Sup Forums party van thread

>"Party van"
>Results 0

For shame, come join us on Sup Forums's tf2 server running on shitty spanish internet as we have fun in a dying game.

Password: vidya

Other urls found in this thread:!AkdRzIQB!ka9RVOUCYlvGS6nDY8vRmQ

>having fun
>suddenly tryhards come in and ruin everything like always
Also whoever was the admin that forced Arena mode on us, fuck you that was a blatant misuse of your powers.

What the fuck did I wake up in 2007?

If you are getting the error Engine Hunk Overflow, congratulations.


>bawww I can't be friendly heaviez and gib sandviches :c

also that touhou map crashed like 3/4 of the serb.

My calendar says 2017 but this thread honestly

cuz dude if I'm 20 again I got a lot of shit to make up for

good job killing the server

thanks man

post map list

I feel special now

thanks me too

Found the fix for this just type r_hunkalloclightmaps 0 into your console.

>join a beginner server
>its you and a team of randoms vs a clan with various pocket healers
>they actually brag when winning with their top person having 100+ and the other team only 60ish

i get trolling but im amazed they actually act so smug group seal clubbing


ahh it's 0 ok. i've been typing 1 the entire time

I'm having trouble just being able to download the map, the hell kinda upload speed do you have in Spain?

kill yourself you dumb useless bitch

dm_ScarletDevilMansion needs to go, we just rtv and changed the map.
join now

It's a 1gbps server hosted in the netherlands. The current error is that map has a damaged entity that makes the server unplayable unless you put in your console r_hunkalloclightmaps 0 or change the map

The heroes of the van

>map takes 10000 hours to download
would really like a server for the west coast

download maps from gamebanana and put them in download/maps folder. easy and quicker.

Why partyvan?

We are actually looking for servers in the US west coast for both americans and aussies.

vid I mentioned earlier back when MGS stuff was playing
yeah happened to me

your server sucks as evidenced by ping that is twice or three times as high as it should be

>server full

Phone postan the mega link cause I'm at work!AkdRzIQB!ka9RVOUCYlvGS6nDY8vRmQ

Yes, at american active hours lag might spikes for some apparent reason, our tech does experiments every now and then to find out what's failing. Abusive micspam can damage the connection, but I don't think that's the source of the problem.

>lag might spikes
ping might spike
the fuck did I just wrote

burgers are not welcome. host your own server.

Fuck off, we are trying to find a solution for the american lags.

But euros are qt

This american boot is gonna kick your ass!

>serb full
Fuck, now what do I do?

Auto Retry till profit. Been waiting for some time now.

i just invited the whole lmaobox discord to your server

uh guys?


The map was so gay it crashed

trying to rtv the map but some people are refusing

nigga it crashed. the fucking game had a seizure you fucking nut

>majority of Sup Forums's userbase is in North America
fuck that server

that one domination map

Get rid of the rainbow map it makes people crash

Changing the map, hold it.

Added to the to-do list, thank you

Not sure if anyone had seen this but I discovered a program that you can use along with HLDJ to convert audio, saves alot of time going through goldwave with formatting and converting shit

Just google "hldj converter" and its the first result

maybe as of 2007 when tf2 came out
70% of the site is third worlders these days

Why do that when you can just input a youtube url in SLAM?

Been using HLDJ for the longest time, didn't know any better friendo

How easy is SLAM to set up?

Extract the files, run the exe, click start and type exec slam in console. Then just load a song and play

SLAM is the easiest shit ever. you paste youtube link and it downloads and converts it automatically (you can also just pick mp3 file)

Miserable faggot

Attention, some faggot just leaked the server to lmaobox discord, expect cheaters all day until we change the password.

They're all being incredibly obvious about it, get someone to ban them


>tfw just got banned because a hacker changed his name to mine

I think you should shut down the server for 30 minutes

don't even join desu

shits all fucked

eat my dick zipzoop, gag on it

>Server got ruined by one fag on Sup Forums



You will get unbanned when the tech wakes the fuck up.

>aimbots vs aimbots
The server was fun while it lasted

Reminder to report all faggot hacker scum to volvo

>posting the ip
you fucked up

>Sup Forums complains about TF2 being full of furries, porn sprays and congalines
>Sup Forums does the same stupid shit themselves
You people are retarded. And thats coming from someone who likes TF2.

Nevermind, both party vans are invaded. Some people just hates fun

>get in the server
>the hackers migrate there 5 minutes later
We are so fucked

t. lmaobox user

>hacker gets vac-banned

ily Zip

Who cares if they join
Watch them try to cheat when 4 people play Scotland forever and turn the server into a slideshow

Why not just add a votekick system? It may not work 100% of the time but it's better than having to rely on a single admin

>Sup Forums is one person

TF2 Party vans are dead
Everyone migrate to the old party van sven coop servers. Let's have some coop fun



An user leaked our servers to the lmaobox discord server. As soon as the tech wakes up, servers are in risk of having hackers, that will be around 8 hours.

Meanwhile, we are migrating to the old party van sven-coop server, you know the IP. If you want coop fun until this gets fixed, we will see you there.

No fuck off I want to play tf2 not some shitty half life mod

No, I do not know the IP.

Give everyone godmode, ez as fuck. They will leave if theres no one to kill and make mad. Also banning them shouldnt be a problem unless youre retarded. Get external anti cheat plugin.

Well, bad luck for us all, a faggot leaked this server to a cheaters discord. This will not get fixed until we change passwords, and we can't do that until tech wakes up.

and old party van sven-coop server is outdated and unplayable, so it doesn't matter.

Eh, we can try this to see what happens.


idk what teh IP is

>server was murdered
theres still sven right? that was fun last time it was hosted

OP , changing the password is such a temporary solution, if we want those we could go with or for the long-term, whitelist people for access into the server through these threads. We already have a sizable group of "regulars" we know are legit.

Can't we just use the old Party Van server with saysounds and shit until the issue is fixed? It's still up.

its literally shit players, maps and ''humour''why not just play the fucking game properly instead of maps that only traders and autistic children play?

>being this retarded that you cant find the ip
go back to the lmaobox discord


There isn't godmode option in sourcemod.

fuck off fag

Researching in the godmode to all players

What's your favorite game, may I ask? :^)

Install this or a similar mod, hurry

"buddha" is essentially godmode, it prevents your health from going under 1.

Yes, there is. If nothing else, you can use addcond to apply uber to everyone.
If all else fails, the old PartyVan is still around.

sv_cheats 1; addcond 5; sv_cheats 0
Just bind that and press it every 30 seconds or so

Tech isn't here to do any changes, don't have a direct access to the server. Trying to sv_cheats 1 buddha

you nignogs want to play anything else in the meanwhile like svencoop while we wait or are we done? barely anyone is on the old server

this. I didn't even know it was the old server with 4 people max being on