Sleeping Dogs

We had a good thread about Sleeping Dogs earlier this week. Let's have another one.

I just finished Nightmare in North Point. That one was a lot of fun, I loved the changes to the combat system with the Jiang Shi, Yaoguai, the chi stuff replacing the face meter, and the swords moveset was top tier.

I have the Zodiac tournament purchased so I will probably do that in the next few days.
I don't have Year of the Snake purchased yet because I heard mixed things. Does anyone know if it has Inspector Teng in it? If it does I might hit just buy it anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:


Chinese GTA >>> Any other GTA clone

>Does anyone know if it has Inspector Teng in it?
Yes. Get it, it's pretty fun.

Zodiac Tournament is a great little one-off, not much replayability though.

Year of the Snake is okay, little to no Teng as I recall and the new stuff is negligible.



Sleeping Dogs has you beat in the violence department to be quite honest with you famballa

What did he mean by this?

>coopy pasted buildings
>shity driving sysyems
>ai is inrcedibly noyintellegence
>traffic sinulatered
>combat is a clone of sishumi or gondola whata it called
>no dogs in game called dogs (wtf)
>story coopy pasted from chineses movie
game wucks, saints row is beyter ass a GTA game.

You look like you could use a pork bun!

Fuck you Elmer Fudd you have no business critiquing video games you are a cartoon
>launch game for the first time
>this is the first menu theme I hear
Knew it was gonna be good after that.

Just a good soundtrack in general.

Hklub of Softly in the rain are usually pure atmosphere

>evading the cops with your rice mobile while this blasts

best ones

Softly playlist

>Sleeping Dogs came out in 2012
>2012 was 4000 years ago
>There will never be another Sleeping Dogs game


>Squeenix forced them to make an MMO out of Sleeping Dogs map which inevitably failed and tanked them

Yakuza 0 has it beat in the kino department


Relax, Sleeping Dogs is on your precious multiplat box. I'll see for myself if Yakuza 0 is worth it when Sega ports it with Persona 5 like they hinted at.

On the plus side, they will keep making Yakuza games until the heat death of the universe. Time to track down some PlayStations and learn Japanese...

>Annualized single player games
>Bragging about a company riding a series into the ground for $$$$$
Miss me with that shit senpai

I just want more
>c o m f y
open world games set in east asia

>it's a PCbro plays inferior western games and sour grapes episode

Look kid, Sleeping Dogs was fine for what it was but Yakuza 0 is pure hotblooded kino. Must suck being a poorfag Brazilian/Russian and not owning a PS4 because Sega will never get the rights o port those games.

>Sega will never get the rights to port those games
Sony has as much control over games coming and going on the PS4 as Microsoft does on PC. Sega wants even more money because they're really bad at making it, and they've realized that good PC versions of literally anything will make top dollar on PC

Aniplex is the studio that animated thr Persona 5 cutscenes and they're owned by Sony, nuweeb normalfag-kun. And with Yakuza 0 they get famous Japanese actors and the contracts are very specific for where their voices/likenesses are allowed to appear. Sega would rather expand into China for more sales than capitulate to piratecuck 3rd worlders. You're going to cry because you will miss these games kid.

>No big exclusive multiplayer games
I'll never want a PS4 until it has a killer multiplayer app or two. Local.

Couch multiplayer is the only reason to own a console.

Enjoy your CSGO and Dota faggot. Multiplayer is for normalfaggot children.

The only time I play online multiplayer is with Sup Forums

Keep spinning

>Multiplayer is for normalfaggot children
>The only time I play online multiplayer is with Sup Forums

>Mfw I'll never be as autistic as you are
>Never autistic enough for brand loyalty
I buy the console with the good games and leave next gen to wherever the games go, with my PC working as my stable anchor. Feels fucking amazing.

PS4 doesn't have the games to justify a purchase if you have multiple gaming platforms. Now stop sperging out, literal child thats capable of only enjoying a narrow range of games, and fuck off so we can all get back to discussing video games.

I can`t remember the last time i felt as comfy playing a game then the first time playing sleeping dogs, and driving around in the rain at night while Soft Room plays. I fucking loved sleeping dogs man, would kill for another equally good one.

On another note, you all see that they`re planning a movie, with Donnie Yen as Wei? Could be good.

>Sequel cancelled
>Movie is a go
Probably not gonna be good. Has a 9/10 chance of having that "for chinese audiences" a lot of movies have.

>he will never play Persona 5 or Yakuza 0
>he's stuck playing diet-Yakuza westerncuck rushed shovelware shit

>you all see that they`re planning a movie, with Donnie Yen as Wei

Donnie Yen would be WAY too old to be Wei, I really hope he's playing some other character.

>The fifth casual SMT
>Enough Yakuza's that they've had to abandon normal numbering conventions
Enjoy your fresh experiences, I guess.

This is your last (you)

personally, i love watching shitty chinese kung fu movies, and i love Donnie Yen especially, so i have hopes for it, but it probably will be nothing like the actual game, just another Donnie Yen movie except he`s named Wei Shen

I`ve already seen him in a very similar movie, being an undercover triad member and shit, so it`ll probably be like that

I agree, but who else is as good at the kung fu shit as him? and they`ll get the entire Chinese market for having him as the lead. And the US market for the game title.

A man who argues about who owns which console will never be a whole man. Do not create holes in your wholeness.

>vivienne lu begins singing
You're a habitual cuck
Your PC games suck

found the title, called Special ID. Was pretty good, its what I expect the movie to be

So, genuine question.

If youre this unhappy, why havent you just killed yourself already? The board would clearly be better off

>this is your last (you)
>(you)s me again

You seem salty

Different person retard.


Look all im saying is. One quick pull of the trogger and board quality permanenrly improves.

Your first ever positive impact on the world

Whatever this is your last (you) ;^)

>Spending money on consoles and games

Save up a little more and just fly to Japan or Hong Kong for vacation

>sonybros ruin yet another thread
but pc players!

Lack of pork buns makes some men not whole.