Do they really think the LGBTQ+ crowd buy video games?
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A ton of trannies do
>Do they really think the LGBTQ+ crowd
have you ever been on Sup Forums?
Those muslim "immigrants" in London finally have an opportunity to be useful for once.
most people here are pedos just like LGBTQ+
>Xbox organizes a LAN Party for gays while discriminating straight people
isn't that a crime ?
They need to do this to have a positive message associated with the brand. Imagine if they didn't tweet any support for pride (as stupid as it is), the droves of people making a stink about it would cause harm to the brand. Even fucking unilever are doing an event for it and I've never seen a transexual pot noodle.
>has never heard of, or been to, GaymerX
I often wonder where a lot of you backwoods folks are connecting from. I don't necessarily mean that as a jab, but a lot of posts on here seem so insular it beggars belief that there's internet coverage in places where you have so little exposure to other people that you'd seriously ask a question like, "Do gay people REALLY buy and play video games?"
>western """""""pride"""""""" parades
Gay pride parades in the west, as a gay dude, makes me utterly sick. Toyko pride parades are WAY more modest and actually represent the struggle for our desire for respect and assimilation
>jews behind LGBTQ+ agenda pushing the gay gamer meme
Sup Forums will defend this
Kill yourself fag.
Discriminating straight people how
>Gay LAN party
So there's going to be a shitload of semen and trannies starting shit?
>anal sex
>desire for respect
pick one
Are you just being stupid for the sake of getting (you)'s? You know you can't redeem them anywhere for prizes, right?
Sup Forums is just /lgbt/ 2.0 with a vidya theme
Considering Sup Forums is a pirate den, I think that yes they may buy more games than the people that use this board
you need to be 18+ to post here
They're trying to convert Sony fans
Homophobia is illegal you fool
Tell my how much this triggers you Sup Forums In details please
This is just going to turn into a chemsex orgy or something.
I will never understand why people do this. I've lived in San Francisco and Seattle, the two gayest metropolitan cities in the US, and I just absolutely don't get it.
But faggots don't go to LAN Parties
They go to AIDS Parties
No, I'm being serious. That's a real thing.
You can't do some basic Googling for your basic questions? Gay pride parades are not for straight people. It's for gay people. Pride here means not having shame. As in they should not be ashamed for who they are. They're not trying to assimilate or ask for permission because they don't have to. So go fuck yourself for thinking everything is about pleasing straight people.
>Sup Forums doesnt buy games is proud of piracy
>Too scared to talk to women and guys just end up getting bored with me
>Hate the LGBT community because it's full of shit people who have raging egos thanks to liberals making them seem like perfect individuals to get votes and it's hard to find guys who aren't awful
>Got my heart broken too many times to want and try to find a new guy and too scared of STDs to use hook-up apps
>TFW I wish I was just born an overly confident hetero normie
You're in a board full of them? Are you retarded too?
I'm a gay person and hedonism/egoism is an absolute shit-tier ideology that breeds all sorts of evil that damages your own mental/physical health and can negatively affect others too (greed/lust/pride/etc)
Gay pride parades make my people look like a worthless joke and they are unhealthy to participate in. I would never date someone who actively goes to pride parades.
Not everyone see themselves as a victim.
>my people
Get a load of this faggot. I bet you never been to a pride parade because if you did, you'd realize that the lewd shit is a very small percentage of the pride parade, the rest being people in pants and shirts representing their businesses or occupation, like laywers, policemen, teachers, etc. And guess what? The lewd shit is 10x more tamer than the lewd shit you see at straight parades like Mardi Gras. Hedonism? Mate, it's a party, stop being an autist.
>Toyko pride parades are WAY more modest and actually represent the struggle for our desire for respect and assimilation
LAN party? more like AIDS party
>Do they really think the LGBTQ+ crowd buy video games?
You're right, I mostly pirate them
Why do they do that for...gaming of all things?
To make money you dip. All businesses' goal is to maximize profit and to do that, they have to do everything they can to sell their products to as many people as they can. So of course they're gonna target gays since gays are accepted by society now.
Not user but It's pretty common knowledge that bug chasers are a thing
There's no reason people wouldn't have a weird poz orgy
They didn't even have fucking LAN for Halo 5
Nobody's written any articles on it because it's such a taboo subject. It's an almost fanatically guarded secret. You'd almost think it was practiced by a cult.
Basically, groups of homosexuals congregate and have orgy parties to deliberately infect themselves with AIDS in order to broaden their sexual prospects. If you didn't have it, you weren't allowed in and there's nothing the homosexual craves more than acceptance so they try to get it any way they can.
What did he mean by this?
I want to say this is a Sup Forums post but it sort of makes sense
I've never seen a group of people who want gays to get out of their spaces but whine when they make their own away from them. What do you people want
Why couldn't gaming have stayed in its 70's-90's mentality of fun for the sake of fun?
Why do people need a gaming event solely for how they use their genitals? I swear to Christ I hate the "gaming community" so god damn much. It's just so cancerous and toxic.
>SJWs come into any other industry
>Within a few years they are tossed out due to how horrid they are as people and how they do nothing but damage the industry itself
>Even comics books, the cottage industry filled to the brim with beta manlet autists has started to reject them
>SJWs go into gaming
>All the beta faggots who play Nintendo and other casual games keep telling them they are welcome, and now we get this kind of shit
If you think this event or anything like it is at all positive, then you are the literal cancer that's making our hobby into absolute dog shit.
>inb4 "go back to pol xDD"
I'd be just as furious if it was about straight people or the right. Politics has no value to gaming.
>deliberately infect themselves with AIDS
>If you didn't have it, you weren't allowed in
>it sort of makes sense
I'll post it again.
>groups of homosexuals congregate and have orgy parties to deliberately infect themselves with AIDS
I'm gay, playing Devil May Cry 4 SE on my PS4 right now OP. Fuck off.
Except for 364 days out of the year, you ARE trying to assimilate in with straight people, because you're part of fucking society. And given that most people are backwoods like the fucking OP of this thread that doesn't even know gay people play video games, the ONE event that you have to show other people, "Hey! We're just regular people! You have no logical reason to hate us," you choose to ride a float down Market St. dressed in leather while using a riding crop to whip another man physically chained to the float. Oh, but you don't need to be ASHAMED to be who you are, and yet the rest of the fucking year you cry about why people don't understand you.
>Sup Forums
>buying games
>why do people do things that I don't want to do?
>I'll just call everyone that I disagree with SJWs so I don't have to make any actual arguments
>things I don't like is making political statements
just end your life you worthless retard
I hope the religion of peace shows up and cuts their heads off.
>Why couldn't gaming have stayed in its 70's-90's mentality of fun for the sake of fun?
wrong kid died, thats why.
There are also gay drug dungeons where dumb horny young fuckbois goto an(probably because they're suicidal or just want to get fucked real good) and become trapped forever getting drugged and fucked 24/7
There are people who've dedicated their lives to saving people from this shit
>3 months
Most gamers are total fags. Didn't you see gamergate? A bunch of fag virgins got mad some chick had sex.
>announce a LAN party
>for a system that can't into LAN/system link
For what purpose?
>LGBT LAN party
Can't these guys just play videogames like normal people? I don't care if you are gay, zoophile, pedophile, or a tranny, i just want to play against someone god dammit.
Half of Sup Forums wants to be the little girl and the other half wants to fuck them
So yeah
Get a load of this virtue signaling faggot.
I legitimately hope you lose your eyesight or something so you can no longer infect games with your bullshit ideology you absolute parasite.
Death is a bit too extreme, but your kind simply don't know how to do anything other than destroy, so wishing you go blind seems the most generous act.
Makes me think of this Sam Hyde bit
>All the beta faggots who play Nintendo
Nice hypocrisy, out of the big three consoles Ninty is the only one that doesn't pander to them with rainbow consoles and events.
Also decline of gaming and the quality of its community has hardly anything to do with gays and trannies specifically, it's 99% caused by corporate greed, attention whores getting attention (which includes but it's not limited to SJWs) and posers wanting to "fit in".
That's actually kinda hot.
>love benis
>love taking it in the asshole
>play video games
Please go away. You provide no benefit at all to anything, all you know how to do is consume, destroy, and demand change where people are comfortable.
Can't wait for your ideology to completely implode.
I have nothing against LGBT except that I'm apparently expected to care. It honestly kind of bothers me that I'm supposed to give a shit about random dudes/chicks and what they do with their dicks/vags.
>lgbt lan party
knowing london it's going to be turned into a muslim van party
>Except for 364 days out of the year, you ARE trying to assimilate in with straight people
Wtf, who said this? Do gay people suddenly drop their same sex partners and start fucking the opposite sex? Do all the feminine gay dudes drop their lisps and interests in drag queens? Are you retarded or something?
>Hey! We're just regular people
Refer to my other post here Because you clearly haven't been to a gay pride parade, and you still think it's about acceptance from straight people when it's about making a statement that gay people are here and fuck you if you think they need your permission to exist.
>You have no logical reason to hate us
That's right, you don't. Two gay men kissing and holding hands? How dare these two people do something they want of their own free will that doesn't affect anybody else in any way?
>you cry about why people don't understand you
Nah, we cry about being denied basic civil rights and the homophobic violence that occurs still, though it has gone down significantly over the past twenty years.
w-where do i find one of these places
>Only gays can have anal sex
Loving every laugh mate.
Top kek
Video games are no longer just escapism, a time sink, or a hobby. It's part of mainstream culture now. This is just the same shit that's been happening throughout the 70s-90s to every other form of media. Comics and Video games have generally been safe because they were thought of as just something for kids, but with the age of gamers rising it's bringing in the societal cancers.
Honestly, just play older games. There's enough ps1-ps3 era games to last a lifetime, most hold up, and they are all more fun than anything coming out today and void of politics.
>homophobic violence
The word phobia derives from the Greek word 'phobos' meaning fear
People don't fear the gay community
They hate you because you won't shut the fuck up and stop whining on and on and on like a broken fucking record about
>muh oppression
despite being one of the most protected class in western civilization, not least in terms of legislation.
Nintendo floods the market with Amiibos and other stupid shit that just creates turbo autists who play moe and loli games. Xbox panders to chads and normies, Playstation to edgy kids and gooks.
The real men are PC gamers mang, and if you disagree then you're a casual aids-chasing poofter.
It's not about marketing todos faggots It's all about impressing their hipster friends in Seattle.
and women who have anal sex are what we call "whores". the definition of whore being "highly respec-", wait, hold up, i think i got the wrong definition here, one second
The reason it isn't like the 70s-90s is because the internet wasn't really a big thing until the latter 90s. Remember that AOL really only started picking up steam in 96, and most communications were still through newsgroups, IRC, and oldschool BBS; and online games where you could HOLY SHIT actually play with someone across the world and TALK to them was still fucking mind blowing. And for awhile, this was a PC-only thing; consoles only started getting rudimentary online capability in 5th gen, and really didn't come into its own until 7th gen.
And now with the internet firmly rooted in everyone's lives, everyone can express their dumbass fucking opinions to everyone else. And guess what people do? They talk about political and societal shit, and make polarizing and vulgar statements about specific groups of people, including the LGBT crowd. "Gay" was the default slur of online gaming for years; its usage has only just started to get replaced by "cuck," which will probably be the go-to for at least the next four years. So companies wanting to reach the LGBT demographic do this kind of thing to let those players (read: walking dollar signs) feel welcome. There's your answer.
>one of the most protected class in western civilization
lmao where did you get this meme? Infowars or Breitbart?
>gay drug dungeons
Just like in my japanese doujins!
No, it's a dick measuring contest with sony after they gave their support to it.
Ah, the classic
>assault a straight man
>arrested and charged with GBH
>assault a say man
>hate crime
>g-guys, we're not protected enough!
>noone will ever treat you like this
I don't think the homos on Sup Forums are part of the LGBT movement, just being a closeted gay who masturbates to traps isn't enough.
Your salt is too delicious.
>consume, destroy
>demand change where people are comfortable
How dare the gays demand equality and justice? They should have just let us deny them their basic civil rights and freedom. What do they think they are, human beings?
Both of you should join ISIS and bomb yourself to pieces in their training camps, you freedom hating scums.
Seriously. I think a big issue is a bunch of Sup Forums's new traffic (which has trippled in the past few years) are a bunch of underage b&, too young to know what the internet was like even 17 years ago. In the 2000s the counter culture here, online, among most gamers, was anti-bush, anti-war, anti-GOP, anti-extreme Fox News tier conservatism. All these new posters come here, see a bunch of retards shitting on minorities and homosexuals and anything that isn't normal and think that only those culturally normal enough (in their current personal political climate) enjoy games.\
No one gave a fucking shit here about homosexuals 10 years ago. If anything, they were pretty common here since Sup Forums was a den of outcasts, degenerates, autusts, weirdos, introverts and just different people. I remember constant Bara and trap and dickgirl threads all the fucking time on here with no one bitching. Now it's like the people we made fun of have taken over. All the shit we mocked Fox News for here is now everything people seem to believe here. It's actually pretty insane how quickly things can change. inb4 someone compares the entirety of Sup Forums to Sup Forums and /new/ saying those boards were how everything always was.
>moe and loli
That's like 20% Nintendo, 30% PC and 50% Sony.
>PC gaming is perfect
Steam and other major platforms are easily more cancerous than all consoles put together. Mainstream PC gaming is a fucking joke, niche PC gaming is great but irrelevant to the market and it still has a lot of brands of autism of its own.
Reminder you can be gay without being obnoxious lustful faggot.
It bothers me how some gays wants to be accepted but wears those fucking gay costumes you usually see on cartoons.
You regressives have such a pathetic vocabulary, Jesus...
>Play ANY game
>The only time you'll know if the protagonist is even gay or whatever is when some liberal arts degree triggered feminists gender fluid queer pansexual agekin makes an entire game based around that fact
I and almost every person who plays games don't give a shit if the MC sucks cock or not, all we want to do is play a fun game. If that's your priority then please just go make games for your own communities and stop ruining things for the rest of us.
For once, be considerate. Legitimately NO BODY cares if you're gay or not. Why does that even matter? Are you so morally and intelligently bankrupt that the only way you can define some kind of existence is by spending every waking moment telling us what gets you off?
Go and take up wood whittling or something. Just please go away.
Trump is president now, I don't have to listen to you faggots anymore
The devout followers of islam finally have a chance to do some good again.
>How dare the gays demand equality and justice?
You've already got it you fucking faggot with anti-discrimination legislation
Would you just fuck off?
>Gay pride parades in the west
Up there with feminism for fights that ended over a decade ago that people can't let go. Which is fair enough, really. If your only character defining trait is being gay, I can see why you'd be so desperate to keep that ball in the air.
Wow, a recognition of a hate crime, that surely means the gays have no oppression in the United States. Nope, just a SJW conspiracy. Alex Jones said so so it must be true.