
Blizzard decision making in a nutshell.

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>jeff kaplan
>the retard who moved from eq to destroy wow
You retards deserve it for purchasing a game made by the biggest crybaby in MMOs

>destroy wow

he was one of the original developer who created WoW....

don't forget that he was terrible at EQ and got carried by his guildmates, he INHERITED the position of guild leader and didn't start legacy of steel. tigole was always terrible, and that is why my guild constantly mocked and laughed at him, and got more gamewide firsts than legacy of steel after tigole took the reins. here's us beating the zone he claimed was "broken and unbeatable"

whatever you say, Jeff.

jeff has his flaws, but he was one of the og guys who made wow great. On top of that, he was on the wow team since day 1, he didn't destroy anything.

>the game is balanced

no shit. OP are you fucking 12? Blizzard has said this about all their games since the beginning of time.

but it was dogshit compared to UO, EQ, AC, DAoC, etc. on launch. it was hypercasual and spoonfeedy as all hell.

I haven't played in a while, what's made Winston S tier?

Was that the whole Sleeper fiasco or was that someone else

Is that why all of those games are around now and wow is dead

Dive comp is incredibly strong because tanks continue to be nerfed. Leap in on the backline along with your genji/tracer, pick up a quick kill, and jump back out.

Dive comp

>To many people working on the same game is bad
>Balance makes games boring

Literally gaylords on the forums theory crafting and crunching numbers calling things op untill it gets nerfed

Translation; "we can't nerf any dive characters or they would become impossible to playon console"

you're gonna have to be more specific about "sleeper fiasco", our guild woke him up on our server and took screenshots of us feeding him rare loot to troll retards who were bad at the game who would never see those items again, because his warders no longer spawn

they balance pc and console separately. If i remember correctly, tourborn has been pretty op on console for a while now.

PC and Console versions of the game are independent my dude.

English aint first language

I aint reading all that shit

quick rundown now


prease understandu
you think you do but you don't

I know you aren't this stupid but it still makes me mad

oh wow

papa heff says the game is balanced in spite of certain characters being perceived as annoying or useless

all jeff did was copy everquest and make it more casual

Everyone knows WoW killed sandbox MMORPGs, even SWG literally killed itself when they revamped it to be more like WoW. I'm guessing most of Sup Forums had WoW as their first MMO so they think it really was the first.

this is fake though
>raid instance

and before you go posting retarded shit from google "proving me wrong" those instances didn't exist when that mspaint comic was made over a decade ago.

whatever you say tigole

WoW killed sandbox MMOs, then themepark MMOs, then the genre and finally itself.
Like pottery

At times like this I find it hard to believe that image actually is over 12 years old

did you even look at my post id? I've already shit on tigole in this thread, newfag. I'm an ex- member.

Want to share any of your favorite boss fights or encounters?

So he doesn't bother balancing the game around people who are good, but around trash in quick play? Good to know. Balanced my ass.

"I don't sense a great community uproar over the fact that... symmetra [is] 'overpowered' right now"
my dude all I ever see is people complaining about her no aim high damage laser leash

vulak'aerr's 4 hour ring event (pic related, but everything in velious was good), original pre-nerf acrylia caverns ring of fire, ssra temple XTC, emp SSRA, glyphed/exiled/cursed cycle for shit like AE FD and AE charms, honestly most raids in EQ were fun. i have a bunch of pictures but lost thousands in a hard drive failure, so many memories.

I mean, I think he's mostly right. I'd say the game is balanced decently right now.
Just because dive meta is so prevalent doesn't mean the whole is game unbalanced. If people play in a tournament/league or whatever, of course most teams are gonna go with the safe strategy. This goes for basically all competitive things, video games or otherwise. It doesn't mean that if a team chooses not to go dive they'll lose, it's just riskier. And some teams do try new shit.

Not to mention that in regular competitive, where I'm assuming most of you play, dive isn't all that common. Even in GM we still get weird ass compositions sometimes. It's mostly fine, stop basing your idea of balance around what the pros play.

The game is balanced even though it's not balanced. There are some things that are clearly unbalanced about it but despite this, it's balanced.

It's all like your opinion man.

Jeff needs the fucking boot from game balancing decisions. Keep him in charge of lore and all that other crap but they really need a guy like alwaysoov(lunatic hai coach) to help with game balance. If you are interested you should see his recent interview and his perspective is pretty on point.

>If you are interested you should see his recent interview and his perspective is pretty on point.
Got a link?

what still confuses me is how winston is even useful, i mean his weapon's TTK is the lowest in the entire game, and he can't go bruiser mode with melee knockback without his ultimate. anyone he jumps on is in a prime position to shoot him in the head and instantly kill him since he is right next to them, tickling them with his tiny, nigh-useless weapon.

His shield can stop people from doing anything pretty well. His job is to see strays from the team, jump on them, drop a shield so they can't do damage reliably and so no one could help them, then jump back to a safe place. If teams focus him down, he'll drop pretty quick, but the problem is that usually there's other shit to focus on.

Torb is far, far away from being op on console. He was only op on defense back when you could have multiple torbs.

>I don’t sense a great community uproar over the fact that Torb and Symmetra are “overpowered” right now

Fuck off, Jeff.

i see, i only played the beta/free weekend so i had no idea his shield couldn't be shot out of, i thought it only prevented damage from coming in. i still don't like how he does very very very little damage in a game built around killing people, i mean even symmetra and mercy kill faster than he does.

He's just too much to deal with ontop of Tracer/Genji especially for supports. You're dead before you can even think.

Bronze opinions the post

Just waiting to see if Blizzard one-ups themselves and destroys their e-"sport" with this Overwatch league.

His jump does damage as well, and he's usually gonna be jumping on someone without full health anyway.

It's not even going to start at this stage. Wasn't it supposed to begin in September?

why do you care about the balance in a casual game designed for consoles?
do you really believe they made all those characters with competitive in mind?

Sometime in the next couple months.

I wish blizzard didn't have a hard for e-sports and i wish they stopped trying their hardest to remove any sort of animation cancelling and let us build momentum. fucking casuals mang

>less than 5% usage
More like less than 5% of games doesn't have some fuckstick instalock him

Those are tournament stats. See on the right where it says "Tournament Play Only"?

Those stats are only from the Contenders teams, not general competitive or QP.


>It's not even going to start at this stage

>half of roster will get you squealing shits fucking up your eardrums

>jeff isnt happy with current roadhog

my boy will be back soon.
I dont care if cant one shot anymore, just so long as he can at least be viable.

>Overwatch in 2017

>six teams

Wasn't it supposed to be a worldwide league?

The fact that you can easily melt orisa is fucking ridiculous, she honestly doesn't even feel like a tank and the whole road hog change just makes him feel more like a dps

>So to summarize: balancing heroes who are unbalanced is good, balancing heroes just to make them picked more or picked less is not good (in my humble opinion).

There is literally nothing wrong with this

>I wish blizzard didn't have a hard for e-sports
They are still salty about losing the ASSFAGGOTS market.

>Torbjorn is OP

In quickplay sure where there isnt a single group of 3. But you get 1 ounce of coordination and his turret is gone

or just one pretty good player

Literally one hanzo

Overwatch is retarded because it doesn't balance based on what's happening at the pro level and tries to balance for every skill set, it tries to control for people just being terrible at and trying to balance characters around what shitters do with them.

That's one of the reasons Roadhog got nerfed despite being D-tier for most of his life, and even at the prime of the tank meta only got to to B tier at best.

Roadhog was barely above garbage tier in the dive meta, and then they nerfed him anyway despite him being laughable at the high end/pro level. Why?

Because Gold and below cried about being one shotted because they don't know how to play the damned game. Tracer is far more powerful and far more consistently through the life of overwatch than Roadhog and I don't think will ever really get a nerf since I don't think they've touched her once since the beta.

>But let’s talk about the elite players… maybe the top 3rd of all MMR. Their top picked hero over the past month was…. Ana. Yes, Ana.
What the fuck? There is no way that's true.
>top 3rd of mmr
Top fucking Kek. Plats are elite now boys.

So Koreans think Blizzard is killing overwatch by being stubborn and not releasing more heroes. They aren't wrong that's for sure.

OW's major problem is some characters are just straight upgrades of other characters

well they are international teams
I have no idea what happened and how much they fucked it up, but if they really have a $20m entry fee, they are insane

So let the normalfags worry about the balance in their game.
You guys dont actually play overwatch right?

Fuck Blizzard. It astounds me how incompetent they are and I'm happy Overwatch is dying.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Wasn't it 20/40K and not million?

"Competitive" videogames were a mistake.

Thank god we got TF2 before the cancer that is "Esports" spread. At least I have the memories.

Misread from two separate posts, my apologies.

>already have a glut of characters that will never be balanced
>add more every few months

literally the game is circling the drain right now

every update its more clear they have no vision for this game, just keep adding shit.

Never mind the fact that most of the characters are complete garbage

Remember, all you have to do is get past mid plat and you're an elite Overwatch player.

Overwatch is bollocks anyway, the only good maps are KOTH and mobility characters shit on everyone else ludicrously hard, Bastion Junkrat and Torbjorn have been garbage since the game came out because the game doesn't require a strong defence at any time
Also most heroes have stupidly low skill ceilings, it takes 0 thought for someone to play Soldier or D.VA yet they're some of the strongest heroes in the game

neah, that's peanuts

Protip: He was also the one that thought more emphasis should be placed on raid design...than the rest of the actual game.

>SWG literally killed itself when they revamped it to be more like WoW
I really hate how people just ignore how rocky SWG was for its entire lifespan, it wasn't like they took an outstanding 10/10 amazing experience and just flipped a switch to make terrible. It launched in a horrible state that left it more or less stillborn, and it went through several attempted revamps that all were received poorly.

>I'm happy Overwatch is dying.
where did you get that from?

It's esport scene, the entire focus on the game.
Also, the game has been dumped and forgotten by casuals.

Even with a monopoly on the rts, they still managed to drop the ball with sc2. Blizzard cant balance and make a game last.

The OW league is the worst idea. Esports are not made by companies, league being a special case, and is held up by players, not the devs.

Yup. Had plenty of teams willing to play, but then the dragged their ass and are killing the scene themselves. Heres to Quake Champions not shitting the bed in the next year.

uo isnt dead fag

What makes him not viable? I don't pick him very often but I did ok with him, I honestly just want to know

Those 4 minute que times for quickplay sure are fun haha

Don't know that I'd say completely dumped by casuals but the events are the only time it really seems lively. Between events I get much longer queue times and run into the same people all the time. This is a QP queue in NA during the midafternoon with a diamond SR.

So that's why they sent Tracer, Genji, and Winston to take Doomfist on.

Jesus Christ you people have big opinions about some casual shooting game for children

>the entire focus on the game.
I don't know where you got that from either

I wouldn't know, it tops off to around 2 minutes at worst and a few seconds at best

>bad teams leave

You seem to be an expert on this topic, why not share more opinions and not parrot like many posters do?

basically his kit was built around the one shot at the start.
As it is right now, he has zero stopping power and his own abilities are more likely to get him killed than not.
Right now all he can do is spam shots at shields. He is a d.va with a reload and no defensive abilities.

Im not saying i need the one shot back. I just want a little bit of stopping power. The hook combo should at least hurt.
Ideally an added 10% damage from where he is right now would make him perfect. His DPS would be slightly higher than before the nerf, and his hook combo would still not be a one shot.

>dive meta is so strong that pharah and sombra are used more than zarya, rein and hog now
jeff pls

Can you believe that people thought Winston needed more damage?

Apparently tracer is who the game is balanced around, so people finally recognizing that she can be used as a motherfucking tank buster as well as squishy squisher means we might have a bunch of buffs to everybody (except like Winston and Sym) incoming.