What's the best superhero game other than the Batman ones?

What's the best superhero game other than the Batman ones?

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Switch Thor 1 and Doctor Strange and move Suicide Squad to Satanic Tier and we have ourselves a deal


>hellboy in low tier


i love how gorish this game is

Infamous 2

i don't like that tier list, but w/e

Spiderman 2 and Hulk Ultimate Destruction I've always heard were great though I haven't played them myself.

>new Legends/Ultimate Alliance never

I hate the modern industry.

Every single one of these titles besides The Dark Knight and Logan should be below mid tier

Watchman not in this list is high tier

>wanting to put spiderman 2 in low tier
i'll fucking fight you


>no animated films
get fucked user

>and we have ourselves a deal

A deal's a deal, user.

W-what's wrong with Ant-Man?

did people really like logan that much?
i thought it was ok but not really fantastic

Spider-Man 2 for the PS2 is GOAT

Spiderman 2 is the GOAT
>the swinging in Spiderman PS4 already looks like a downgrade than Spiderman 2 of the very little web-swinging footage we saw from the spiderman ps4 demo, because the real gameplay was sandwiched between excessive QTE sections

>movie casuals
None of you matter you fucking secondaries



Damn people liked Logan that much? I thought days of future was a lot better

marvel vs capcom 2 and the old x-men arcade game are the best of all time

Dredd and Watchmen belong in god tier, even if the Watchmen movie pales in comparison to the comic.

Not even going to read the rest of the list after seeing that shit that high.

Truth be told I thought the typical MCU movie was generally better than that tripe.

Batman and and Robin is unironically fantastic.
It's perfect at what its trying to be. Good way to weed out pleb taste in comic movies.

Movie was fantastic in it's own right. Always thought it was stupid to compare two very different mediums. Probably the best a Watchmen movie could have been. Also has that awesome cover of desolation row at the end by My Chem.

This. Though X-Men Legends 1 and 2 aren't bad either.