I just fucking love this game
I just fucking love this game
I just fucking hate this world.
Is there anything to do lategame as a solo player?
ERP and dress your character in different clothes.
That's it?
Nothing challenging or profitable I could do by myself like killing some hard elites or something?
>Looking for challenging solo content
I understand the sentiment but you're gonna have to look elsewhere my dude
BnS actually has some pretty decent pve challenge arenas
Nope. Just cybersex with other adult males sometimes pretending to be female.
When you're not playing you can ERP in the /vg/ general. It's a feature.
TERA had fun BAMs that you could solo with pretty good combat
pic related
probably due to the fact this game forces you to do almost everything alone....
If only the game was actually good, I'm pretty sad
My PC died two weeks ago. How do I read this on my phone?
What did ya'll get in Omega this week and what job was it for?
What is your omega loot order going to be and why?
Anyone on Primal wanna be friends and do stuff together?
What makes it so good?
>suffer through PF for days to farm 5 totems for a right side piece
>finally get the five clears
>got two other pieces by random drops and rolls
>realize I still need five clears for my last right side
Just end my life tbqhwyfam
2 feet parts
1 body
1 head
Why won't SE pay the smartest super intelligence on Earth to make a youtube series on it?
Enjoy crafting and gathering and embracing your inner jew on the market boards.
Parties at Level 50 and later suck ass. No one fucking talks to each other.
>What is your omega loot order going to be and why?
Virtually nothing because YoshiP fucked me over and put all the Caster stats into Spell Speed which neither my RDM or SMN need.
Buy a house and go furniture hunting and interior decorating.
Because we're all playing on PS4 where dealing with the controller keyboard is akin to pulling teeth.
There's even nothing to fucking do at endgame as a non-solo player for at least a week and a half now.
>end of June
>finish finals
>spend a weekend leveling to max, went by super fast
>spend two days doing some primals and the new raid
>can't do shit with my job now until at least the new tomestones/savage releases
I would probably have driven myself insane if I've started mid-June. Now I'm just not even logging in anymore, waiting for some new content to do.
I legitimately don't get what they were doing with White Mage.
>Go entire dungeons/trials/raids without even casting cure once
>Cure is extremely unimportant
>"Hey lets make literally everything WHM does center around cure I and II."
I've gone entire fights without generating a single lily or confession stack, and even worse, confession stacks are time-limited. What were they thinking? If anything, they should've done the opposite and did some funky shit where your HoTs generate lilies and confession stacks that make you cures better, or something.
It's like they don't even play the same job.
The game allows you to attempt to solo any group content you want.
It's perfectly possible to solo pretty much everything from the base game now as long as you play a class that can do a modicum of self healing.
I soloed most of the Extreme mode trials as a level 60 Summoner. Now the level cap is 70 so even more fights are soloable. Sadly, not for Summoner anymore as the class lost the ability to heal its summons for some stupid reason.
As a solo player I would suggest Black Desert online.
It only costs $5 on steam, has no subscription and has a mass of content.
This is an actual paid marketer who has been plaguing the last few FF14 threads, ignore him. No one wants to play shitty Korean grindfests.
Find a discord then fag
If me and two other friends are talking to each other we likely wont be using text chat much which means the fourth guy wont be recieving much talk or feedback
WHM is for STONE and HOLY.
But yeah, i definitely got the feeling i was doing way less for greater effect then when i was playing SCH.
>he thinks resistance debuffs dont affect dot damage
you aren't this dumb, right?
That's you nigger, you're the fucker that lives here and makes these threads endlessly.
Ive played this
It's a pay2win korean grindfest with virtuallu no endgame
The only redeeming factors about it are the graphics, the decent combat and the character creator
Can anyome give me a link to the current parser?
And do I have to be on windowed move to be able to use it? I want to use it while on fullscreen
Just hit 70 on my main WAR the other day, got MNK to 35 from grinding POTD but I got bored of that so I decided to level crafting/gathering.
Everything is around level 15 (besides ARM which is 30) besides CUL, ALC, and FSH, which I'm assuming I don't need for the rest because they're their own separate thing?
I've got 100 leves sitting in my pocket cause I never use them, any hot tips for leveling crafters/gatherers besides use leves?
Ixal quests.
Dixal Quests
PLD or DRK for funnest tank? I can't decide if I want to be a holy knight or an edgelord on theme alone.
Use Advanced Combat Tracker with the FFXIV plugin. Install RainbowMage if you want an overlay you can see while playing.
PS4 has these things called USB ports, fun little gadgets can be plugged into them, like a keyboard.
what's sam rotation order of combos?
Show me the proof then
I have never made a thread about FF14 on Sup Forums, and I'm not autistic enough to be recognizable by my posts. You are. Kill yourself.
>Trying to get me to spend more money just to talk to a bunch of people i'll be cursing the name of a few minutes later
Hard to say, DRK lost a TON of its fun stuff from how it was in HW, but it probably still wins out in the fun factor, PLD definitely got a step up in SB though since its "best" damage right now is spamming spells, but it is also INSANELY straightforward with how it "should" flow, and the recent enmity buffs mean you should generally actually be able to follow that quite easily provided teh other tank isn't fucktarded and actively TRY to out enmity you.
It is basically something like this:
ShieldLob(pull)>Circle of Scorn>Rage Combo>Requiescat>Holy Spiritx7(Usual amount until Requiescat runs out)>Fight or Flight>Goring Combo>Royal Combox2>Repeat from Rage Combo and using Sheltron and Spririts Within whenever possible, possibly saving Sheltron for tankbuster you know are coming up if you are really careful.
Replace Rage with Royal and Sheltron with Intervention if OT and CD at own Judgement.
I think that is how it is supposed to flow anyway, im no expert.
Pray tell me, what kind of contraption you are using to type these messages right here?
A laptop
priority is shifu buff > jinpu buff > higanbana dot > yukikaze slashing debuff
I have linkshells, free company chat, discord, and novice network. why the fuck should I talk to random duty finder people
LOLDRG is giving way to LOLRDM.
I keep finding myself in sticky situations thanks to Displacement.
I've Displacemented right out of Titan's arena
I've Displacemented right into the beat traps in Hullbreaker
I've Displacemented right into the Old Lady box in the Ruby Princess fight
I'm just a fucking comedy of errors with this move
I'm Rdm and I decided to get gloves and boots this week. No sps on those.
Wise choice, all told the complete Omage caster set has 800+ Spell Speed, whilst only 500+ Crit. It actually has over 200 crit less than the current Verity gear.
Thanks, the whole idea of Dark Arts buffing certain spells really seemed fun plus spells like plunge and carve and spit which just look awesome. But yeah I heard they were a bit gutted with SB as opposed to PLD.
>Join leveling roulette
>tank struggles on holding flame sprites in haukke
>decide to give friendly advice on LoS
>get kicked
well damn
Wouldn't it be better to use fight or flight first so Reqeuiscat can benefit from it towards the end of the duration?
Is mnk rotation and opener still the same as in HW?
What materia should I putting on my WAR gear? I heard tenacity was pretty shit
Str crit
I don't believe you user.
People don't lose their shit on "friendly" advice.
>resub after months
>get a character change thing
>sick of being a hyur so pick catgirl
>mfw i'm the same as literal lard machines
why wouldnt they
the burden of proof is on you for pretending dots suddenly dont count as a type of damage dealt, retard
Strength on your right side, crit where it fits on left, Det on anything crit is capped on.
You're the one claiming something is true.
The burden of proof is on you.
NIN and SAM DoTs don't do slashing damage, so they're not affected by the Slashing Down debuff.
it's fucking boring even with friends.
>>sick of being a hyur so pick catgirl
You know there are 6 races in the game right?
>NIN and SAM DoTs don't do slashing damage
they do though
Tip for the future, only tell the other players how much they suck once the final boss has started. Unless you wipe, they can't kick you after that.
but i wanted to be a samurai catgirl with glasses. plus it's choosing between dragon girl or largeboy.
What I'd like to know is if DoT potency is affected by higher hits, or things like Fight or Flight for goring blade and circle ticks.
str right, dh left
dh is much better than crit because tanks start at 0% and thus they don't suffer the diminishing returns of crit
Maybe, but the thing is that since Requiescat always goes into into spell slinging, which to my knowledge is unaffected by FoF, that means you are "wasting" enough FoF time to just not make it worth getting the bonus damage on the sole Requiescat hit that actually benefits compared to having it on several Rage of Halone/Royal Authority combos, so it generally isn't worth having them overlap and since the biggest damage is from the Boosted Holy Spirits they take priority getting out the gate, especially since they help with setting up the Shield Gauge for more Sheltron.
I should note that i probably fucked up the amount of repeats too, and it should repeat on Scorn since it is OffCD so it is always a gain to use whenever available, as is Shield Swipe.
That was how i understood it anyway, but if im entirely out there i would like to be corrected.
>I've Displacemented right out of Titan's arena
Pretty sure you can't
Okay. Go to the end of ARR and things got really fucking interesting.
My only complain was that I kept screaming at the screen: "Give me back my sword and I'll Circle of Scorn the shit out of everyone!"
Depends entirely where you initiate Displacement, user.
It's not literally impossible.
>he didn't choose largeboy
Jay would be ashamed of you
You can't attack them dumbass
You can, it happened to me, I was embarrassed, totally misjudged the distance. luckily whole team wiped (the fuck?) so got another chance
What's the most fun melee DPS?
where the hell do i unlock the SB beastmen?
In a future patch.
Man that's a shame, DRG gear looks amazing
The dailies? Pretty sure they aren't added yet.
All physical DoTs are categorized as generic physical damage, and as such are affected by buffs that boost all damage and affected by buffs that boost all physical damage but are not affected by buffs that affect only a specific Slashing/Piercing/Blunt damage type.
Me too OP. It's the only game that keeps my attention nowadays. Every other game is just lacking in content compared to FFXIV.
>pld rotation 100 ping nin
Im gonna hit level 60 botanist soon, can I make money yet or do I have to wait to 70?
>having 100 ping
>Expansion Pack out for almost a month.
>10 Reviews. Only one from a noteworthy website.
>Only Mr.Happy is talking about the game.
>Highest video this month is an ost at around 100k.
>No Previews, Beginnings Guide..etc for all the big websites.
>No Story Walkthroughs of the game.
>No Sales talk or Sub count talk from Square.
What went wrong? I really hoped this Expac would be the one to hit a homerun.
this sounds really arbitrary
Not even kidding, im a Tank so shit was okay for me, but i can only imagine the pain 90% of the playerbase went through.
>DoTs are affected by Slashing/Piercing debuff
>They aren't because the DoTs don't do Slashing/Piercing damage
>That's really arbitrary
Riveting argument, desu
How hard is to Tank if am a complete idiot? I'm level 25 currently as a lancer and wanted to go Dragoon. If I could level up faster I might switch to a tank.
You forgot
>Queue during weekend evenings on the omega go from the almost 1k to the 11 people
Fair enough. I don't fully understand PLD myself as I've dedicated most of my time to learning DRK. Just seemed weird because of FoF's new duration you can either fit in two and a half full combos, or hit it right before goring blade for two guaranteed gorings and maybe another fast blade.
I was wondering if weaving Req after the second goring would be worth the wasted fast blade if you went into Spirit spam from there.
>>Queue during weekend evenings on the omega go from the almost 1k to the 11 people.
Wait, what? I just started the game last week; Is it already dying?
it makes sense
does that mean old foe only affected the initial hit on most of smns dot spells?
Just wait for Kugane housing and the real raid to open up.
When will they remove this congested server shit? I want to start playing on a server that a friend is on.
no they just started clearing out the servers every day so there aren't 4000 people permanently logged in while afk.
Because tank in this game is just dps with 25% more hp, it's pretty brian dead.