How are they gonna continue the No More Heroes plot?

How are they gonna continue the No More Heroes plot?

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Dunno but WHEN is a better question.

With another metaphor of the relationship between the videogame market and consumers.

>hey Travis the UAA is back here's 10 more weirdos, hope they actually talk to you like in the first game

Wow that was hard

There were metaphors like that in the previous games?

But in the first game Travis quits and only comes back in the second because of his best friend Bishop's murder.

Also the second game's bosses do talk to him, not the ghost kid though.

Didn't they say it might not even be NMH 3 yet? I thought it was just "The game is gonna focus on Travis but it's not exactly NMH 3."

He only said he hasn't decided the name yet, which could be referring to the subtitle since NMH2 had the name ''Desperate Struggle''.

The NMH games are actually pretty insanely well-written. There's criticism of the video game market, the moral dichotomy between killers and who control the killers, Travis' entire existence is a spectacular lens on that particular dichotomy since he serves as an example of the assassin having a moral highground to his superiors.

Yeah I get that but, metaphors about video game consumers? Never seen that one before.

character select, play as Travis, Shinobu or Henry for either each mission or each one having a separate campaign.

and no horrible NMH2 jumping sections, but LIT seems to have shown Grasshopper can do them right now.

>How are they gonna continue the No More Heroes plot?
They're not. Why do you retards actually pay no fucking attention.

Hell, it's like you didn't even notice anything about 2's plot.

it'll be about Travis and Sylvia's daughter Jeane becoming an assassin, with Travis helping from the shadows under his new name Freddy Fieldgoal.

Either by a new and improved Assassin Organization or by making it kinda Killer 7 / Devil May Cry where him and Shinobu do mercenary missions to overthrow crime bosses and serial killers etc to honor his sister's memory. They could also reveal that their dad was head of his own association and killing anyone involved. To add to this, Silvia could have been apart of this original group and that's why she has so much knowledge about them. This could tie in with Henry somehow and hopefully result with him and Shinobu being true playable characters.

Also maybe go into whether or not Travis turned Henry into a full blown cuck considering the ending. The baby girl is also named Jeane so I'm sure Henry or Silvia know more about her and their origins.

I'd really like Naomi, Lovikov and Thunder Ryu to make appearances.

Isn't Ryu dead?

It makes sense when you consider each assassin to be violent vidya and the UAA to be publishers/players of said vidya.

So was Destroyman in the first game.

Yeah but Destroyman was split in half and him coming back fits his joke character nature.

Ryu was blown into bloody bits.

He's basically Jedi tier and exists as a spirit. He seems to be able to remain present in the physical world as much as he wants. I wouldn't mind if he stayed that way.

But I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled some DBZ type shit and have him appear with a halo or maybe go a darker route and have him be brought back via ritual. The series loves referencing so maybe like a Poltergeist joke.

Somehow they'll bring Destroyman back.

They pretty much have to, maybe an Akira reference where a bunch of tiny mostly robotic Destroymans join together and you need to use a new version of the gundam

It's gonna be No More Heroes: Assassin Run or some shitty indie shit

Or maybe they uploaded his mind into a computer.

Your waifu's feelings caused everyone to die

delet this

If it's still a gundam fight, I'm cool with it.

And he's managing an assembly line of mass produced new Destroyman bodies.

Play as shinobu as the main charscter. And no platforming

>implying she's my waifu

She's just a smugfu, don't get ahead of yourself, Mami is the only magical girl waifu for me

I'd rather play as Henry.

I've never played a NMH game. Are they good? Should I catch up on the series before the inevitable release of the third one?


Yes, though keep in mind they shine more in their likable characters and wacky universe more than deep, complex gameplay.

>the inevitable release of the third one?

Yes and yes. I'd say play the first on the Wii, as Heroes Paradise on PS3 looks good but is somewhat of a pain on a controller (haven't tried it with the movie). The original was my first instance where I felt motion controls actually benefitted a game.

So you enjoy posting the reason best girl died... You disgust me.

Travis' daughter Jeane who ends up entering the game like her father did. She thinks her dad is a jackass, but as the game goes on starts acting more and more like him.

Travis is her trainer throughout the game/secret boss, but is in disguise the entire time. The disguise consists entirely of a fake mustache but no one ever calls him out on it.

Both are great but be aware that they're basically well polished arcade games with really good characters and writing.

Play them on the Wii to get the full experience including stroking yourself to be at max power

Wait, did I miss something? He has a daughter called Jeane?

tfw this fuckface had like a vaginion points of HP in hard mode in NMH1 and an insta kill, so you could be like 20 minutes fighting and if you fucked up, it was all over.

I would totally play this game if it did not have waggle.
You guys are fags.

Please god this. I'd like a lot of humor and some genuine emotion. Call out easy award-bait shit like last of us and god of war, but make it more real as a result.

They're repetitive, but the characters and style of the game are very memorable. It's worth trying.

I just can't win today :(

Def. worth it for some boss fights and the writing. Play them.

it should only ever happen to you once though, just like Bad Girl's. It's really obvious when it's starting up.

Then play the PS3 version for NMH1 and with classic controller on NMH2.

I actually prefer the motion controls which is rare.

I had no idea the PS3 version existed.
Thanks faggot!

Learn to google faggit

100% sure the game either ends with you killing Travis or if Suda wants to be funny starts with you killing Travis

As the man behind Killer 7, I would think he's a bit more clever than that.

>Opening scene in some bar in the middle of nowhere
>Travis drinking alone while the barman potters about
>"Ah so you're finally here huh... What took you so long?"
>"That bastard really fucked us over with that cop out shitty ending last time huh?!"
>Travis turns to the camera
>"Come on, it's time to strike again!"
>NMH3 is a globe spanning adventure as Travis rejoins the UAA one last time to go after SUDA51

Oh that's right, he's directing this gamae.

With abandon.

They are not, it's a new game

You play as a completely new character and Travis is the final boss.

They're so awful that they're amazing. The gameplay is shit, yet also happens to hit that sweet spot where it's still playable enough to want to experience the rest of the game. The characters are cliche and over the top as fuck and that's totally fine.

It's so goofy. I love it.

The music is genuinely great if you've got eclectic tastes though.

I wouldn't call the gameplay shit, just nothing special and the regular enemies are a grind, but the bosses are very fun and varied.

I actually much preferred 2 with the Wii's Classic Controller Pro.

GTA-style, three protags.

Sumio with Catherine for puzzle solving
Emil with pistol for long range murder
Travis with his katana for close range murder

Will this be multiplat though?

>SUDA 12-40 are killed via cutscenes

>SUDA51 is killed offscreen after he commitgs sudoku for let it die flopping

It's not even NMH3 yet
Suda51 said that he will make a indie game with Travis as a secondary character. He doesn't even know what the fuck he was talking about, mostly because he was full shit in his part of the presentation

It can easily be a 2D platform trash like most indie games

PC release when!? I'd rebuy 1 for a third time to play with mouse and keyboard.

He's not directing No More Heroes 3, however.

Is this the video with the translator who spilled his spaghetti when Suda went off script?

But we don't know if this is NMH3. He said he hasn't decided on the name yet which could be just the subtitle like NMH2 had.

He talked about indie games the whole time he was on the Switch stage and later showed for the Devolver thing.

You're an idiot.

I really want them to re-release the games on modern systems/PC. NMH having the extra content from the PS3 version but the art style from the Wii version and NMH2 but with the added option of playing as Sir Henry Motherfucker complete with cutscene alterations.

>However, this time around I’m thinking about having all kinds of other people participate as well. Whenever I go to events overseas, I occasionally have people say ‘Whenever you start working on a new No More Heroes game, please let me do the character designs.’ And they’re pretty famous people. So I think it’d be cool to have such collaborations
>Suda51 is legitimate interesting in western trash

Why are we hyped again?

What does that matter? He said he wants to collaborate with devs that happen to be indie devs as stated in the article. In fact he said he forgot to mention more about the game in his presentation.

He already said Yusuke Kosaki is the artist for the game though, and the OP image is just that.

>he forgot to mention that it was No More Heroes when presenting it
You are a flat fucking moron.

By letting you play as his daughter

No, he forgot to mention that it's a new game and not a port, he says so in the article.

>"If you could just expect it for sometime after next year. We’ll release information bits at a time, so please look forward to that"

Switch is all about vaporware at this point

NMH3, Prime 4, what else?

Why are you saying this when it has no relevance? The point I made is that it is not NMH 3.

And the point I said is that you don't know that.

Let the corpse rot, godamn it.
Don't continue the fucking franchise, stop endorsing companies milking names dry. That's what leads to eventual shitty games that only have a name to show, like Fallout 4.
Why force the plot to continue if it closed itself already?

It means the presentation is incomplete and should not be used as reference when the 4gamer interview shows more.

It's only been 2 games, the last one releasing 7 years ago, and he didn't even get to direct the second one which people felt was worse than the first. NMH deserves a better epilogue than that.

>talks the entire time about meeting indie devs and wanting to collaborate them
>says "Travis will be in the game"
>doesn't have a name for the game
>literally working with Devolver on it
You're an idiot.

Except NMH is actually a good series worth preserving with only 2 games, and the second game was by all means unfinished.

>>talks the entire time about meeting indie devs and wanting to collaborate them
>says "Travis will be in the game"
>doesn't have a name for the game
>literally working with Devolver on it

Amazing, none of what you said proves it's not NMH3. Good job arguing based on 100% assumptions.

you play for the bosses. they're style over substance to the nth degree

>It's only been 2 games
And it should have been one. Suda himself says he hates making sequels, and if you actually payed attention at all 2 is a huge fuck you to anyone who wanted a sequel to NMH where the writing is concerned, which makes sense since obviously a sequel to NMH was dumb anyway and it was a publisher pushed cashgrab.

>Good job arguing based on 100% assumptions.
Good job having 0% reading comprehension and being 100% retarded.

Travis is the final boss/villain
It's too obvious

The question is whether or not Shinobu is the one to kill his boy pussy

id recommend the wii version for visuals too. The style change on the ps3 looks fucking weird even if textures are techinically better

All you're doing is assuming it's not NMH3 because Suda says he'd like to work with indie devs and is so early in development he hasn't even started on it according to the interview, much less even gotten a name.

Keep repeating the same shit over and over, it won't make you right no matter what.

NMH2 is better t b h, no shitty ass money grinding which is what killed the first game for me and the gameplay has been improved by making demon trigger not be random anymore. Is it because the final boss isn't a cool guy like Henry?

>All you're doing is assuming it's not NMH3

I've said assuming it's NMH 3 is beyond retarded and shown why.

Again, good job having 0% reading comprehension and being 100% retarded as well as hypocritical.

What does any of this have to do with what I said? Are you completely illiterate or is this just some troll bullshit?

That will be New New Destroy Man

She makes a single cameo at the end of the first game with Sylvia, staring at a painting of her dad fighting Henry.


Again, all you're doing is making assumptions, you have zero proof and Suda could easily say tomorrow that it's NMH3.

SMTHD project (according to Famitsu in April issue, the dev didn't even started yet), Pokemon, untitled Tales that Bamco mentioned in a Famitsu issue, Taiko Drum game mentioned by the artist, Fire Emblem mainline announced in that FE Direct, Derby Stallion game announced some months ago and the new Story of Season game (formerly Harvest Moon)

Maybe I'm forgetting something but this is all I remember now

Didn't the first game also said that the UAA was a scam and yet none of it mattered on the second?