Strong independent female protagonist

>Strong independent female protagonist
>She's a dyke

Why do games do this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Women acting like Men=Strong Woman

>anything that isn't pretty like my moeblobs is a dyke
t. weeb

seriously a recurring thing I've noticed in this cliche

>Sup Forums gets triggered by a woman
What did they mean by this?

Ellie is a dyke and so is Ellen Page what did NaughtyDog mean by this ?

Samus isn't a dyke

I don't get why people think morality exists in zombie apocalypses. Who would tell her it's wrong 20 years after the world ends?

she isnt a strong independet female protagonost

did you play tlou2 somehow? she depended on joel a hell of a lot in tlou, and when he almost dies she does everything she can to keep him alive and gets kidnapped

>he didn't play the beta

>reddit triggered by people getting triggered

uh oh

Correct. She canonically trans

What beta?

>character not becoming a uguu doe-eyed daughtfu-tier animu character during zombie apocalypse = acting like men

She was pre gamecube games.

>getting triggered by the thought of others being triggered at someone being triggered
take it easy, snowflake

>being independent is acting like a man, you woman should be slaves lol XD

How many games actually allow you to play as a heterosexual woman who actively pursue heteronormative relationships with men?

"Create your character" RPGs don't count.

probably about 25

Good question, I don't play all that many story driven games so I can't really think of anything. But that isn't to say I can't think of straight female protags in games, because I can. Its just that those games don't have romance in them.

So the problem is newdags perception and modern video games will never be allowed to be right because of your very comment.

>stronk western womyn
>looks like chalize theron in monster

I don't even want the numales and radfem trash in game studios to waste our poison gas resources, I want them thrown in the ovens alive.

We used to get Peach, Samus, the Bloodrayne chick, Claire Redfield, Jill valentine, Lara Croft, Mona Sax and a bunch of other iconic female game characters that everyone loved. Now we get ugly dykish cunts who act like dudes with saggy ugly tits.


Serioys playing video games. Plz be 14.

Have you seen that delicious video where Ellen Page shows up to a Ted Cruz campaign stop, starts bitching about republican anti-gay memes and gets shut down so hard that she nearly ran off crying?

>y-you too, c-cruz!

Decent rant, do you have a blog or a twitter I can follow for more?

Reminder that pic related got an award for 'feminist game of the year'

I've seen it. It was in my rotation of vids when I was jerking off to her a while ago. She's really fun to jack to but I wish she did more official photo shoots

>gender roles are slavery
>except male gender roles, pay for my shit betas!

The developers came out and said they're making her a lesbian in this game.

Which is curious because any fluid exchange with her means spreading the Cordyceps infection.

Stop oppressing women, cisscum.

>strong independent female protagonist
>no romantic interest because it doesn't matter
>canonically superior to all the men in the game
>everyone loved her
>hailed as a better game than GoldenEye in every way

imagine if developers just made good games instead of making a useless political statement, or pandering?


>Getting asshurt about fictional women
Go outside.

are they going to show her getting molested as a child. 99% of all fags were molested when they were children.

peach leads the list of your iconic characters

all she does is literally get captured and bake cakes.

yeah, and it's pretty obvious why if you play the game.

>acting like men
Can you tell me what women act like?

she keeps a zombie to have sex with in game.

you can drag it around in a dogcage during the game

Because unlike you, most gamers don't want QTE makeout sessions with little boys.

I don't know, like faggots do but they are actually women

They probably hate women

The price of independence is dying alone. In today's open world if you can't find a submissive white woman than you can easily find an Asian one.

>not jerking off to a real empowered woman who's easily a 9/10 hottie blaire white

Sup Forums here, kys yourself

Ye, Mira was an example of a well done female character

>>Strong independent female support character or strong independent female antagonist

>She's a negro with an afro

Women aren't supposed to be submissive.

Weebs and fags


Hack writers mistake strong womyn with being a man period.

>watching new wolfenstein trailer
>roll eyes at nazis palling around with klan
>some try hard emotional garbage
>some action
>bj opens a hatch, gets gun pointed in his face
>"gimme one gud reason not tu' shoot 'chu, whyte boi!"

Let's imagine for a second they portrayed a stronk womyn who happened to be white, BJ was black, and her line was "give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you, darkie!"

Reverse racism is still racism, I hope this garbage bombs like DX:Whitey Divided and Mafia 3.

I know I know. It's just tough to break away from your favorites. I can't even begin to comprehend the amount of cum I've spilled to Ellen. But I'll give your girl a try (I can usually force myself to but at least once to a new girl)

Full disclosure, Blaire's a dude, but we took a straw/pol/ and determined she'll be the last degenerate in the oven after we pass her around on the day of the rope.

>Why do games do this?
kikes do it

pic is same writer. he kicked out the original uncharted writer as well.


Even the first new Wolfenstein was ridiculous
>jews shown to actually have ancient supertechnology from the finno-korean hyper war they never shared with anyone, even with the allies
>even some random old jew has the ability to madlib catastropic changes to a chemical formula
>literally the reptilian illuminati are real and nazis had every right to terminate them in that game

Did Gears of War do female characters well? I remember a few of them being pretty badass without just being men with tits but it was a while ago. Pretty sure most if not all of them had heterosexual relationships or at least implied.

Then there are lots of implied heterosexual female characters who are protagonists and/or cool characters but it doesn't come up because their games aren't about romance, such as Samus and Zelda.

My personal favorite "cool female character" is Emma Honeywell. also Lietenant Mira from 40k space marine. Neither of them were gay, and neither of them were just men with boobs.

Ask your mom

woman are biologically predisposed to behave as the submissive in a relationship. why do you think lesbians are the most at risk for suicide. It's like the blind leading the blind

>implying i have a mom like some pussy nigger faggot

must be fun suckin on all those nigger cocks ishmael

i really don't like how every female character who does stuff has to be a lesbian now. it's like by shoehorning two separate diversity checkmarks they accidentally end up being stereotypical.


Fuck yes I loved Perfect Dark and still do. That's how you do a proper female protagonist without making it feel forced.
Other characters treated her just like any other person in the game.
She was sassy as fuck too, I loved it.

They do this to not alienate the male players with a male love interest. Dykes and women get representation and men get to imagine girl-on-girl sex. Literally everyone wins except literal homosexual men who could not give less of a shit.

don't forget about the



Men and trannies are at the most risk for suicide.

>also Lietenant Mira from 40k space marine

To be fair, you could turn Mira into a man and it'd still work without changing any of her dialogue. But I do think that she's a well-written, 'proper' strong female character that's criminally overlooked by damn near everyone.

then why haven't you hung yourself yet? for anyone who missed it

Make a good character is hard.

What's wrong with being a dyke?


Because a woman who lusts for a man automatically makes her submissive because that's how life works.

Men go after women because they need the protection and safety. Men go after women because they are healthy and responsible with the resources he will provide. This is interpreted by feminist has submission or slavery instead of a natural cooperation mechanism, therefor if they want to make an independant female protagonist she needs to be as close to a man as possible as to not fall into their perceived as shackled to their female nature.

Basicaly, bitch can't handle the truth.

>what's wrong with purposely stunting human procreation and promoting unsustainable, disgusting lifestyles.

>stunting human procreation
You do realize there's few of them, right. And artificial insemination exist for lesbians too.

trusting (((medical science))) for conception is just as fucking disgusting as trannys and faggots marrying each other

Black protag games always fail in the sales departement. It's a kiss of death.
No need to worry.

Well, to be quite fucking honest there's a lot of us on this planet right now, so much that it's creating issues.
There's not exactly a need for more. With that said, yes, depopulation is part of the agenda.

Name a strong straight white female character who doesnt fall into female character stereotypes or isnt just a male character with tits. Binus points if shes not a magic user or a bow user. Im not a numale Im just curious if anyone fits the bill.

Men wanting to be providers means they're submissive towards women.



Kaine from Nier.


Well, lesbian relationships statistically have the highest rate of domestic abuse, for one thing.

>the boss

Decent answer

t. human

this thread is fucking retarded

>shareholers told us that their the data from 3rd party sourveys they were made revealed to us that this "model" is the one wich will sell more because of dynamic changes in trending and the rising of it, so this constitues the most secure appearance that we could give to the character
>ok, next subjet, gameplay mechanics and style... please, the next slikde

Heavy rain

And most david cage games

So tired of these god awful female power fantasies crammed into all media now. I just avoid all of it.

define "acting like men"

people thought zelda, peach and rosalina are dykes when you got to play them

By being able to control them in vidya.

the fuck are you talking about

This shit has backfired to the point where I don't want to see female characters at all.

ok what games are you talking about

You think they decide this shit after some beers in a pub?

Stalker's a pretty good example. No women no drama.

This desu.
They basically put a man in a female body and call it a "stronk womyn". It's pathetic really.
