Why can't devs into lighting anymore?

Why can't devs into lighting anymore?

>It came out in my childhood so it's better.
Grow up you fat sperg.

What are you talking about? I'm referring to the lighting in the game, I don't give a shit about old Crash.

Yes, yes you are.

It was my example, yes. You have one, or?

So you're a child?

Better question: Why the fuck can't devs do textures anymore?

why are you still responding to him?

oblivion was scaled down so it could work on a console with only 512MB of RAM

Because I'm stupid as hell.

That looks so bad, it's almost a nightmare fuel.

>any Bethesda game
>any kind of example of asset creation skill

Haha, no.

Because "realistic" lighting is all the rage now.
You're retarded if you think those textures look remotely good.

Hey Chris.

The real question is how can a bunch of slavs living on turnips, borscht, and poverty wages and working off of a dozen discarded BBC micro computers be so good at textures.

Because they have passion

Right now what is popular is PBR, which uses IBR to create world lighting. The problem is that they didn't change the metalness for crash's eyes.

The fix would be pretty simple but I don't know how it was overlooked.


adjust material specular and reflectiveness and its fixed.

You're retarded if you think he was saying those textures looked good.

Stop this hurr CD RED made the witcher 3 with poor conditions and tech meme

I remember when Oblivion's graphics used to be pretty mind blowing.

Hard to tell when he says anymore then posts a game from 10 years ago.


Hey Chris ur a faggot also play Twinsanity

What's wrong with the one on the right? Left was in development anyways.

why cant devs get off Anitas dick?

The REAL question is why you are comparing the textures of two games that were released 10 years apart.

>Lore wise, she was second in command for Cortex's army
>This guy thinks the original one fits the description better.

The faces always looks really bad though.
The world/cities graphics were fucking mind blowing though.

>her fighting back instead of standing around like a dumbass is sjw shit
user please stop. Did you also prefer it when Tawna just stood around at the end of bonus stages?

This actually bothers me. What was the purpose of making Tawna punch a few scientists?

maybe women are actually meek and defenseless

because lots of new games still have oblivion-tier textures.

only nintendo games


>Number of employees 600 (2016)

Doesn't mean they wouldn't fight back. And it's not like she actually succeeds in fighting back since she still gets overpowered and taken. Now if Tawna beat the shit out of the scientists and escaped then went on an adventure to save Crash, you could cry sjw.

oh okay

Talking about slav developers, I was impressed with how well the Metro series turned out considering how shitty the conditions were for 4A Games for the first game.

CD projekt red is a multimillion dollar company that owns GOG, you fucking memeshitter.

Do you even Cheeki Breeki?

To upset autist like you I guess.

Who knew actually animating scenes would upset total retards.

Older games usually had lighting pre-baked, and done on a per scene sort of basis, so it was crafted to look exactly the way they want it. These days, people are trying to go for a dynamic, all-encompassing solution that is more realistic, and they don't go and always make sure every scene looks perfect because of that.

>crash bandicoot lore