Why aren't there more games that take place in flyover states?
Why aren't there more games that take place in flyover states?
Because most middle America towns are just cookie cutter characterless copies of each other and game designers would rather make up their own locations or use well known more unique locations as inspiration
>cookie cutter characterless copies
>responsible for the rest of America's continued existence
because no one wants to play as rural and suburban retards, we need more games like watch dogs 2 that show what REAL america looks like.
Where does this take place?
in drumpfs america
No shit, what state asshole
does it matter? they are all full of racist drumpf supporters.
also montana.
I guess you can do some sweet shit with clouds in your skybox but completely flat landscapes don't lend themselves to interesting views for players.
what is Olgierd doing there?
When the fuck did /ck/ beacome full of Jews
There is not a single relevant thing about flyover states, hence why nobody flies to it they fly over it.
Most of your food comes from fly over states
>national monuments
You wouldnt know about that fag because youre used to having marxist zionist libshit modern ""art"" shoved down your throat
>You wouldnt know about that fag because youre used to having marxist zionist libshit modern ""art"" shoved down your throat
What did he mean by this?
>>national monuments
Like the coca-cola factory? LEL
Im so excited for this game, me and my friends have been calling it the Resistance Simulator.
Yeah but most of our food is fucking corn abused into a syrup so thanks for fucking nothing, Iowa.
>national monuments
I'm not sure you understand what people mean by "flyover states", unless cornfields have been getting national monument designations lately.
>responsible for the rest of America's continued existence
lol maybe the rejects that make up the army
shit on coastal cities all you want, they're what are really responsible for the US' success
>cookie cutter characterless copies
I feel that way about seeing New York City for the umpteenth time.
Not a game, but Supernatural did the Midwest well.
Middle america soaks up all federal aid and contributes nothing to gdp while having the highest levels of teen pregnancy, poverty, drug abuse, food stamp and medicare dependence etc
>mt. rushmore
>not a national monument
okay lol
You're right OP, there are so many unexplored game ideas in flyover states
>"watch corn grow" clicker
>fuck your sisters VN
>meth lab simulator
>tycoon game where you ship blue collar jobs overseas
>"papers please" except you process social security """"disability"""" applications for those now unemployed blue collar workers
>Flyover inbreds will defend this
Id love to see Houston in a GTA game
Its flat but its sprawling
>bringing up a tv show when discussing copy pasted video game designs
>brings up a tv show thats literally filmed in fucking canada
wew lad
You can blame the kikes for that one
They stuffed this country full of spics and commies now farmers have to use gmos, pesticides, and factory farming to keep everyones mouth filled with shit tier food
Its not even the national monuments that make flyover states good, its the fact that theyre peaceful and stuffed to the brim full of libshits and niggers and you can actually raise a wholesome, catholic family with decent values
Any florida city looks very comfy to live in.
Not stuffed*
I'm bringing up a TV show because the Midwest is so underutilized that it's pretty much the only place it appears. Meanwhile settings like New York have become tired and overused just by Marvel alone.
Good job, there's a tiny patch of interesting terrain in tucked in the corner of 78,116 square miles of farm fields.
What are you doing here you raging normalfag
It's a boring setting that has to be carried by strong writing or concept while at the same time offering very little to most writing.
>you can actually raise a wholesome, catholic family with decent values
>by living in the middle of the worst drug epidemic in US history
>shit on coastal cities all you want, they're what are really responsible for the US' success
They're also responsible for most of our failings as well, but let's not talk about that! Look, we made sushi popular!!!
because we cannot risk humanizing these bigots. I hope this games wakes people up to what could happen if trump is allowed to keep getting away with it.
But user, Marvel has been using New York as its dominant location since the 60s.
And even then, the movies have done a pretty good job not overdoing it in NY. All the Iron Man movies take place in California for the bulk of scenes. Winter Soldier was entirely in Washington DC, while First Avenger and Civil War spent of their time in Europe. Thor 1 was in New Mexico, the second was in London. Hell, even the second Avengers movie is constantly moving across the globe.
Its really only the first Avengers movie and the new Spider-man movie that are heavily focused on New York.
What a delusional moron.
>blame the kikes for the food
Yeah right the news are personally putting the pesticides in your field huh ?
Yes goyim have lots of children, and give them to us, in the name of il papa
Flyovers are extremely delusional about their importance.
I would love if the next GTA took place in North Yankton.
So are coastal cities
Jews *
>tycoon game where you ship jobs overseas
>likely weeb literally can't think of a negative thing costal cities are responsible for and uses sushi's growing popularity as his sole example of muh degeneracy
This is really pathetic, user.
At least in a coastal city you don't have to worry about your trailer getting BTFO by an EF5 tornado every few months.
Oh fuck. My sister and her husband work in oil so I have to go there to visit the niece and nephew and I hate that town. I think it'd be pretty good for a zombie outbreak game. Maybe gta would be too forgiving in driving, because every building is set back from the street with parking lots so you can sloppily drift around every corner and never get punished.
You sure it's not decades of subsidies pushing farmers(agricorps) into growing the stuff rather than our hebrew friends?
Like, do you even avacado toast?
Damn rednecks
It's sad that you're still desperately trying to generate faux outrage to shill your shit game
>hillbilly nigger immediately buttblasted
t. floridian
>he literally buys into the bullshit that flyover states that do nothing but take government handouts are the "real" america
You have to produce something to be responsible for America's continued existence. All the factory jobs got shipped off to China, billy bob.
Fuck off, kike
>coasts and great lake states make up most of US economy and population
>middle states make corn and meth
>And even then, the movies have done a pretty good job not overdoing it in NY
Yeah. I don't have a problem with how the movies do it. Rest of Marvel straight up breaks suspension of disbelief with that though.
And it's just corn like it's some kind of religious significance
because they are empty
Yeah, just fires and landslides and earthquakes and hurricanes...
How many places have you lived, Sup Forums?
I grew up in Silicon Valley, went to college in Los Angeles, moved to San Francisco afterwards, then spent a summer in Chicago and Boston. Currently living in Manhattan.
Stop living in california
truly middle america is for the children of the corn
To be fair the US is fucking big.
You've done a lot better at making use of your land than Australia
How about the corrupt mess that is Hollywood and Washington D.C. or the rise of SJWs and the outrage culture in general?
Are those goalposts heavy user? You really shouldn't move them quite so much.
Doing/making meth and fucking your sister to give birth to your inbred child is far more degenerate
Adelaide South Australia, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo
Although Aus is the only place I've lived in for more than 5 months
>rise of SJWs and outrage culture
You need to go outside more.
Californiafag here, it greatly amuses me when I go to another part of the country and people always ask me what the constant earthquakes are like. Literally everything here is built to withstand giant earthquakes and I've never experienced a major one past the 1989 quake which still kept almost everything intact.
Why do California and New York, without a doubt the two shittiest states in the US, have such an inflated opinion of themselves?
Sucking cocks and stealing from your family so you can support your crack habit is worse
Oh hey, others can take the worst and generalise it too, how bout that?
Ah yes, the old "midwester/southern states love incest." Truly the mark of an user with an intelligent rebuttal ready to go.
hey fuck you guy
Serious question: why don't conservatives make their own version of hollywood? God knows they've got the money for it.
I think they just like being able to label anyone that disagrees with them as "hollywood elites" even if it doesnt make sense.
Because that's where all the rich people live, and I guess everyone else feels important by association.
And guess what enables that behavior and destroys you forever, meth. But hey, most of you guys think the universe is only a few thousand years old.
You're a fucking idiot. People in flyover states have been doing the same shit for close to a hundred years. Regardless of who the president is. The majority of people in these states fuck off out of each other's business and only get involved if you're actively hurting someone else. I could give a shit less what Cleedus or Tyrone does on his own property as long as he leaves me the hell alone. The reason coastal cities change from political regime to political regime is because the people there nose into each other's business constantly. Home owners associations sure as shit didn't start in rural areas.
That's actually a good question, though in a few decades Hollywood is going to be completely btfo by China in the movie business.
Cause you actually have money if you live there.
Your salt is delicious.
Conservatives don't like to make movies because it might lead to kids thinking for themselves.
Born outside of DC in Virginia. Darmstadt, Germany from 8 through highschool. School in rural VA. One summer in Bryan/College Station Texas. About a year in Charlotte, NC after graduation. Then 3 months in DC and 3 in basic in Ft. Jackson, SC. Anchorage Alaska for nearly a year with 4 months in Honduras over the winter. Then fucking cunt shitting Fairbanks, Alaska. Jesus fucking christ fucking hell that place goddamn it. That was 8 months. Then it was Ashevegas, NC for 8 years and I've been on a beach in Greece for the last 5.
And most of you guys believe in stuff like white privilege, gun control, and that taxing the shit out of people increases standards of living
I'd take a devoutly christian person over that any day of the week
>without a doubt the two shittiest states in the US
I can already tell you've never been to either.
t. someone that's lived in both, Illinois, indiana and michigan
>he doesn't deny it
Doing meth is not what is considered to be devoutly christian.
Incest is a northeast thing, traditionally amongst the quakers and amish. Read your history
but all those things do increase the standard of living...
Stay mad, Cleetus
I forget, was it Fox news that threatened to dox a meme maker unless he groveled at their feet and ghost from the internet?
>and I've been on a beach in Greece for the last 5.
Greek user here, what part?
Funny thing is conservative films actually make more money
Because at this point it's such a tired insult I don't even care enough to try to tell you how much of an idiot you are.
I wouldn't.
>Fox News
>based in Jew York City
>based in the south
really makes you think
It's wildly innaccurate. The traditionally incestuous groups are quakers and amish, also known as Northeast America.
H MANH, where are you?
to be honest, I'm a pretty shitty greek,
barely speak anything and I don't eat fish or tomatoes.