Game has a wyvern boss

>Game has a wyvern boss
>It calls it a dragon

>game is slightly modded fallout 3
>its called fallout 4

I thought you'd approve of this todd?

Also didn't your mother and I tell you to stop shitposting on Sup Forums and get back to making Skyrim for that VR thing you always talk about?

what's the difference

One of the doesn't have hand I think

>game has bird boss
>calls it a dragon

>game is a worse fallout 3
>it's called New Vegas

>muh DnD bestiary
fuck off and die in a ditch you wannabe nerd pretending to know shit. See this picture? its a drawing of a saint killing a dragon, notice the number of limbs, you know why that is the case? BECAUSE DND DIDN'T EXIST BACK THEN SO WHOEVER PAINTED THAT DIDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH DISGUSTING FAT NECKBEARDS TELLING HIM

From hell, they wanted you to go into this thread, if you want.

>Game actually labels wyverns correctly
>Dragons are actually the stuff of legends, are amongst the hardest monsters and can only be met in late game

Skyrim ""Dragons"" aren't actually Dragons in any traditional sense (if you want to get technical then "Dovah" would be a more accurate label). Even the main playable character (the Dovahkiin) is a ""Dragon"".

You should know this, Todd, this is your masterpiece after all.

>This is bait

>the term wyvern never existed before DnD

nobody had strict fucking rules like that, people would draw a large aggressive lizard and call it whatever the fuck they felt like calling it. A lot of the old naming conventions are like that, people just called shit whatever they felt like calling it, which causes a great deal of headache to historians and autists who try to classify such things in the future, just look at the various swords and how muddy the terminology was in the past

the point is that acting like wyvern and dragon are some strict defined terms and being so anal about it is fucking retarded, and just an attempt to appear like some kinda savvy guy, as if there is much merit in fucking fictional lizard recognition

I was only pointing out to the ass blasted guy that DnD did not create the term they just pinned it down to a specific look. call it what you want you raving autismo.

Their lore their rules.
If it hurts your autism so much try DA:I.
Another plus for you is Bioware caters to faggots.

Skyrim dragons don't even breathe fire, they are literally using dragon shout magic to summon it, bethesda has audiofiles of them pronouncing the words, but then for some reason they never actually used those audiofiles in game with the exception of Alduin I think, so you have to rely on mods to get it

>movie has a wyvern boss
>it calls it a dragon

If the game calls it a dragon, it is a dragon, even if it is the game of "lyin' Todd".

>Dragons in any traditional sense
There literally is not traditional sense.
Which makes these threads and the whole discussion so incredibly moot.

>post has a frog
>it's bait

the only cool dragons are the legend of dragoon ones

It's a fictional creature and the creator can call it whatever the fuck he wants. Dragon is not some set nerd term that everyone has to fucking live and die by.

People need to realize that DnD doesn't have some monopoly on the concept and creation of "dragons".

It's staggering to me that this, and paintings like it, got commissioned.
I get that the idea of tiny dragons was to show evil was insignificant compared to God's power, but this is ridiculous.
Blue Ben had a head the size a horse, the dragons of Vortigern were big enough to topple walls. and the dragon of Somerset could encircle a hill; any contemporary who knew their shit about dragons would piss themselves laughing on seeing these.