what went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
game was never good
riot is cancer
>lol character models and skins that look like a playstation 1 game in 2014
>most played game today
sad days
Riot balancing and champion design philosophy
The new guy is a perfect example. A dash, a line target damage ability, a movement skill, and the ult is the only thing not really like other abilities but on its own is pretty lackluster
>People are understandable huge faggots on the internet
>This turns new players off from playing Riot's game
>Since the game is free to play with microtransactions this causes a loss of revenue for Riot
Pretty simple really. I miss the internet before where it was a bit more exclusive and people never took this place seriously.
>toxic community
>riot pandering to liberals
it's bad, but still better than DOTA 2
I still play this game but I only play ARAM
they decided to eat sports and that made game dull and unfun, gg rito
Been watching footage of HOTS and it seems interesting, it's not afraid of shit like sieging structures, and talents provide an alternative system to gold and purchases to put diversity on the builds
Watched some videos on zagara and murky, and it just blows my mind the shit you can put in a fucking moba and how lol always has been putting the samey fucking characters and how scared has it always been towards allowing bullshit on structures.
Talk me about this game
Are you me?
Though I perfer random in almost every game.
Dota, OW, smite.
>entire roster is free
>custom games
>better art style/armor sets as opposed to skins
>more chances to win good shit through regular play and battle pass stuff
>no runes and masteries
>more interesting items and characters
>extremely less strict meta
Tell me again why Dota is bad? Or are you one of those cucks who has invested too much time in League to make a coherent argument?
Balancing is all kinds of wrong
Me too. Unless some friend wants to play normal
Unfortunately I do not like most of hots game mechanics.
But the character variety, blows everything out of the water. Murky, is by far my favorite character
ur retarded
It's the only way I can enjoy this shitty game.
Hots is neat, its heavily team and objective based which can be neat, the games go by really fast which is nice. Also no all chat makes it way less toxic in solo queue
Its a neat variation for sure
Rarely will talents have two good choices, and rarely even then will you need to not go with the go-to build for countering someone on the other team
Blizzard has added alot of shit maps/modes.
The president of the company spent two years talking about removing the cancer that is Flash and what not, saying internal playtesting shows that the game is far healthier without it and characters deemed underpowered and bad without it are in a much better spot.
Then they got bought out by Tencent and immediately do a 180 saying Flash makes the game more fun and visually interesting and all the care about is how exciting the game looks to non-players and growing the player base which is good for everybody.
They should have just went ahead and made a battle arena type game since they stripped most of the MOBA elements. The characters are pretty fun to play but there's not much else going for it
The game became impossible to balance properly the instant they started adding champions to the roster continuously, so the closest thing Riot could do was create broad archetypes that champions have to be pigeon-holed into playing/building as if they want any hint at being effective. This means in the end, it doesn't matter if you're building Caitlyn, Ashe, Jinx, Vayne, Miss Fortune, or Tristana- you choose any of them, you better be building and playing an ADC, because your ass is gonna be thoroughly kicked if you're not. And that's not even touching on the cancerous community itself, or the inherent balance difference in champion spell-kits that make some objectively better than others, even in their limited roles...
The end-result is like a paint store telling people they can choose any color they want, so long as it's a shade of green, because if it's anything else you get punched in the throat- and no, they don't give a shit that the store has other colors on display, it's green or a fist. Only a matter of time until you just look for a different paint store.
HotS came out
As a casual I hate how they keep removing fun builds from champs.
>No more AP trust
>No more AP udyr
>No more AP gangplank
>No more AP aatrox
>No more jungle Taric, alistar
They keep making the game unfun. What's the point of having items if you're just gonna build the same ones every game? Might as well just have it be like HoTs if you're gonna do that.
>No more AP Tristan.
It hurts man.
Bad developers made a bad game.
The toxic community
The racists
And it's too competitive.
What baffles me is how they determine what to remove and what to leave in. Some things they decide they don't like and so they gut them but then the player base will do some other things that clearly weren't intended and then they leave that in because "That's what the players decided to do". There's no way that heal was originally intended to be taken by carries, it's clearly meant for supports. It's just been that way for years now and for some reason that's fine and dandy but things like AP trist et al get patched out.
Why do the racists bother you?
Holy shit, THIS.
>No more support Veigar
>No more AD Thresh
>Absolutely no way to build TF effectively except as a completely mediocre mage
I played Twisted Fate exclusively for months in Normals in the ADC capacity to try and prove he could work as a hybrid build, and I just couldn't do it. One of only a handful of champs in the game who gets decent scaling on both his AD *and* his AP, but he's just too fragile- and his kit makes doing anything beyond a 1v1 duel a nightmare.
I can't fathom why anyone would want to play him right now, except for his ult giving global presence... but that presence doesn't mean anything if no one thinks TF is worth being cautious or afraid of, and he just can't do that until he gets waaaaaaay ahead in his item building.
And Riot will never, ever buff him, because they think he's in a good spot as a mediocre mage.
Fuck me, man.
>not being literally bronze and building whatever you please
For instance, on the subject of tristana. They left her AP scaling in, but made her E physical damage making m.pen useless.
her ults AP ratio was reduced from what i remember being insane (1.2 or 1.0?) to .7 or something pathetic.
Also, her W used to set off the E explosive for awhile, and they removed that functionality.
pigeon holing champions they've designed into these roles just makes the game boring.
>tfw kog was my one of favourite champs
>he used to be a shit adc so i had a blast going ap mid with him
>then he got reworked which killed ap kog and made adc kog broken
>then they nerfed adc kog to the ground
>but ap kog is still trash
Controls. My literally only but gamebreaking gripe with Dota. Turn times and cast animations are just not fun.
I don't defend either, I hate Riot's approach to champion balance and I think every patch makes the game more shit with their fun=toxic approach, but the precision of your controls and responsiveness is just better.
A lot of these were too strong though.
Old Riot had a real big issue of granting massive AP ratios to characters who would never build AP. (They didn't want people to feel bad if they built something mixed, like a sheen)
Then AP items started going through re-works making them more and more efficient, and then those old AP ratios were bonkers
Everyone I've talked to IRL that's stopped playing cites that they ruined their main or took out the one fun thing they liked to do. It's probably just a coincidence but at least in my experience that seems to be what's killing the game. That and all the other competition they have now I guess.
>remember doing damage Soraka and carrying my team to victory
>then she got nerfed
well, eventually they stopped giving champions mixed ratios all together. (Apart from intended hybrids like Akali)
im sure there's balance issues with it, but thats exactly why its boring.
>That one patch where you could build straight AP and solo mid as soraka
>Get dived by assassin shitter
>heal myself and get 100 temp armor
>Spam emotes when they die
grind2win garbage
removal of everything fun thats not meta but works
shitty metas overall
>5 BC
>5 HoG
>muh tanky dps
Riot truly are geniuses at balancing things
They balance the game exclusively for esports so 99% of the playerbase is adhering to a forced meta that doesn't actually matter for them. High skill ceiling characters are completely useless at lower levels because if they were any better they would dominate pro play.
>AP Maokai will never 2shot shitters on lvl 2 again
>AP Yi never again
>AP malphite never again
>AD kata jungle never again
It somewhat makes me feel better that Leona was never good, but they lowered her base damage again recently, she's just too weak to go mid now.
i think the gangplank rework is the best thing to ever come out of riot, hes better in every way imaginable now imo
Kog is good as fuck right now
yeah its neato
mainly put him in that post because i failed to remember the greats like;
>ap yi
>ap maokai
>ap alistar
>ad thresh
Hots has the issue where the talent system is very lackluster. There is basically 2 'builds' a player can do maximum on a character and if you stray from this you are left very weak by doing some retarded hybrid build as you arent good at either instead of being good at one or the other.
A bigger issue is that since there are no items, you dont ever have a way of dealing with a character. I'll give you an example, so say youre playing Jaina, a very basic mage who doesnt have any way to move fast, you cant buy boots, a forcestaff to get away, you can only position yourself correctly and hope you dont get trained on and if you do that your tanks or supports can keep you alive somehow. Now on the opposing team theres a genji, who can run and do damage and he has a dash that does damage when he goes through you, also his dash literally goes across the screen so if you are in his vision he can literally just dash ontop of you and keep up with you until you die.
There is no counter you can build, you basically have to put up with it or hope the genji is bad enough to not go for you every time or your team is good enough to keep you alive. I mean yeah at level 20 you get iceblock which will buy you enough time to live typically but by the time youre 20, the game is over or nearly over and youve just been raped for the entirety of the game, its very frustrating.
turn times and cast animations are part of balance. instantly turning and shooting shit off is beyond retarded.
Yeah that's the only part about HotS that I don't like- they really, REALLY force the team aspect. For the most part you can't really accomplish anything by yourself unless you're playing a specialist and you just grind out XP all game, and that's boring as hell.
>Hybrid kayle
>Atmog mundo
>AP yi
>Dunkmaster yi
>Backdoor shaco
>Backdoor blitz
>Jungle trundle
Ahri and Orianna just aren't fun when you have to concentrate and tryhard, when you can just pick Annie or Morgana mid all the way to Dia and just watch movies on the other monitor while you bully your opponent into submission.
You get used to the turn rates after a few hundred hours. Alternatively you could play heroes with fast turn rates
I was finally starting to get good in it and started climbing fast but I simply wasn't having fun because none of my friends play anymore so I just uninstalled
There used to be a cheese build you could do on Mundo with sword of the divine. It granted you 3 free crits on your next autos so you would scale your attack damage steroid instead of your cleaver and at level 9 you could hit people for 3 guaranteed 500+ crits. It was pretty crappy and didn't scale beyond that but damn that was fun. I miss things like that.
It's just DOTA with less coherent world design
It was wrong from the beginning.
And that's exactly why balance in Dota is shit.
The team aspect is another part of that- there are certain characters that are great in theory and see a fair amount of pro play but require way too much teamwork to be played well in solo queue. Playing Ori and trying to get people to initiate with your ult on them is so frustrating.
Turn rates made sense in RTS since Dota was made in Wc3. No reason to have them in LoL and they make everything slow and not fun.
Also LoL does have cast animations.
>gangplank got reworked from a fun pirate to a grim super serious faggot
>galio got reworked from a gargoyle statue to generic buff guy made out of stone
I fucking hate this shit. Smite did the same bullshit with Hercules and it's the reason I stopped playing it all those years ago.
>"Explain why you don't like Dota 2."
>Well, I don't like the way that the controls feel unresponsive due to the turn rate mechanic.
And the cycle is complete.
>No +22AD rune pre rework sion top with like 120 AD lvl 1 owning noobs
best times
>balance in dota is shit
>maybe a handful of heroes arent played competitively
>compared to league who's 90% of the roster is nonviable
alright i guess nice argument.
it's been like a decade since it came out
people moved on, gen Z has an even shorter attention span than gen Y
>all these salty shitters complaining about the terrible community and pandering
>we just got a rework with an ult that literally drags you into an 8 legged fat fuck that grinds people into meat soup with death saws
>90% of the roster is nonviable
>meanwhile there are people on top of the ladders who have gotten there with the lowest winrate champions
Really makes my almonds activate
>balance revolves around shit mechanics being integral part of it
>isn't shit balance
How dense are you?
>critting faggots for 2/3 of their hp with trynd top before minions spawn
As someone who has 2000 hours wasted on both LoL and dota I can tell you both are equal waste of time. Reached 4k in dota and realized its all pointless. Reached gold I in LoL and realized its literally pointless. It may be actually better to just stare at the wall and do nothing all day than playing these games
>Lifestealing 60% of your hp with one hit with hydra and ult
I really dislike Riot forcing playstyles upon us, as in "youre playing it wrong, so we made it unusable so youre playing the way we want"....
I really enjoyed playing AP Sion... It was fuckin braindead simple bullshit... but i had fun.. and thats what matter right? Having fun with the game? No? Right? Guys?
>2000 hours
>gold 1
are you quite literally slow in brain?
LoL is super srs business
i only started playing HotS but to me stutter-stepping in this game feels fucking awful compared to LoL. i dunno if it's just because i'm not use to the attack animations yet, but it feels so unresponsive to attack-move so any auto-attack based hero feels clunky.
one thing i will say is nice is the map variety. although some are really shit (garden/mines) the fact that you don't have just ONE map is at least refreshing.
Why are people talking like the game is dead, has there been some recent news about a drop in playerbase or something? Cause it's still at the top of twitch viewership all the time, with bots, and was fucking everywhere when I was over in China. They even have a league of legends branded energy drink over there.
>Gold I
>better art style/armor sets as opposed to skins
Sorry but no way. The game is ugly as hell. Call League's boring, overly ridiculous, or whatever, but everything is clear and gets its point across. DotA fails at this.
>no runes and masteries
Is currently a very fair point due to IP costs on runes, but they are planning on fixing it in a few months with a total overhaul, assumedly removing the issue for good.
Unless you meant the system existing at all in which case I disagree and find it highly enjoyable(Outside of the costs).
>more interesting items and characters
I give you items(Though Riot is slowly pushing on this front), but absolutely not characters. I played a few hundred hours and still could not name you more than maybe five that were ever very interesting. There are standalone abilities that do neat things I would like to see League emulate, but nothing ever felt particularly cohesive.
>extremely less strict meta
If you are convinced Bot-Mid-Top-Jun-Sup is not just 1-2-3-4-5 with names, I am not sure what to tell you. To be fair, they have been pretty bad about diversity in the past, but all these reworks and newer champions have made most of the cast in some way playable. Only a few I would consider unplayable, and they still have their one-tricks.
Give you the rest though. I would love to have custom rules to play with.
>No reason to have them in LoL
Yeah, let's just make every melee champ have a gap closer because otherwise they just get kited to death by ranged
getting rid of wiggles lantern for youtube.com
I started LoL in december 2011. Started rankeds around the time when league systems rolled out. You know back in the day nobody had a fucking clue what to do so everyone just fucked around. I ended up in bronze IV and eventually got good. At that point when I was gold I i had such massive win streaks I got bored and unninstalled, only coming back every season to get gold and get rewards. Pretty much same thing, was 1,8k at one point
Turn rate and cast points give you the opportunity to react and escape, example:
Luna chases treant protector with low hp, luna casts lucent beam with a cast point of 0.8 (or 0.6 forgot) seconds, during that time treant turns arround and plants a tree which blocks luna's vision on him, canceling her casting of lucent beam. Treant protector escapes.
These cast points and turn rates are meant to give reaction windows which are barely in lol
i still play lol but this is my biggest gripe with it outside of balance grievances.
the meta is so strictly enforced it's actually insane. you cannot do ANY unconventional pick or try new strategies because riot enforces the meta and will literally ban you if you deviate from it.
If you're not diamond 1 you can't pick anything unconventional without getting 4x reports from your team for "trolling"
Imagine: ashe support, shaco support, lee/irelia support. all are viable mostly (or used to be like a year or 2 ago when i stopped playing)
even if you win lane and win game you will get reported by retards, and riot encourgaes that
Urgot rework looks nice.
Me and a friend ran TF/Thresh duo bot lane for a while. Yellow card is great fire setting up easy hooks.
hello lol marketers
still angry Sup Forums wont accept your game?
we never will!
That's with a duo, mate. Actual mutual respect and cooperation. With those on the table, lots of hooey suddenly becomes viable.
Take TF solo bot and tell me what happens.
I play shitton of Viktor, maining him since Season 3, and im fuckin having fun playing him as a support, using the spellthiefs path speedboost from damaging enemies...
I got down placement of my stuns so my carry doesnt die, and were usually able to kill anything we want...
But its out of meta, so just picking it tilts 70% of the players, which turns the game into shitshow for us... "Omg Viktor support, wtf".... "Report Viktor for Trolling" when youre the only guy with positive KDA and trying your dandiest...
fuck :/
You are equally as retarded as all marketers, hivemind newfag.
When you pick something out of meta, people are just breathing down your neck and are waiting for you to fuck up, so they can blame anything that happens on you... i stopped playing him as support because of that...
Because i cant play that champion that way, even if i do well with him, people will get tilted from me just picking it, which just leads to lost game...
eat shit anthony burch
It's like when I was in bronze and went Lee support, ended with like ~30 kills, everyone else had
>spout retarded opinion
>calmly get explained why your opinion is retarded
>complaining about turn rates being slow in LoL
>gives dota as an example where turn rates make sense
how the fuck is that possible? its fucking sion
>Best insult is Anthony Burch
Really are a newfag, great job lurking for a week to learn that zinger.
>Why are people talking like the game is dead, has there been some recent news about a drop in playerbase or something?
Nope, seems to have plateau'd though.
His ult is global
If you fall below 25% health while marked by the drill he can pull you from any distance.
Retard. You realize League is a large part of the reason /vg/ was made, right? Oh yeah, you were not here for any of that. Stop trying to fit in by force.
Also, if Riot really wanted to market here, it would not be one person posting the same thread once or twice a day. It would be verified tripcodes and such taking questions, feedback, suggestions, or whatever else like they do on other sites.