I think it's high time we had a GTA set in Canada. Wouldn't that be awesome? You could have your big city Toronto...

I think it's high time we had a GTA set in Canada. Wouldn't that be awesome? You could have your big city Toronto, your faggoty french Quebec island, then you can have little Nova Scotia and Newfoundland areas where everyone's always drunk, poor and doing a bunch of hard drugs. It'd add a nice dynamic to a GTA game. I think it's time. What do you say? How about we try and get Canada to be the home of GTA6?

They'd probably ban the game in canada if this ever happened, they're so uptight and cucked as a nation.


>t. memes
GTA Toronto would work, there's enough blacks and other violent minorities that you could make some decent crime drama. Or even a native reserve. Some of those are literally living GTA plots.

Sounds like the same shit like always, pretty pointless.

as a canuck i approve of this

but make the entire game ALL of Canada
vancouver island to nova scotia

nah, it's too hard not killing people in gta, your enemies would probably win by the end of the first few missions.

Find me the source of the quote newfag.

>GTA set in Canada
>instead of stealing cars, robbing banks and killing people you spent the entire game violently shitposting on the Internet
Could be cool I guess

Canada doesn't have guns. So that's an obvious no.

fuck off buzzkill it's a funny meme even if it's a fake quote

GTA the Six

There has never been a video game banned in canada. You're talking shit.

how wrong you are. There's a huge black market for guns in this country, especially in border cities like Windsor and Toronto. Rural gun ownership is also really high. Go look at some Canadian gun stores online, we have some sweet toys.
tfw no AK

>vancouver island to nova scotia
Fuck you. Newfoundland is a part of canada too.

You still mad your black ass wouldn't last a day in the Great WHITE North? I guess you tell yourself that freedom* is better than white standards of living.

>mounties start chasing you
>on horses

What the fuck are you talking about?

>GTA Toronto
>can't speed because of traffic
>public transit has shit coverage of the city
>people are extremely non confrontational
>people would step over a dead body on the sidewalk
>only supercars are owned by rich hong kong students
>need to work a steady job just to pay your cell phone bill
>weather ranges from amazon rainforest to antarctic frozen hell, and alternates in between seasons

Oh yeah I can't wait to play the game version.

any other canada bros dealing with extreme poverty right now

rockstar needs to make a gta game based on tpb

>canada doesn't have guns
Then what did the guys who shot and killed my childhood best friend last week use?

organized crime is extremely prevalent in canada, mostly though biker gangs like the hells angels and the vikings

No, I'm white.

Sure for hunting or whatever.

>t. chong

Do you honestly thing Toronto traffic comes even close to comparing with LA traffic?

> No Guns

> somehow the best snipers in the world

Really made me think

stop this. canada isnt dangerous at all it wouldnt work in a gta setting. american suburbs are basically canadian ghettos

Well aren't you a negative nancy

I think it's too late for that, they missed striking while the iron was hot a few years ago when they first came to netflix. Each season gets worse and worse and they're losing fans left and right

>if you carjack your enemy, they win

Military we have is pretty good eh. I forgot the force but they're way better than Americans. JSDF?

>then you can have little Nova Scotia and Newfoundland areas where everyone's always drunk, poor and doing a bunch of hard drugs.

Newfoundlander here and yeah I'm actually drunk right now lol. Half cut b'y

That can't possibly be right.

Nova Scotia representing.

>50% "white" thinks he's better than 80% pure Anglo

Mutt delusion is strong.

I'd love to see Rockstars take on Liberal politicians and their media slaves violently suppressing any incident that goes against the narrative that diversity is perfect and forcing completely different cultures together doesn't just magically work.

Shit I'm not even that anti-immigration but fuck if it isn't ridiculous how blatant the propaganda on our news is.

Driving to work today CBC radio was airing an interview about the difficulties of dealing with racism as an immigrant and it seems like that's essentially all they fucking air these days. It's very hard to not feel like they're trying to force a narrative on the population when the biggest state owned media company does nothing but post propaganda.

>stop this. canada isnt dangerous at all
last year a guy i went to school with had his house broken into, was kidnapped at gunpoint, at which point they lit the house on fire (leaving his gf to burn) and they stuffed him in a van and stabbed him to death, dumped him on the side of the road, and torched the van in a forest.

tell him to move off the reserve

only the first line of this post was tangentially video games related

The total pop of the list is 300k. Even with his cherrypicking for a non-white town, it's still significantly whiter than places with a larger population in the states.

We get along here. Try Winnipeg for true crimekino/philipino

theres no reserves here it was a pure white town and the 3 murderers were white reprobates and he was also white

You've never been to Winnipeg or Edmonton then. The murder rates in those cities rival Chicago

Well it's pretty obvious CBC is liberal. But there are conservative news outlets that cover their ears and try to dismiss everything as liberals faults and play stupid (ex. Toronto Star). Both sides will always have news outlet with their blind bias.

Pick your poison boyo lets bag sum deer

Best. City. Ever.

>they're way better than Americans
>26th on global firepower index

Who fucking cares about immigration here? Only Toronto, Vancouver, and Quebec take them, and if you live in any of those places you're not Canadian, and you certainly can't call yourself white.



t. someone who is from neither Canada or the US

A game about leafs would be very depressing.

>it's another "irrelevant shitholes get asshurt that only Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal matter" episode
there's a good reason those are the only places immigrants go

Only people in Toronto think this.
>Toronto's population is 65% non-white

All i want is vice city remake or London

it already happened

hilariously true, asian gangs are a problem in Canada

Lol montreal does not matter you fucking goober

Are you retarded or do you just not have reading comprehension.

Canadian military personnel are trained better and in more fields than American military. A friend of mine was doing joint-op training with an American unit. When their tire popped, nobody except him knew how to change a tire. They're trained to sit and wait until field engineers arrive, sitting ducks if it was a real operation.

not on the east cost nigga

Nah, it should be set in Gotham City six stars always gets batman on your ass.

reddit: the concept

Canada is plenty dangerous, stop falling for facebook memes and government propaganda. Reserves are as dangerous as central Africa.

Also I live in one of the most meth-infested cities in the country and I see at least 10 tweaked out fuckheads screaming at the sidewalk per day, since I have the pleasure of living in our HISTORIC downtown core :^)

Why not a third world country, this is a place where you can find real drug lords and shit, not even fantasizing

I would actually like a GTA set in the dark underbelly of Nova Scotia:
>Stomping ground for Hell's Angels Candian chapters as well as feeder groups that act as hitmen for the family coke syndicates.
>Two rival inbred hick trailer park gangs that control the coke trade.
>Outbreaks of fentanyl and oxy constantly.
>Countryside looks like the Fishing Hamlet from BB full of drunk hillbillies that will pull a rifle on you encroach on their property.
>Downtown Halifax full of shithead hipsters and liberals.
>Downtown Dartmouth full of bums and crazy niggers.

>Reserves are as dangerous as central Africa.
No joke this is 100% true.


I agree it would be pretty BALLIN if we got Grand Theft Canuck.

>TOR, sand nigger capitol of Canada
>VAN, chink capitol of Canada
>MTL, frog breeding grounds

tfw no gaymer bf in Toronto

The top 4 guns are legal to own? Why?

Meth heads are a meme. They're not low ability and strung out like Heroin users. Meth just makes you crazy focused and productive and intense.

Fentanyl is a real problem here though.

>trailer park boys cameos

Where though?

I'm from Canada. There's not 1 city that's crazy dangerous

Don't forget the fucking natives.

Toronto is fucking gay, Montreal is the best AND cheapest city in Canada

canada seems like a soulless place where everyone is a limp-wristed passive agressive pop-culture addicted person

"everyone's always drunk, poor and doing a bunch of hard drugs"

newfie here, pretty accurate. fucking shithole of a province

You've never left your gated suburb then. People in St. John's get robbed almost daily with dirty needles.

Fuck off frog. Toronto and Montreal are even in how fucking gay they are

I went to a kpop concert in Toronto because I won free tickets and thought it would be fun
I saw more chinks on the street than I've ever seen in my life

because? why shouldn't they be?

thats what the fucking morons get for electing ball. the man had no fucking idea what to say in the debates on NTV and VOCM. i'm fucking flabbergasted he got in.

I would unironically play this.


I like Toronto but there are a lot of white people. I think 25%

I'm a 24 yo gaymer in Toronto user.
I live with my older rich bf downtown but hate his guts, wyd?

If not in the US it has to be in the third world as no other developed country is anywhere as much of a violent shithole as America.

canada is the ONLY country where multiculturalism works. prove me wrong without resorting to memes

Edmonton is a fucking cesspit, and around blacks never relax. Those fucking somali criminals would make decent GTA fodder villains.

at least mtl is fun. Toronto is just business buildings and asian restaurants

FACT: Toronto is horrible unless your only hobbies are shopping and sucking dick.

I can only imagine dozens of cucked missions

>go to girl's place and watch her fucking other guys

I'd rather have a GTA set in Brazil

>only watches american news

damn that sucks bro.

a-are you attractive

T. Ignorant American

BC is to weed as Wine is to Tuscany. You can't promote your junkie commie shithole with pot when you exist in the same country as BC.

>Have an actual screening process that works
>Don't marginalize and hate muslims because they're muslim
>No muslim terror attacks or mass shootings
Really tinkers your winker huh

legit. thanks for making us pay an extra fee to literally just live in the worst province in Canada

Playing GTA in South America would be nice

>assuming control of Colombian cocaine
>fighting federal agents for border control and Interpol
>controlling a city and even expanding it with drug money
>running for politics and becoming political influence figure

Shit, this would be nice and could happen in South America but not north America.