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I want to pat Mat while he talks about video games.

But that's just a fantasy...

*gifts Undertale to the Pope*

A deep dark fantasy

What kind of fantasy exactly?

a gay fantasy!



The only actually good thing this man was responsible for was the Film channel which fell to shit as soon as it was created anyways

The Matrix and Fear and Loathing videos were well reasoned and likable


Its a great series until he covers something you actually like and you realize how full of shit he is and how much he leaves out to fit his narritive.

when did you realize matpat was a hack who doesn't research anything he talks about?

for me it was the tf2 vs overwatch video

Listening to this dude is so hard

He sounds like a fucking nerdy teenager with no testosterone

>nasally voice
>acts like a spoiled child
>pretentious beyond words
Does this man have a single redeeming trait?

I've only seen a single video by him, something about Solid Snake smoking weed because of the e-cigar thing in MGS5.
It was completely retarded and badly researched. Even basic shit like "did you know that some soldiers actually used drugs like amphetamine in ww2?" wasn't even mentioned.

>that tongue fungus
Someone needs to cut down on his carbohydrate intake.

Hot wife

Didn't he threw a shitfit and blamed his fans when a creator shot down one of his theories?

And how "lol OoT/MM Link is dead" theory works, if TP Link is his descendant? Did he impregnate Malon as a child? Is Bad Zelda canon?


Didn't they outright say it before the game came out?

No idea, I don't care much for MGS. I was in a Sup Forums thread and requested the worst video they can give me.

That doesn't sound like him, I mean he points out that everything he says is just a theory, who am I kidding? He'd do that.

>states fan theories as facts.
>Gets mad when they're not canon.

Lol she's kinda cute in a plain way but she really looks like a girl version of him tbqh...perfect for a narcissist such as himself...

I recall him being frustrated at the FNAF ones. I think the first one was legit, but then he added MULTIPLE UNIVERSES in the rest.

definitely that majoras mask video.

basically just copied word for word an ALREADY DEBUNKED theory

the very start

Is there a good way to get rid of it easily? Asking for a friend.

What bothers me the most is that the shaggy faggot PBG supported MatPat's asinine theory when PBG's entire channel is dedicated to sperg about Zelda. Like he should know as the Nintenbro he is, that if Ocarina's Link is Twilight's Link's direct ancestor, Ocarina Link then should've lived long enough to generate sperm and fuck a farmer's daughter.

>tongue fungus isn't called tongus

I remember loving the Aeris was really alive theory until I found out it was floating around before that.

It was pretty interesting how it used real world science.

Do we know what happened to the Ocarina of Time in the child time line anyways?

...Oh shit guys, I think I know where BotW fits on the timeline now! I've got to start writing a script for this!

MatPat is the McDonalds of vidya culture. Generally not good and to be consumed in moderation.

>food analogies


Ocarina Link kept it by his side forever and was burried with it. Obviously.

There is literally nothing wrong with food analogies.

really gets those neurons firing.

>to be consumed in moderation.
>consuming at all

food analogies are as good as a well done steak

Thank you Mister President, I knew you'd see my way.

imagine him dirty talking to you in that voice

you've gotta be real fucking money-hungry to tolerate that aural assault

More like a good cheese pizza. It's good and most people are fine with it, but you know with a bit more effort you could make it better.

>"oh fuck you like that baby...oh oh fuck oh oh FUCK I'm so close I think, I think I'm gonna...SANS IS NESS...FUCK!"

>Gets mad when they're not canon
Wait, has he actually gotten mad because of that?

Yes, and then he blamed his fans.

He got mad at Scott Cawthorn because the story of FNAF wasn't what MatPats theories were about so he got super pissy.

Remember when he got "bullied" for his "SANS IS NESS OMG" theory and cried about it in his next Undertale video?

This fucker gave UNDERTALE to the POPE. I think that sums everything up, really.

>puts the many worlds theory in his video
>doesn't have to explain shit

Complete with unironic 'sad piano music' playing in the background, no less

And not even a flash drive with a copy of it on there ready to play or anything like that, he gave him a scrap of paper with the steam code on it.

stupid theory, everyone knows SANS stands for STEVEN AFTER NOT SURVIVING.

>But its symbolic
Except the pope isnt going to understand the symbolism at all by just looking at a steam code that says undertale, and then he proceeds to bash a bunch of other gifts that the pope can actually understand the symbolism of.

>His inevitable lisa theory

>he actually unironically gave the pope undertale
the absolute madman

Also less than a month later the pope made a public statement saying that young people need to reject vidya. Nice 1 matt

He got pissy when Rowling told him his Potter theories were wrong too.

>Spends almost 5 minutes trying to act all sympathetic
>Proceeds to say
>"if you thought the gift of a videogame was bad and have problems with that one, at least it was better than a surfboard"

What an asshole, insulting other people's gifts to justify his own.

He did?


The best part is those gifts the pope can actually understand the symbolism

Please leave

god i cant stand this smug motherfucker. his voice alone pisses me off

I bet he even said "I hope this gift fills you with...determination, your holiness" with a wry smile on his face, before turning around to wink at the rest of the numale youtubers he was meeting the pope with.


>comfy movie maker stock image game theory will never come back

>This guy is Matpat`s "Friends in Theory"

Nah, he was shit then too.
No sane person likes Sigurd Hosenfeldt.

Fuck you user I has forgotten about 'Goombah got Back'. GG is the only thing mkre annoying than Matpat

He probably is going to take the biggest buddy's parents theory make it a 2 part video on his channel and treat it like he made the theory. Followed by children coming to lisa and ruining the fandom.
But at least he hasn't made video on off yume nikki or other good rpg maker games

I still never understood what prompted him to make that fucking video. How can a bunch of faggots online shit talking your wife's goomba interpretation get someone so mad? I know people like to joke about autism, but I feel like that's a genuine autistic reaction to have.

I hate when normie talk about yume Nikki


Reminder that Matt is literally /ourguy/