No UPF thread ?
No UPF thread ?
giant bomb died in 2013
Some generous user pls post the link
I think I haven't watched an UPF for more than 15 minutes in over half a year.
Dan was the last motivaitng thing the west had.
And Ben is sooo fuuuucking boooring.
Where da link at
Ded thread
Oh well.
meanwhile eza are actually having fun
What did you think of the GBE stream today?
Is the pre-show music the best part of upf now?
God bless
I probably should have said that I've barely watched any GB stuff in the last half year. The occasionaly QL and VRodeo, but that's it.
I'm looking forward to the Shenmue 2 ER, though.
What were the quality options again?
6000, 3500, 700
10000 doesn't work right now
>have Jason decorate your studio
>he puts a fucking arcade cabinet in the tiny room they call a studio
>there's no room to walk around anymore and it looks like shit
>also he broke the streaming gear and has to re-wire everything again
>but only after he completely fucks a stream because he doesn't do his job
So did Brad leave?
>I'm bad at making a poll
>That's a safe bet.
He's joining the Food Network.
It seems 1200 worked.
Brad will never leave. Nobody else would hire him.
>jeff had to put a camera watching jason on the stream itself to make sure he does his job and doesn't leave or go to sleep
>this is what premium subscriptions are going towards
Ben rocking the Jimmy Neutron.
>shoes on couch
i hope he has a bad trip and kills himself
The couch is there to be abused.
Also firefall is a shit game.
What did Ben mean by this?
I have never played cs go and I probably never will.
I had to stop listening to the Beastcast this week because Alex spent the first 10 minutes berating them for having fun the week he was out. He said he was the 'glue' to that podcast.
Someone needs to knock this sad fuck down a peg or two. For someone with no self-esteem, he sure is narcissistic.
I can't think of a more awkward and socially weird person than Ben.
I mean, I can appreciate that he wants to entertain viewers, but he's so terrible at everything.
>Mountain Blade coming up
I'm too lazy to install it.
I occasionally played CS:S when I was drinking.
But I have less than 20h on it.
International PUSSY association.
What is this from?
At least listen to the latest one, since Alex os gone again.
They also once again have lots of fun without Mr. Wet Blanket around.
Today's GBE Playdate, basically Sony's take on Jackbox
I take it, it was agreeable?
They didn't like it at all
No way, Dan hated it, at least on the Beastcast.
I mean the video.
Jason: "how can I find a way to make my easy ass job easier"
Also does he seriously fucking not realize the game feed isn't on screen GOD FUCKING DAMN
>Jason fucks up yet again.
Can we all take a moment to be grateful for Jason and all the hard work he does?
is no one in the chat telling them
>they should have hired bakalar and kish
Was there anything good on the E3 non-conference streams?
I watched the "best of the week" thing and the Dave Lang & company thing looked interesting at always, but is the whole thing with him good?
This happens when Drew isn't there anymore...
Skip to around 20 mins before the end of the latest one, Vinny turns a voicechanger on Dan unexpectedly and the results are genuinely funny.
Also Dan effectively confirmed he makes shit up for le wacky retard character purposes
What's she doing now? Just "twitch"?
Producer at Twitch.
>everyone here is premium
Giant Bomb today is boring as all fuck and the people living in San Fran are more tolerable than the fucking people on the east coast how fucked is that?
>mfw dan recorded a couple vids with gameinformer recently
>1v1 fighting on a boat
I can't think of a more unrepresentative thing for M&B...
>For someone with no self-esteem, he sure is narcissistic.
Oh, I thought she had her own show or something. Good for her getting a decent job.
I'll literally never pay any of them for their shitty content and if you do you are a fucking chump honestly. You really think their "hurting for cash" the way they say they are? Fuck that.
Where's the nrw gamebomb, I want to watch Y0
One of my only 3 things I bought during the Steam sale and this THING IS FUCKING AMAZING.
Not him, but years ago I was close to subscribing, but then Patshit started invading and shitting up the community, so I never did.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
>ben "gargantuan unfunny retard" pack
>jason "spooky technical failures" oestaedishdkjafsner
>jeff "what has this web site become" gerstmann
>absent: brad "I'm hungry hmmm" shoemaker
>that red alcoholics nose on jason
Did you just assume the spelling of my country?
>Jason realises he has to switch to gameplay
>But the controller is at the other end of the table
>He glances at it uncomfortably
>Ben just hits it and and goes back to reading chat
>Now Jason is literally just making noises while Jeff and Ben try to talk about the game.
High value employee
What the fuck happened to DSP!?
Is SA 1 just as horrendous as SA 2?
Doesn't get any deader than this.
Dan spent 500 dollars on Panzer Dragoon for Dreamcast.
>our weapons are useless
Hold me back from shitting up the thread with the meme.
Seems like it.
I like Jason because he had it tough growing up I think but damn do your fucking job.
>spending 500 bucks on a shitty rail shooter
Big Jeffrey says DRIP 'EM.
I'm pretty sure it was Dan IIRC, yeah pretty fucked up. Bought it at a pawn store and apparently you can get it online for cheaper but he said he was too lazy..........................
I need to get drunker for this.
can i get a quick rundown on Jason?
>Super Mario series relay race at SGDQ
I think I'm gonna switch, unless they play something special next.
Used to be as fat as a cow.
Did a bunch of drugs.
Got a girl knocked up at 13.
Looks like Mac's mom.
oh dan....
>Ben having Jeff play Hell Girls
First the porn game last week, now this. CBS is going to fire this freak fuck.
Everyone at GBWest used to be fat.
Only Jeff still is.
Half of that can also apply to Ro "Gin Tub" Rie.
Don't know what Mac's mom is.
He is less fat.
It was second place in the poll, and gal gun was 1st.
Yeah, 111
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
>stream threads
Go away.
>9 weed
Gotta put all of it in PotCoin.
>only 1 gb thread a week
fuck off faggot
This fucking game.
Also, for the people that missed it:
>visibly disturbed by the tattered uniform