faggot
go back
i'm taking the lsat in a couple of years so i'm more qualified to talk about law here than most. the customer was in the right. you can't apply real life laws to virtual communication. insulting someone online is not analogous to insulting someone within hearing distance. the op in that image should consider suing.
And who's gonna kill us? You?
>removing users from your services when you hold a monopoly in said service and there's no alternative
>defending this is anyway
We had this thread yesterday.
The day before yesterday too.
I am not going to check the archive the see how far it goes.
Stop being autistic regardless of how many layers of falseflagging and irony you're on.
Not an argument
From an enforcability standpoint it is you cunt. Have some respect for the contracts you sign.
You're either lying or stupid, they can restrict or allow access to their servers pretty much on a whim.
>i'm taking the lsat in a couple of years so i'm more qualified to talk about law here than most
I hope to god this is a joke.
Lots of companies are shit, hirez removed a map once to "teach the community a lesson" and scrubbed all copies of the map so we never could play it again. Just keep shitposting.
>same reddit screen cap about muh freedooms
kill yourself faggot and get the fuck out
computer hardware isn't a physical location. you can kick someone out of an establishment because they're violating noise laws.
44 times
Check my 6 too
hide the thread if you dont like it and then go back to facebook
How many times has this thread been made?
nice counter argument
So how close are you to being a lawyer, user?
Agreeing with reddit on what? I understand you're trolling me but I still fail to see the logic behind that statement. I'm not defending someone being an aspie on the internet. If I was I would be on your side. I'm defending companies who ban autists in order to cultivate a good community for the other 99% of players.
Too many.
>ban "toxic" players
>"oh no our game is dead because all our most passionate fans have obviously left (battleborn, friday the 13th)"
>burst into treats
kys retard
>How hard is it to ignore people on the fucking internet
Why can't you ignore someone saying mean things that damage your fee fees then? There's a block feature for a reason.
If you could prove to companies you kids are worth more money then they'll stop doing what they're doing. If one autist drives away 2 normies then the autist is a fucking liability and needs to go.
>Go to party
>Approach guest
>Curse him out
>Guests get uncomfortable and start to leave
>Host asks me to leave because I'm being rude in HIS house and making everybody leave
Muh free speech!
>he will never provide citations or studies on "autists" driving out "normies"
dumb leftist
How about normies get thicker skins so some anonymous retard won't drive them into suicidal depression over a 6 letter word.
you can't mute people irl you faggot
Fuck off, I support company rights, you're the fucking leftist wanting to be babied after not reading the contracts.
How about the company does whatever the fuck they want because you agreed to their ToS. Enjoy single player.
>fee fees > all
Still not an argument
>Constantly complain about niggers
>Act like a nigger while playing games online and get banned for it
Am I missing something? Shouldn't this be par for the course?
Money = all and they have the right to pursue whatever avenue they think will get them more. Even if it's just for some PR that they think will pay off in sales they're welcome to get rid of you.
Commie fuck with no respect for capitalism.
Yes I'm literally defending this. Read the ToS next time snowflake.
take this upvote
Graduated with my Bachelor's 6th last month, Master's beginning on 23rd of August.
>company has a right to enforce it's contract
>citizens SHOULDN'T complain about unfair treatment, even though complaining or arguing their case infringes on the company's rights
lmao at all the fags roleplaying as libertarians
Even if you had a valid point that was worth creating the same thread over and over for a year, you must have realized by now that you're not going to change any minds over to your side. Especially since you lash out at everybody who disagrees with you in a reactionary and vitriolic fashion. Why should anybody even give you the time of day if you're just going to scream "FAGGOT" in their ear?
Yep. Communities need to be inviting if they are going to thrive, and when they thrive they are profitable. This isn't about freedom of speech, this is about a companies rights and profit. People on this site have absolutely zero world view. You can say whatever you want, but those actions have repercussions. People don't like it when you call them a nigger, who fucking knew? I play in alot of small communities, when someone comes around and griefs or acts like an asshole. They get put on a list, and if they keep going we kick them out. No one wants to get berated when they're trying to chill. If you don't like that then don't participate in that community. There are plenty of communities where calling people obscene shit is the norm. And if its the company kicking you out don't support them until they change.
stfu faggot I want comcast to ban all right wing idiots.
uhhhh but didnt Sup Forums+gamergate just get us 8 years of orange hitler?
>"shut up mom"
/r9k/ autism shoes
if a 9 i'll also take the box
>don't support them until they change
Clearly a majority of people in these threads think this conduct should be against the law. How long until some rich kid starts up a court case and sets precedent for consumer protections in games that are a """service"""?
>This isn't about freedom of speech
>They get put on a list
lmfao you must be literally autistic. no power irl or father figure or non-liberal friends. just another pathetic leftist failure who lives out his power fantasies on his faggot furry TF2 server.
really, kill yourself.
Is this satire?
Citizens can complain, but they shouldn't be surprised if not everyone feels they were treated unfairly.
Sup Forums is satire the trump presidency is satire everyone is really super progressive and think blacks sequenced the white genome and need more food stamps to score higher in the SAT
Supporting businesses or private organizations is a distinctly conservative thing to do. You have 0 sense of politics and your whole political identity comes from Sup Forums, you're fucking pathetic.
go back leftist scum
>shaming comment got double upvotes
So basically public shaming is alright...
And surely, each vote is tied to an unique IP therefore to a person.
Agreeing to terms then backing out is not a conservative thing to do you commie fuck. On the bright side you're probably too young to vote and hopefully will grow up in 4 years when you are.
>he thinks anyone reads EULAs
Oh yes m'sir I read and strictly adhere to the Code of Conduct on page 4047 of the Ubisix document, located on Index 83-a. It's very easy to find and anyone who doesn't read it should be banned, m'sirs.
>*Swishes cape*.
I wish women would have a EULA protecting their purity and virginity, per se. I'm so good at reading EULAs I would be having a lot of sexual intercourse
Do you ever wonder why you have no friends? It's because nobody can stand your ghastly presence you unwashed aspergic fuck.
Lift weights and then kill yourself. That will be a big improvement.
>violate the terms and conditions of service you literally agree to when using said service
>get banned
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Really....
meaks me...........
.............. think ..
Enjoy single player nerdlet.
Didn't you post a picture of your bike in one of these threads a while back?
How come you are here literally 24/7 to defend these unethical abuses of "games as a service" and EULAs/ToS
How much does shareblue pay?
>game is entirely online
what then
Basically the goal is always profit, and fixing/finishing games isn't profitable in comparison to shillable community management.
No I didn't, I think I've only been in one of these threads before and it was just with offtopic shitposting.
I just found out what shareblue was like two weeks ago, I'm not american, I honestly thought it was a phone app or something.
I don't entirely agree with what I've been posting, but I do think a company should have final say over their own servers. But if it was me I would just put all the shit disturbers in low priority and make them only play with other subhumans so everyone wins.
Then tough shit.
I know it's you
God damn. What game is this even referring to? None of the western mp games I play are this cucked.
Oky doke. I don't really care what you believe. Do you really think it's that unethical to boot someone who breaks the rules? People get booted from concerts and shit all the time and never get a refund.
after reading a down to here in this thread, i cant imagine why anyone wouldn't want to play with you user :^)
yeah i tend to make redditors pretty upset :(
Do poltards even know what the fuck conservatives stand for?
This just confirms that the people who make these threads are literally children with no concept of how real life works
holy shit i just realized cuckold was a banned word
what next? calling someone a pervert, peeping-tom, or coal-burner?
I think they think it means the opposite of reddit and reddit stand for whatever makes them mad. I would imagine most of them don't vote.