Post your face when you realise a Switch remake of Super METROID is a very real possibility
Post your face when you realise a Switch remake of Super METROID is a very real possibility
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What makes to Switch remake any more of a REAL POSSIBILITY than the Wii or Wii U?
Maybe the Wii and WiiU being fucking dead?
But at one point they weren't. I'm just asking what makes the switch so much more likely than the rest.
you think nintendo cares about the switch anymore?
they're just using it to make quick Wii U port money then move onto the next console.
it already has zero third party support by developers, and the only games getting on the thing were on the Wii U.
They should & would have released the Metroid 2 remake on the Switch if they cared.
>I want a Super Metroid remake
>I want a Halo 3 Anniversary
Will you faggots fuck off, these games don't need remakes because they will just fuck them up. I'm fine with the first two games of the Metroid and Halo series getting remakes which they have, but please don't ruin the third games please. I want Metroid Dread for the 3DS in 2019 and then Metroid 6 for the Switch later in the years.
It's actually selling, unlike the Wii U.
Wii had Metroid Prime 3 and the first 2 Primes bundled with new play control, so it had it's share of Metroid love.
Super Metroid is still one of the best games of all time and it's aged extremely well. What the fuck would the point of a remake be?
Based on what?
>Super Metroid remake
>All the quirks responsible for most of the sequence breaking shenanigans are ironed out and they add a bunch of "artificial" sequence breaks like that Norfair shaft in Zero Mission.
no thanks
2D Metroid needs to go somewhere new for a fucking change
>nu-nintendo and sakamoto butchering super metroid
pls no
Because 2 is being remade and Prime 4 is in production so the series is back again.
1+2 have been remade and if sales are good then there's a high chance they'll want to make a new game/remake on Switch as it's going to stick around for the next 5 years.
What a super hot take. Not fucking retarded at all or anything.
>METROID dread 3DS
>240p in 2019
Please no
>Literally no indication of a super metroid remake ever at any point in time
God damn you nintendo toddlers are so wrapped up in your retarded circle jerk I have no clue how you even function on a day-to-day basis.
I said it's possible. And it obviously is possible that if 2 3DS sells well enough they would look into doing another 2D game on their new system.
We're the E3fags and we'll continue to have our hopes and dreams. Metroidfag is close to having his drean realized and so does mine. We just need to keep on giving hope.
I want new entries. Enough of this remake shit. Super Metroid is fine the way it is.
I don't want fugly 2.5D ruining the aesthetic Super had.
You can't improve perfection
But it meets all the needs plus they can just use the Samus Returns engine for it.
What would you like a new 2D Metroid to do?
Also, not very likely to happen but I'd fucking LOVE it if Metroid 5 had beautiful HD pixel art like pic related. Never going to happen but a man can dream.
>Cape over armor
You can put the engine on switch then.
3DS had it's time.
You have to admit it looks pretty cool
2.5D doesn't have to mean an ugly art style, but the thing is, for almost all of their 2.5D games, Nintendo is comfortable rolling with generic, safe art styles. They do experiment a bit, with Kirby and Yoshi, but those are just two franchises and Samus Returns shows us that they'd probably just use a boring art style that sort of looks like the Prime games with Metroid. I'd love a heavily stylized 2.5D Metroid game that had an art style befitting of the series but it remains to be seen if Nintendo would actually do something like that. I do hope they smarten up after Samus Returns and try harder with the art style in the next 2D Metroid game though.
>Cant imagine some sort of possible reason in a science fiction universe that it would be necessary
Have you literally zero imagination? What a cuck. Sad.
the manga is shit tier
It looks dumb. It'd look cooler with just her regular suit, without the cloth.
the varia suit has cooling systems and she can wade through lava without feeling a thing
the manga is retarded
To be honest, Sakamoto sucks balls. If he is in charge I have no hopes for the game to be good. At least he doesn't have (I hope though) his pawns over Metroid Prime 4.
>Wanting sand to clog up your machine parts.
>actually wanting remakes
Let's hear your reasons then, faggot.
>No evidence to show that a Switch remake of Super METROID is a very real possibility
It's not a Switch remake, it's going to be PC and Xbone exclusive.
The Varia Suit is immune to acid, but not sand?
Whats your favorite thing to have on your visor? My favorite has to be steam
Fucking THIS. This shit just shows me that as long as Sakamoto is in charge of the franchise, we'll always get retarded shit like this.
Wii also had Other M which was a direct sequel to Super Metroid, so you could see where they were heading. If they didn't slip and fall on their face with that game, we probably would have gotten a Super Metroid remake right after, but Other M was such a colossal failure that they had to reconsider entirely what to do with the franchise
to give it really nice visuals, less floaty jumping physics maybe and add a highlighted hint system that tells people to detonate a powerbomb in the glass tunnel
Parasite guts.
3DS is staying for a while until the Switch is guaranteed to start selling 3DS numbers.
>less floaty jumping physics maybe
This is a shitty idea. The floaty jumping physics are partially the reason why it's so easy to sequence break.
Guys. Is the power suit an actual, physical suit that Samus has to put on and off, or is it some kind of bird magic that lets her swoosh it on and off?
In Metroid Fusion, it had to be surgically removed, implying that it's indeed a physical thing, or at the very least not based off of her concentration. In Prime 1 she can take off the helmet. But, in almost all other Metroid games, it seems it can be magically vanished.
So, which is it?
I REALLY want MP4 to have a lava area where you can dive under lava like the 2D games, and when you come out of it, the lava can drip down your visor. With proper lava effects, it could look VERY cool.
The problem with sand is, that it's coarse and rough and it gets everywhere
>>this is beautiful
delete that shit off your computer user have an upgrade
Yeah, this. The floatiness of Super is an acquired taste. Once you get used to it, you can do all kinds of cool shit.
I really fucking loved that shit in Metroid Prime, but my favorite has to be the actual mirror reflection of Samus's face, that is rendered realistically depending on where the light came from
Is it just me, or are there skulls on Draygon's shell?
No game is ever gonna have this kind of pixel art. Doesn't work animated.
you can sequence break because of the level design, not because of the weird gravity. I prefer faster and more direct jumping in Zero Mission
Yeah, there are. Or at least there are skull-like shapes.
the suit is linked with her nervous system and the x had infected her so badly that she couldnt will it to materialize off
>in almost all other Metroid games, it seems it can be magically vanished
I'm pretty sure this was only actually shown in Prime 3 and Other M.
Zero Mission, Super Metroid and Prime 2 as well.
Though, Super is a bit ambiguous, since when she dies, the suit breaks off her body, but in the final ending cutscene, you can see her suit flashing off to reveal the zero suit beneath.
I want something close to it. I'd be alright with 2.5D if they could give us a good art style but good pixel art would be ideal.
The "weird gravity" allows you to do lots of cool shit. iirc, ZM had walljumping that didn't allow you to jump again off the same wall, just as one example, so you couldn't do shit like the hi-jump boots skip.
>sakamoto butchering super metroid
You dumb bitch.
The sun in the star system she is under saps her suits energy and the cloak reflects it.
Wow so hard.
>love Metroid
>she gets stuck in a downward spiral after the Other M shitfest and the Federation Force fuckery
>think I'll never see Samus in another awesome game
>Nintendo announces a remake of my favorite Metroid and Prime 4
>holy shit that's awesome
>Sup Forums becomes a rabid animal complaining constantly
Proof that no matter what you do you can't make everyone happy.
Fusion > Zero Mission
Fight me
>ZM had walljumping that didn't allow you to jump again off the same wall
That's Fusion.
Why would we fight you over that?
dont pretend like he didnt butcher it faggot
he literally cried over other m samus
she is his fucking waifu
That shit scared the fuck out of me the first time it happened. It was awesome and everything but holy fuck.
Been awhile since I've played ZM. Are you sure?
He's right though, like Halo 3, remaking Super Metroid would just ruin it, please just make Metroid 5 after Samus Returns.
Yeah, he got ZM and Fusion mixed up. By the way, Fusion's gravity was a lot closer to Super Metroid than Zero Mission's. It was just that Fusion didn't let you control Samus's trajectory after a walljump.
What the fuck are you smoking? The console is selling more than the Wii did at this stage in its lifecycle.
Because it's a meme to hate and spit on Fusion because of "m-muh linear"
Other M
>Fucking around with the x-ray visor
>Realize the weird symbols for the different beams is how Samus holds her fingers in the blaster to fire that particular beam
He directed and wrote the entire game.
Yes. Play it again
Seriously? So many cool little details in the prime series,
They hands also symbolize which species are drawn to which power.
>power beam
>chozo beam, because the power beam operates on some energy we don't even know
>wave beam
>human hand, because humans are good with elecricity
>ice beam
>sheegoth footprint, because sheegoth can freeze their prey
>plasma beam
>pirates if I remember correctly, dunno why though
>YFW its called Super Duper Metroid: Ridley's Revenge and features a new story after you blow up the planet.
>What would you like a new 2D Metroid to do?
set it after Fusion
team up with sylux to fight the federation
Take place after Fusion
Pirates may be connected to the plasma beam because they use lasers? Mining lasers? Weapon lasers? I don't know.
Might just be full bullshit though.
>new story after you blow up the planet
>its just samus crawling around in the zero suit inside a shitty linear area with a weak as fuck "boss" at the end
>YFW Sakamoto uses it as an opportunity to shoehorn more waifu nonsense into the series
Worst possible scenario right there.
>No it's cool because Samus will be a cool outlaw and the federation will be after her
I hate this shit. Not saying you advocate for it, but this is the most common argument for having a post-Fusion game. Storyfags can suck my dick.
>pirates if I remember correctly, dunno why though
Because they like to set their eyes on fire in Prime.
so what, do you just want to retread the same ground over and over again?
I kinda hate this idea but I also love it because 2D Metroid getting a new playable character who might be really different from Samus would be exactly the kind of shakeup a new 2D Metroid would need.
Not forever, but for now? Yes. I want a by the books Metroid game. Haven't had one in over a decade. You can still change some things up with the gameplay, like coming up with new exciting power-ups that are movement based. Shit would be cool.
You don't have to make such a radical departure from the formula to keep things interesting.
Why is she wearing a cape? Is she protecting the armor from the sun or something?
Mecha Ridley was actually the hardest boss in ZM, if you're playing the game right that is on low%
Fuck no. Mother Brain was definitely harder. For Mecha-Ridley, all you really had to do was screw attack the wall when he shot missiles and jump up and down while he shot lasers. That was his only two attacks and one was completely negated.
It's fucking easy to set up a Federation redemption story after Fusion and still make it a very classic game
>Samus is officially on a Wanted list
>nobody goes after her bounty because they know they can't compete with her
>Random space pirate shit happens and now somehow an entire planet is going to fucking explode and nobody can do anything about it except Samus
>Feds are desperate and need help and make a deal to reset her file, delete the bounty and allow her free moving through the galaxy again if she can save the planet
That was hard
>15% Hard Mother Brain
>with no screw attack
Kill yourself, seriously