Why does this class feel so much better to play than anything else?

Why does this class feel so much better to play than anything else?

rocket jumping

It rewards skill

Because you don't need good aim

gotta go fast

developer's favourite

Because yer ugly



He also doesn't have a lot of excuses. Pretty much every other class has that one other class you don't want to be going up against which isn't the case for soldier.


I love the soldier because it has that old school quake like action to it. Use the original to make it cooler.

I'm tired.

Post THAT webm.


>dn't land a single shot
Demoman takes skill.

>tfw this is me on any class before getting raped by scout with australium hales own server clearing butt-fucking scattergun

>No bloody HUD upon meleeing

I have a strange mental block where i have a perfect sniper shot lined up, i click and my hand just involuntarily shakes and i shoot some infant sat down in a plane

pyros and especially good scout can be a pain in the arse for a solly. can be sountered by skill but still.

How the fuck did he even last that long after the uber ending anyway?

i'm like i'll be dominating half the team but as soon as someone ubers me i panic and can't aim for shit

your are most likely taking the game too seriously. i've realised that im better in it if i just dont give a fuck and do what i can.

>taking the game so serious that you replicate the recoil from the gun with your mouse

>got overwatch at launch
>played for a week
>got bored by all it's flaws and dull gameplay
>went back to tf2
>having a blast
>12 year old sister plays overwatch and loves it
>try overwatch again every time they add a new hero and every single time it's still the same boring game (doomfist lel)
>always go back to tf2 and have tons more fun
feels good

Yeah that's an issue with me, i load the game thinking "oh time to have some casual fun", i enter a server and my heart fucking races, its not even a competitive server its just a casual game

what no? in the current meta scouts melts all classes.

>tfw i have to pretend i like overwatch more than i do for a friend
>still play tf2 in secret though

I'm just fucking bad in the first place, I cant remember the last time i got more than 5 kills in a game

Because he's second only to the heavy for lowest skill floor of any class in the game, allows players to pubstomp just by shooting rockets at feet, and has almost no counters even when you're doing the absolute bare minimum with him.
He gets a free pass for it though because he's good in comp, so you get to pretend you're good at the game for playing as him.

>in secret
fake ass nigga. wouldn't he be your friend if youtold him you play tf2 as well? you can like or pretend to like two games in the same time.

He'd still be my friend but he'd be all like "Dude wtf stop playing TF2 play overwatch instead"

>Because he's second only to the heavy for lowest skill floor
what is pyro? even the f2p w+m1 fags are ending up on the upper parts of the scoreboard if they play it, also a scout main beats a soldier main like 7 tiimes out of 10 .

you should like, you know.. tell him you think tf2 is better maybe?

heavy is the best class if you have the tomislav and aren't a pussy

Haven't said any is better than the other, I was slightly overdoing it when i said "in secret", he knows i play it sometimes

stock minigun all the way

i use iron curtain as it's basically a reskin of the stock but looks cool

>spend a few hundred hours in csgo after not playing cs1.6 or css for years
>regain habit of yanking mouse down to floor while using any automatic weapon in any game
why am I this way

that's some immersion right there

>what is pyro?
A w+m1 pyro objectively has more counters than the soldier, literally any class that can fight him head on will counter him. If you see a pyro getting top scores, then it's most likely that either the teams are stacked or he isn't actually W+M1ing as much as you think he is.
>a scout main beats a soldier main like 7 tiimes out of 10
Yes, the scout is technically a counter to the soldier, but even then he still takes more skill to be proficient with. Anyone can pick up soldier and be effective, while scouts arguably have the highest skill floor out of all nine classes. The soldier has two counters (scouts and airblasts), and they both require more skill than shitting out rockets.

>me when getting ubered

>shitting out rockets
>that mental image

If you guys didn't know, the only people who play Mann Up now are jaded professionals with like 500+ tours each who will let you get through with whatever shit loadout you want as long as the scout has mad milk, it's pretty fun actually. Too bad I only got a professional scorch shot kit.

>Play game literally once for free
>pick Junkrat
>Yep this sure is the demoman with infinite ammo and shitty easy mode sticky jumping

Only thing i liked was when i got on low health and would rush in and punch people with the melee, die, and then explode for free kills. got me thinking.

What if the Pyro's gas tank started hissing after he dies and let's say 2 seconds after it explodes. maybe it does 30 damage and lights enemies on fire?

This wouldn't fix Pyro but maybe it could be a weapon unlock? passive secondary? gas-tank melee weapon?

That's always been a thought of mine when backstabbing a pyro

I like TF2 better because it's bullets and rockets, not retarded lasers and flashes.
It feels bulkier and more immersive

I could see it working as part of a secondary, but it definitely wouldn't be worth using if that was the only selling point for it. 30 damage and afterburn really isn't worth dying for, especially with an easily avoided 2 second fuse time.
How about this?
>The Reserve Tank
>looks like a tank of compressed air
>Secondary that functions like a sandvich, but refills ammo instead of health
>helps the pyro be a better pybro to engineers, kind of like how the sandvich helps heavies support their medic
>maybe makes the pyro's more ammo-consuming flamethrowers a bit more viable
>self destruct effect happens 1 second after death, potentially catching any spies that backstab the pyro if they don't get away from him quickly

if he still says that even if you play OW with him and TF2 by yourself/with others he's not a friend, but a complete retard

Why is playing as Sniper always so random? Some days I'll go on and every round fired will be a headshot and I'll be singlehandedly keeping the enemies back, top of the scoreboard shit.

Then the next day I'll flounder around bodyshotting a Hoovy with zero situational awareness while a Spy rams his baguette up my ass

I'm never this inconsistent with any other class

I know that feel, except it also happens when I play scout.

>point at feet
>get kill

Because it is better than everything else, because Valve panders to Soldier mains by nerfing anything that inconveniences it and buffing all its strengths.

Soldier is the only class without counters, though it counters many things. Valve will keep it that way because as this thread illustrates killstreak kiddies will shriek if they don't have their easymode footclick class.

He really has no weaknesses.

His damage output is great, he has the best mobility (out of combat) in the game, he can provide massive buffs to his team with the banners, can reliably deal with sentries, and isnt really ever in a direct disadvantage against any class in the game.

Thats not to say he's OP, he does have flaws. His mobility costs both health and ammo to use, and the rocket launcher in general has a slow firing rate and low ammo. But these weaknesses can be worked around by good soldiers who know how to play the class well enough. Hes basically meant to be the most overall good class in the game, which is why hes so solid and good in competitive.

happens to me all the time

>Play 100x mode Highertower
>Equip the winger or go demo knight

You're welcome.

How is it so stressful? The Medic usually ubers everyone in the entire team, you're not fucking special

Shouldn't he fit the "jack of all trades, master of none" role rather than the opposite?

because this shit has been going on since quake 1

so 21 years of refinement

>since quake 1
But in the TF1 era it was the medic who could do everything

>not Australium.

And Pyro was a worse soldier.

>Enter a custom MvM map with infinite ammo
>Beggars Bazooka for shits n' giggles
>It uncontrollably fires forever, only taunts and death can stop it
>Get MVP every round by existing