Why do people like fallout 3?

holy fuck how could anyone like this game?

Other urls found in this thread:


They like it because it doesn't require intellect and role playing doesn't matter

Running around doing all the quests like somehow blowing up megaton is congruent with saving the wasteland

Because it revolutionized the RPG genre.


What was so bad about augustus autumn taking control of the water purifier anyways

Great counterargument, bethfag

watch the video, he talks about this.

Nobody genuinely likes Nufallout. New vegas is only passable because it wasn't entirely made by bethesda and therefore praise is given to it to spite them.

I think we have another one for the work camps.

I agree with the picture but

He didn't even fucking notice Liberty Prime the first time because he was too busy looking at the compass

I like this meme
here take mine

It was fun being a psychopath wearing the pint sized slasher mask. It has better world exploration than NV does.

>FO4 is THe counterpoint bro
>The One™
>there is no reason to play on PC when you have The One™

I'm going to fucking vomit

This picture is the definition of nu-Sup Forums

>It has better world exploration than NV does.
every fucking place in NV felt human and had its own personality of sorts.

the people you talk to (save for soldiers and vagrants) have a developed personality and nuance.
give me one fucking part of FoT3 that was half as memorable as when you talk to caesar, getting to finally meet house (AKA president eden DONE RIGHT), or seeing the dyeing remnant of the BoS?

>It has better world exploration than NV does.
That isn't true at all.

FO3 had cool places but don't even fucking act like they were better than NV.

The dunwich building sticks out to me that place had a creepy atmosphere and they expanded on it even more in the dlc

True facts. Recently came back to new vehas after a few years. Was surprised how coherent and lived in it felt.

>those arguments

>the delusion
Those things only felt that way because you wanted them to feel that way you fucking retard.


also nv had a way shorter development time some peopel (like me) think bethesda wanted to screw obsidian over

>he can't refute it

You know that post all all the "BTFO" posts are ironic right?

yeah there's that but then i can counter with all the abandoned vaults in NV, the entirety of dead money, walking into the massacre of Nipton, to a lesser extent going to the legion camp the first time and seeing how organized and well trained they are compared to the NCR

nice argument

A single black dot stands out on a blank page user.

If most of the world has little to no effort put in it stands out when they did.

because it's not for autists, and because it doesn't crash as much


If Bethesda wanted to screw obsidian over why cant obsidian write a contract where they have enough time to finish the game?

Bethesda might make mediocre games but Obsidian pumps out unfinished shit on the regular and is suffering from shit management.

New Vegas was a good game but the highlights of the experience is the DLC, for whatever reason they are of a much higher quality then the rest of the game, Bethesda did not set Obsidian up to fail, Obsidian fucked up and were only saved by the admittedly considerable talent of some of the team, they were also aided by the strange following they seem to have.

>never played Fallout 3
>never seen Fallout 3
>watch some guy's playthrough of the first half hour or so
>he decides to blow up Megatown
>it's completely eradicated
>he goes closer to inspect
>Moira Brown runs up to you from out of nowhere
I stood up out of my chair in disbelief and shouted "HOW ARE YOU NOT FUCKING DEAD!?"

>she explains she went away to do some shit
>i don't buy the coincidence

>somehow she survived the blast proximity that would have destroyed all traces of her existence
>somehow she instantaneously became a ghoul despite many contradicting sources explaining the lengthy and painful ghoulification transformation process

0/10 falseflag
>emotional story
>muh canon

>this place FEELS like this
>Name something that compares to the FEEL of this
>I remember (anecdote)
>all locations have a certain FEEL
yeah, great argument on your end lmao

Let me get this right, because some anons argued about the logic of the story it automatically raises the quality of the gameplay, story, quests, writing, choices, etc over New Vegas?
Are Bethesda retards really that stupid? Baby's first Fallout with objectively worse everything compared to all Fallouts is better or not a huge disappointment?
Fallout 3 fags are so fucking stupid.

Let's talk Fallout 3.

Where to begin?

Any reply is a 10/10 in my book

how about "engine limitations"?


or how about the historical accuracy in Fallout 3?

>blow up fuckhuge nuke in megaton
>expect it and the surrounding area to have been completely obliterated by the explosion
>especially since the explosion shows a pretty big shockwave
>in the end there's just a small crater around megaton and the surrounding area seems to be untouched
Probably a tiny detail but stuff like this is just really disappointing

or how about the fact that they create more questions and never answer them?

If you made a comic just to write paragraphs with no real need to be drawn you could of just said half this shit in a normal post, and people would of actually read it

Take out Bethesda and insert any publisher they have ever worked with and you will find the song remains the same.

There is a reason nobody has ever worked with them twice.
Well there is Paradox but they are doing their best to fuck that up as well.

>the legion are stereotypically evil
Yes that's true, but caesar's motivations make a lot of sense when compared to the enclave in 3. Caesar is a very smart individual doing horrible horrible things for what he believes to be the greater good and continued survival of humanity.
He's brutal, but the real Caesar was even worse and he got things done. The legion is moving fast and hard because Caesar will die soon and he knows his legion will fall apart without him, he wants to do as much as he can before he dies, so the legion will reform harder and stronger and be able to survive without him.

The factions do have depth, the khans mostly deal with their group as a whole being aimless and lost, they lack a goal and frankly lack survival tools. They are barely scraping by with raiding and drug selling, something they are only doing out of necessity since they've been driven from their home twice before.
The Brotherhood is on the brink of civil war.
The strip families aren't really proper factions but their one quest each is pretty good and has quite a few outcomes.
The Boomers are sort of like the Khans in that they lack a common goal, but rather than being driven from their homes and being unwilling to dream the problem with them is that they have faced absolutely no outside contact. They haven't been challenged on their ideas, they don't communicate. Their home isn't at risk of being destroyed, it's at risk of falling apart. Ants in the generator, solar panels they can't fix because they lack the parts. Ammunition supplies that are large but not infinite.

New Vegas' factions all have at least one greater theme that hangs over them all. Some are worse than others, like goodsprings has a singular quest that isn't very interesting. The majority though are well fleshed out.

i think they needed a contract (money) if i remeber correctly they said somthig about that in the making of and the dlc just show what obsidian can do if they have enough time and even so it is pretty pathetic that nv is still better than FO3&4


yeah gamebryo is fucking obsolete and awful, everyone agrees on this

also a lot of the legion quests supposedly got cut due to "time constraints"

obsidian made the legion evil because they ran out of time and needed a "leaning default" antagonist faction. if they had time to craft them, they would have made a Legion city and show the upside of living as a citizen.

Because its oblivion with guns, Modding support didn't hurt either.

Bethesda completely misses the point of Fallout

Yeah, 18 month development cycle. Sadly didn't have time to fully flesh out the legion.
Didn't have time, but the legion aren't evil. Even cass the very pro ncr companion praises the legion for actually keeping their people safe, the ncr have raiders and the fiends running around, the legion is perfectly safe for a caravan.

Kill yourself.

>anime reaction image


You first, NMAnchild.

They would still be evil. There's no upside to living in legion territory as a woman at all. They keep traders pretty safe but that benefits them and any group with power would protect them.

they left early stuff in their hyping the legion to be this great justifiable authoritarian faction, but in the lategame and final acts of the game they are hastily rewritten to be evil.

compare that to the NCR that had a ton of time and content for you to decide if they are worth helping or destroying because you saw how incompetent they really are

what do these even mean?

>smug anime reaction image
debate me or kill yourself

Fallout 3 as a mindless theme park game is alright and leagues above 4. It's still trash compared to NV though.

I don't debate newfags. Christ you NVfags really are the worst fandom on here.

Can someone recommend me some really good New Vegas mods? I know about Project Nevada, but are there any that add significant locations or enemy variety?

>There's no upside to living in legion territory as a woman at all.
non-con fetish

i only regret that Caesar didn't have women work as Frumentarii. Lanius would constantly mock Vulpes for being a coward and doing a woman's job.

They let you as a woman defeat everyone in the cage at the Fort, so I don't understand why in some cases they don't allow women to do some kind of specialty work in the war.

Also imagine revisiting Goodsprings only to find out that all this time Sunny Smiles was working for the Legion all along.

maybe I should play NV at some point.
Fallout 3 was my first fallout game and it offended me so much I never played another fallout game again.

Yeah, I think if the legion had a female female Frumentarii it'd be great, obviously the ncr wouldn't tell anyone this and try to say the legion and sexist, rapist, paedophile slavers.

Female soldiers would be bad though, women are weaker than men.

Definitely should.
Play 1 and 2 also.

you spend all day browsing and shiposting in every thread on Sup Forums because you have no life? how pathetic.

>Fallout 3 was my first fallout game
Here's a free (You) because I pity you so much

how do you know? if memory serves me you never see female legionnaires and you don't know how society realy works across the colorado.

>NVfag calling others a loser

better a loser than a pretentious numale twat

Really _____ you ________

Honestly they are all about the same quality with fallout 4 being just an uninspired mess of a game. NV is not a finished product and not even the DLC fixes that, none of them are great games. Its a shame because there is nothing like them on the market.

>this entire thread
Why can't you people just play video games and discuss the games you play, without judging other people for their tastes?

You must be new to this fandom.

Clinton voter detected

Because every time someone says they like Fallout 3, or try to make a fallout 3 thread, pic related happens

Oh excuse me:
>this entire board

>NVfags are alt-right

Like clockwork.

do not pretend to be english on the internet

new vegas exploration sucks, all the locations are boring as fuck except the few story related ones and one or two of the vaults

>Reddit loves new Vegas
>Reddit is left leaning
>New Vegas threads are full of Reddit memes and redditors
Really makes sense.

This thread is literally the opposite, it's fallout3 fags screaming and calling the obsidianfags what your image states.

Nobody is acting like the stereotypical NVFag in this thread, but everyone keeps calling them out like they are.

>that victim complex

Just like Obsidian!

Fallout 4 is only 20 dollars on Xbox one
Dark souls 3 ultimate edition is only 34
Which one should I get fellas?

No really, I hate the shitposting from both sides. I wish people could just talk about the games but on the internet people feel the need to be "right" all the time. Sup Forums is like reddit, except people reply to your posts with shitposting rather than downvotes if they disagree.

Personally I prefer new vegas, but I've still put hundreds of hours into unmodded fallout 3 and I still really like it. Doesn't help that the OP is basically bait for shitposting

>Why can't you people just play video games and discuss the games you play, without judging other people for their tastes?

just bought fallout new vegas ultimate edition for 6 bucks on kinguin

save your money and build a PC

>there's no NVFags in this NVFag thread, it's only F3 autists!
And lastly

Don't tl;dr this
Its a good read

Good idea

It's poor form to reply to your own posts.

Hbomberguy is garbage and here's why:

i pirated it for free ;)

that's not what he said? some of the responses seem a bit spirited but they seem to be logical on some level at least.

what's FUNNY is I've never played NV, I just played fallout 3 and despise it because of all the things they've said!
this image is 100% accurate. I basically ended up detonating mines to see how far I could launch because it was by far the most interesting thing you can do in fallout 3.

First post is a todd meme
Second says all new fallouts are shit and new vegas is only given praise because people hate bethesda
Third is a todd meme
Fourth is a NVFag
Fifth is a conspiracy theorist that says nothing about the game itself
Sixth is my post.

So out of the entire thread there is one legitimate NVFag? That doesn't excuse the faggots just shitposting people that like new vegas and stereotyping them. One bad is bad, two bads don't make a right.

I also didn't say the thing you greentexted, you're just lying. I just want to discuss video games, I don't think the shitposting between the two games is good.

Who the fuck is so butthurt they waste fucking so much time typing these up and expects anyone to read them? Nobody cares about your opinions.

You're not even trying anymore.

I actually read books for fun, im quirky like that

Because being psudeo-intellectuals are what NVfags are known for.


Wow how fucking dare these people talk about video games on the video games board.

Fucking kill yourself, I don't care if you're baiting.

>cares enough to waste time clicking on each post and hitting reply
>expects anyone to reply to you when nobody cares about your opinion
no (You)s for you, my friend