Now that the dust has settled, how much is this man to blame...

Now that the dust has settled, how much is this man to blame? its seem that Sony got almost no backlash for pushing his bullshit, is he the scapegoat?

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He overhyped his game

Sony got no backlash because their name wasn't really on the project, they just published it.

Sony even told him it was a 20 dollar game but he insisted he wanted it to be a 60 dollar game

good thing microsoft didnt let him push his garbage on xbox

>Sony even told him it was a 20 dollar game
[Citation Needed]

It doesn't say much about the 20 dollar price point but Sony said it should be on the Early Access and let it develop over time. This fucker insisted 60 dollars

Being backed by Sony probably made them cocky enough to think it was a $60 game. Obviously Sony isn't to blame, but they probably didn't help.

People who hyped this shit and believed him are at fault here.
Even if all he promised was still in game it would be a fucking boring tech demo. There was literally no goal stated in game. People were so deep in the circlejerk that anybody who dared to question Sean was shunned and harassed.
Now they are fucking salty they wasted 60$ on his garbage game.
And i say, good. I'm actually impressed and respect him for being able to manipulate so many idiots into buying this garbage.
This will be a lesson for idiots to don't jump on a fucking reddit hype bandwagon next time.

isn't the pricing the publisher's decision?

Apparently not.

why don't you return to reddit? you're part of the problem

>Sony got almost no backlash

Why would they? They didn't make the game. They didn't even fund the game. They advertised it, let Sean speak during their events, and distributed it. And they did a good job with it since it sold millions of copies.

Me? No. I'm not part of the problem. I didn't fall for this meme.
I saw through the gameplay and trailers right away. It was always vague shit without any clear direction. All buzzwords that anyone with half of a brain would catch.
Tried to warn people but they all were too deep in Sean's ass to notice anything.

He is the one that lied. He could have fought sony for more time and support, he could have told the public that it wasn't ready or have just been honest about what was available.

He lied.

And you all know that it won't be long until next Sean appears and hypes another garbage game. People never learn.

what do you think the odds of him ever showing his face again? my guess is that he will silently go off and work for a different company and only be credited by name probably not

Sean was obviously lying. You had to be monumentally stupid to by that game at all, let alone at launch

Microsoft is to blame

Hello Games' offices got destroyed in a flood not long after the original E3 reveal of NMS

Who funded the new offices for them?
Microsoft baby

I essentially agree with you for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I have no ounce of respect for Murray or his (former) fans. The blame, however goes in all directions; Murray for his unbrideled mouth, the dev team themselves for not confirming or denying ANYTHING before launch, Sony for not attempting to corral Murray's words themselves, websites feeding into the frenzy trying to be first with any info so they can get clicks, and finally the zealots who were dumb enough to eat the shit that was laid before them without having the will to question what anyone was doing/saying. Instead, they ruthlessly harassed or threatened anything with a pulse that DID question.

We've seen hype get out of hand before, sure, but NMS took this madness to levels not previously seen before. Probably will happen again, mainly because I haven't heard anyone doing anything to prevent it, so there's that to look forward to.

It was completely and utterly obvious that he was full of shit. You could tell by his tone of voice when he talked about his game that he knew it was shit. And you know what? People fell for it anyway. The consumers are to blame for being so stupid.

I think he's a moron for believing in his concept and a huckster for pushing it after he realized it was failure.

They are no saints sure, but there was no fucking way that an indie team could ever develop a title they were talking about.
It was way more ambitious than Star Citizen and we know how this game looks like.