The top 11 games of 2017 so far are:

The top 11 games of 2017 so far are:

11. Persona 5
10. Tekken 7
9. Prey
8. Nioh
7. Nier Automata
6. Injustice 2
5. Resident Evil 7
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
1. Horizon Zero Dawn

Do you agree?

No because Horizon Zero fun is worse than Zelda by far.

Prey should be switched Resi 7, move Tekken to where Injustice 2 is and knock Injustice off the list.
Other than those, yeah it's good.

>No Yakuza
Trash list.

>Persona 5 below all those games

Does anyone even remember Horizon Zero Dawn? Nobody even talks about it anymore.

>HZD in first
Holy shit it really is the most shilled game of all time

japan won

>hzd on the list at all
>no yakuza
>early access trash
Clickbait at its finest

How many places outside of Sup Forums actually hate hzd?

>Mario kart that high

Inb4 assblasting

>3. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

By having it above BotW which is easily one of the best games of all time? Hell, having early access trash alone in top 3 should tell you it's clickbait.

They put the numbers backwards right?

>Injistice 2
>MK8 port
Awful list


I'm surprised they're on the list at all. Sup Forums only discussed Prey for a month and Nioh for a couple of weeks..

every placement on this list is wrong except Prey and Nioh, how can someone have such abysmal taste

>How many places
>By having it above BotW
How's that even supposed to be an answer for my question?

>In 10 years, people will still be talking about innovative things that 'Horizon Zero Dawn' does. They will still be talking about how gorgeous it is, how smart and funny its main character is, how it succeeded commercially in the shadow of a new Nintendo console and a new 'Legend of Zelda' game.

>While playing games, I often experience a small handful of emotions: frustration, accomplishment, fear. While playing 'Horizon Zero Dawn,' that list expanded dramatically -- outside of delighting in the graceful, smart gameplay systems that underlie the game's narrative focus, I often laughed out loud at Aloy's smart quips (she's the antagonist you see above). I found myself endlessly curious about the surprisingly deep lore of the game's world, its people and religions, and the main character's story arc. Perhaps most important of all, I actually cared about the main character, believed her motivations, and wanted her to succeed.

>'Horizon Zero Dawn' is a magnificent accomplishment of a game that stands out among standouts. And I didn't even mention the giant metal dinosaurs.

But nobody even talks about hzd anymore. Common opinion is that it's just more ubisoft trash.

If you use threads on this board as a metric for quality then you are a braindead moron.

You are not making sense. You couldn't even give me a proper answer to my question and now you are deflecting. Answer my fucking question or don't even bother replying.

i refuse to believe that's legit and im not disabling my adblocker to actually check if it's legit

>1. Horizon Zero Dawn
Holy SHIT they are shilling this game so fucking hard it is ridiculous. I picked it up, it's not that fucking good. The story is fucking garbage, the gameplay makes me want to kill myself due to the fact it's a VERY poor copy of monster hunter, jesus christ if they had just made the combat like hack n slash action, that'd be amazing, but "WE WANT THE DARK SOULS AUDIENCE" seems to be driving games these days

goddamn I am sick of seeing that game

Have you ever considered that they just might have a different opinion from you or is that too much of a foreign concept for you to grasp?

>he doesn't have ublock
It's there and it's beyond retarded. I don't think the new zelda or hzd are ground breakingly amazing, but it's obvious which one has actual lasting quality and which doesn't

you press a little arrow to move up the list

>Sup Forumseddit being triggered

>all those shit games in front of Tekken

>>HZD topkek

Have you ever considered opinions can't be an argument for anything?

>PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

But a lot of people hated HZD, it's not my fault you weren't around at launch to see all the complaints.

I'm not talking about quality per say, Just that they must not have made much of an impact.

And what argument did they make? That in their opinion those are the 11 best games this year so far?

>BotW which is easily one of the best games of all time?
Kill yourself kid

On Sup Forums? Of course, this place is riddled by Ninty fanboys. For everywhere else HZD is the better game.

>another horizon shill thread
kill yourself

Not an argument

I'm not arguing about HZD being a good game. That's entirely you. I never agreed or disagreed with you. I asked you
>How many places outside of Sup Forums actually hate hzd?
And you never actually answered the question. You immediately deflected to other shit that I never asked about. Stop replying to me, I'm not interested in talking about whatever you have to say and you clearly dodge my question anyways.

>11 best video games of 2017
>business insider
sure buddy

He's right though

>better game
>guy says he likes the quips

Neofag isn't "everywhere else" sweetie. Nobody talks about HZD because nobody gives a shy anymore. Its sales have slowed to a crawl, it's not anywhere on popular Twitch channels, and half the people who played it couldn't be assed to finish it. It's a dead game because it's boring as shit.

Sorry about your terrible taste though.

>Persona at the very bottom
>HZD at the very top
>MK8 even though it's a re-release
>#1 is just the author licking Sony's dick for releasing another average, 7.5/10 open-world game

Normies were a fucking mistake.

>literal who website

Every time

>Horizon over Zelda

Wow, I love uglier, shittier open-world games so I'm happy with this list!

Oh shut the fuck up, newfag. If you weren't here you weren't here. Some of them wanted to buy Zelda, couldn't afford it, bought HZD because all their sony drones told them it was great or "even better than zelda like this retard hereAnd then they were disappointed because they missed out on playing Zelda at launch. You can understand why someone would be pissed for falling for all the shills, yes? And before anyone says this happened on Sup Forums, it happened on neo ps4 reddit and vgchartz.

>By having it above BotW which is easily one of the best games of all time?
Sure if you have played 4 games in your life

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Injustice 2
>HZD in number one

I dont need arguments for retarded children that spout trash from their mouth or in this case fingers

Does it really fucking matter?

The point is that the first half of 2017 has been the best in recent years, a lot of good shit

Except if your a Xbox, enjoy your Halo Wars 2

forgot the goty

Only on Sup Forums will people sperg out as soon as someone has a different opinion.

I'm not even talking about the internet here you see. The fanboys on the internet that praised Zelda is but a very small portion of an autistic community.

I played Zelda on my Wii U, it was mediocre.

>muh muh neogaf only likes it

Go to reddit, tumblr, facebook, youtube, any fucking site or go outside and people will tell you its a good game

1. Nier Automata
2. Zelda
3. Persona 5 (came out last year dumb faggot)
the rest suck

That's a gay top 11 list, desu. Here's a better one:
>Yakuza 0
>Super Bomberman R
>Crash N'Sane Trilogy
>Fast RMX
>Gundam VS.
>Nier: Automata
>Persona 5
>PuyoPuyo Tetris
>Wipeout HD Collection
>Resident Evil 7

No particular order. Kinda dumb ranking them when the year isn't even over yet though.

Persona 5 literally shits on zelda and horizon what the fuck

>Wow, I love uglier, shittier open-world games

A fan of breath of the wild I see

10 years from now? most people stopped talking about horizon hardly weeks after it launched and now its little more than something used as bait in BoTW threads but even then its interchanged with other games like P5 or Bloodborne

Seeing this list just reminded me what a piss poor year for games this is. Holy shit...

>reddit, tumblr, facebook, youtube

most people have already forgotten about this game, what is he talking about.

>Horizon being even on the list


Horizon sucks

Agree on all other titles being there

combat killed hzd for me. only went halfway through the story

t. casual gamer no sarcasm

>I'll just reverse what he meant

Wow that's pretty clever, user

It's being talked about again due to the new update though.

BotW, P5 and Nier are the best games I played this year by far. This has been a great year so far.

I said any site dingus

>Horizon above Zelda, Persona, Nier and Nioh

Absolutely disgusting

>Persona below Prey and Injustice 2
>HZD on top
>no Yakuza 0
>not even Hollow Knight
how wrong can you be

How mad would Sup Forums be if Horizon wins GOTY? I don't actually like the game myself, but the reactions would be hilarious.

This is gonna be the best year for gaming.

Literally a Ubisoft game with robot dinosaurs

Horizon is not even in the top 5 games of 2017. It really has no place bring 1st on that list.

..why is the author talking about HZD like it was Zelda. You can just put Zelda instead and it will make more sense in all the shit he's writing.

>in 10 years.

This is a joke, right? Specifically crafted to ruse nintenbros, or just PS4 shilling?

it will win goty on some shitty feminist websites like kotaku, poligon or whatever is the one in the OP.
But it has no chance in actual sites that go over many journalists and find the overall "best". Zelda or Mario are much more likely to win those.

The last tweet Zelda had from a normie was a month ago. The last tweet HZD got was 2 hours ago. HZD is being constantly talked about in Twitter and Tumblr.


They put Persona 5 as last when it's easily the second best game on the system after Bloodborne, so it's more likely just Western game shills.

But physics puzzles have never been done before. Neither has crossdressing, a parachute and climbing.

>horizon zero dawn

>Horizon Zero Dawn

Already forgotten, disappointing game on all levels.

>Horizon Zero Dawn on the list at all, let alone the top game

So, either a massive SJW wrote this list, or a massive Sony shill.

And I say this as someone who owns a PS4 and got Horizon. I played for a few days before realizing just how boring and uninspired in terms of mechanics the game is.

It's essentially you're typical open world action game. It doesn't really do anything to set itself apart because ROBUTTS and female with manjaw for main character.

Other than that, I guess it's pretty looking, but that's really the only praise I have for it. Everything else is just generic or copied wholesale from other games.

the physics in Zelda alone put it above everything else on that list, let alone the art and world design and everything else. Zelda combined all those things into an excellent game

Who makes those list ?

Good joke

I don't know why everyone is so assblasted but I enjoy it.

They should really stick to the business side of games.

It's a clickbait site, so, that's kinda what they do.

That makes alot of sense. If you want to clickbait you definetly go for the Sup Forums clicks.

>HZD in first
Yup, sounds bout right. This assmad is great Sup Forums.

Sony is for faggots

Switch and ps4 are the only consoles you need to play all those games. Where are all the xbox games?

>HZD is my first game with a story ever

It's not about Sup Forums, it's about using famous brands to gain clicks. I'm not sure when it happened but a lot of sites relied/became clickbait sites at some point and used the same tactics the worst websites used to gain clicks. None of them use real headlines, it's the kind of shit you'd see on youtube.

>In 10 years, people will still be talking about innovative things that "Horizon Zero Dawn" does.

reverse order would be more accurate even then I think there's probably some better games than 5 and below