Japan's reaction to Marina

Japan's reaction to Marina

Her popularity continues to grow, they FUCKING love her

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Is this good or bad?


>and octarian

What did Ninty mean by this?

It's over, the Jews won

>Chocolate goddess
>Versus a god damn shegoblin

What do YOU mean by this?

Who are >WE picking, bros? I feel like most of the internet will pick Marina so we, as our contrarian nature permits us, should pick Pearl.

i agree with this

>translated from Japanese by BING

what is this travesty

>Those retweets and likes

Holy fucking shit

It begins

pearl is actually disgusting


>Butthurt Pearlfag detected

Who cares? I am not looking to sexualize her
>neo-Sup Forums will forget the gamefaqs launchpad shit

>Japanese like a black character

Has racism finally died over there or did Nintendo just trick them into thinking she's supposed to be like that trend in Japan where they wear heavy makeup and paint their faces darker?

They like it because it's a good design. That's the reason most people like it.
You're the one turning it into a race issue

No, it's a case of placing an attractive person next to a ridiculously ugly one.

Japans never given a fuck about racism.

or maybe its as if skin color doesn't make a character inherently good or bab, user! are you implying otherwise?

We wuz octolings n shiet, nigga.

As far as Japan is concerned. It's Japanese and Gaijin.

Did you not notice the octoling standing next to her? This is not a nigger joke.

All I'm saying is that they always seem to make racist jokes towards black people but if that's really not the case then it's all cool with me. Marina should be universally like.

>a couple of twitter posts
>woooow the FUCKING love her
I'm not familiar with this meme

Japan blacked. No more Japanese video games for me.

But launchpad was a excellent side kick. He probably didn't deserve how we Memed him into winning but he isn't she goblin levels of fucking terrible.
Pearl screams spoiled rich brat. Nobody likes that archetype.

>Japan blacked
That only works when it's a male nugger.

>dragon maid
use a shotgun instead


>Nobody likes that
Now I know summer is here

Who gives a fuck? she's an underdog.

This is how Pearlfags will increase their numbers.

Finally I recall what Pearl reminds me of

>black character
she's a fucking squid who doesn't look black at all other than her skin color. japs have liked brown anime girls for awhile now

pearl is actually fucking disgusting, that's the main reason

Contrary to popular belief Sup Forums isn't contrarian.
Just a very vocal minority is.
Even though what I said is ironic.

>actually fucking disgusting
back to NEOGAF, faggot

I don't get the response. I'm not a Pearl fan (though I think the hate is still unwarranted)


It was never racism there you cunt, it is xenophobia


The fan edit does look better yes.

Marina gyaru doujins when?!


They love foreigners and only hate China because China is a retarded shithole of a country they have to deal with 24/7. Japan is progressive as fuck. Don't let the Otaku loli rape cartoons fool you.

Japan got blacked two decades ago, user.


Nice stolen characters nintendo

So those old Japanese commercials with the black people were just mere harmless "jokes?" Maybe I miss interpreted this as racism. Idk I'm done with this conversation now. So there is no racism in Japan apparently. Cool. I'm glad that is not the case.

refer to a simple color change makes her look much cuter, nintendo fucked up

opinion disregarded

It's not fucking fair!

How can we stop this, bros?

that's the joke

>doesn't name the picture squigger

>I just want to bully her
>absolutely everyone shits on her
Yes! But no! What if Nintendo thinks they do have to change her

His mind has been destroyed by Sup Forums, he literally can only see the world in black and white. Don't tell him about Birdo, he might explode.

>Has racism finally died over there
Shit nigga shit aint even about race. Nips always into the traditional ,for them at least, meek shy and demure girls the most. With pearl being the one with the more outgoing personality nips be predictable as hell fawning all over the character that is the most meek.

So its more about the character personalities than anything else really. With it being more sad as to just how predictable they can be. The dumn nip ass gooks.


Considering I played as a squigger in the first game, I'd side with the chocolate goddess of the sea any day.

japan isn't retarded like america where not white skin = SJW tumblr boogeyman

delicious brown has been very very common in japan for decades you fucking retard

I like marina because she makes my dick hard and also because she's the kinda meek but nice one.
Pearl is okay, I honestly can look past the chukie look cause I don't really like to fuck kids in the first place, besides it fits her personality, bitchy rich kid, which is nice contrast to marina.

It'd be extra cute if they're still really good friends.

But then nobody mocks her 5head anymore


>What is gyaru.

None of that has ever mattered in Japanese media. They love lovable black male characters in their media because being tough and manly is funny to them and black men epitomize that.

With dark skinned females though, they have always loved them because its exotic. They still have to be cute though.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Becoming infatuated with a fictional video game character is not normal.

>racist jokes
Yes, thats right. Jokes, trust me they do it for everyone else too, cause its funny.


Japs actually like black people too. In my weeb days I went to Japan with my weeb friends and so many people came up to talk to my black buddy, friendly as shit. There's a japanese guy on youtube who interviews questions asked by comments and he interviewed a black guy who was born in Japan and asked if he ever felt like his race was a problem, dude said no and Japanese people (his people) have been great and never felt out of place. Sometimes he gets people coming up to him expecting him to be a foreigner and trying to make conversation, but that's just because not being Japanese in Japan in so rare.

Amerikkka is just a shithole

Deep inside, every Jap man wants a sexually aggressive jungle goddess to savage with their tiny cocks


I like her cowbell

I want to bully pearl so much she goes to bed crying every night.

The beginning of chocolate nintendo waifus is here and i can't wait.

Japan's reaction to Pearl

I really like Pearl. She reminds me of Guu. Anything that reminds me of Guu is solid in my book. Marina is super cute too. Both are good.

>they love foreigners
>they only hate China
>only China

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA. Dude what the fuck ? You do know japs are the most xenophobe fucks when it comes to hating other chinks, right ? Jesus christ mate, they fucking hate other japs as well. Look at burakumin, okinawans, nikkeijin.

>Japan is progressive as fuck

But a good one, i have to admit.




No, because actual black people are fucking ugly. japan knows how to make them attractive.

Fanart is going to be her saving grace

>this fucking delusion

Good luck finding a well paying job over there, retard. Also it's not America's fault that black people choose to act like fucking thugs and idiots.

Guys, how Do I draw stuff in the splatfest?

No one likes black people. In japan it's seen as a novelty because they don't have many black people over there. Also most of the ones I've seen aren't nigger types who think of robbing you.

What are you even talking about? I don't live or plan to live there, I'm a fucking white guy who went 10 years ago with my weeb friends with a Japanese family. I just was relaying some interviews with actual black people who have lived there. Good god, people online are illiterate as fuck these days.

So you speak for at least 5 billion people?

>Also it's not America's fault that black people choose to act like fucking thugs and idiots.

actually it largely is. but any legitimate historical reasons will be shrugged off or "fake news by (((them)))".


That all changed after a black guy in military raped some Japanese woman. They are wary of them now.

It's a feeling shared worldwide.

Blacks don't even like blacks.

>i'm racist so everyone around the world is

Why can't Nintendo make accurate/realistic looking black girls?

>Also most of the ones I've seen aren't nigger types who think of robbing you

This. Fuck the western part of the world.

You go to the mailbox

>those eyebrows

fucking jaden smith ass bitch

Well i guess you can say Sup Forums isn't normal.

Because the real ones are ugly as sin

She's not black. Usually when Japan draws black people in their media they give them big mouths and darker skin.

She is an anime, not black or white.
