Won't you join me in appreciating Poison?

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i would appreciate her more if she would cum down my throat then wreck my anus

this desu famalamadingdong

Poison no balls A OK, with balls NO WAY.


Don't be a sissy.

Poison is my favorite girl(female) in SF

>that poison porn comic
you all know what im talking about

Disgusting. What are you, gay?

The one where she fucks young Ryu and Ken in their tight butts?

nah, the other one

Wow I've never seen such shit taste

ITT: sexually repressed virgins resorting to becoming gay in order to have some form of sex
Fucking embarrassments

I don't know and would like to

Come back when you have new material

the ''boy wanders in the wrong part of town'' one

That's right anons take the bait.

>thinking any of us are going to have sex with Poison

And i'm supposed to blame for being rejected by women all my life?

Fuck you, also i have a small dick and i'm probably incapable of pleasing a woman with my dick but with a trap i put it in the anus where is tighter and i can jerk her off too so we both cum.

>I was just pretending to be retarded


oh boy man, you fucked up


This one? exhentai.org/g/761963/c590cab9d8/

no, the other ''boy wanders around wrong part of town''

but semen tastes way better when they still have their balls

She needs more porn desu.

>Current year, and people still insist that Poison is a 'he'.

Wouldn't know about that JUST seems less gay having futa without balls. Would you argue females having clitoris as being gay?

Lemme guess, this thread is posted by that Russian hacker guy with the dynamic IPs who ban evades to shitpost

Hahahaha you're exactly what I imagined a trapfag vermin would be
>small dick
>virgin resorting to this
>/r9k/ faggot
>probably has meme anxiety
It's pure poetry.

Poison is female and has a vagina.

>in order to have some form of sex
Tell me what you know, user.

she has a pucci, but not a vagina

She's a "he" in the west, dumb demiposter.

She is a "she"(male)

I get tired of this debate, and people pretend that Poison is an "interesting" character with this shallow level garbage discussion of whether you fap to dick or vagina. I wish Poison and Final Fight never existed. Then it would have never been ported to Super Famicom a year later and there would be none of this shallow bullshit. There are plenty of trannie characters out there, go fap to that instead. Stop being a Capcocksucker who can rely only on Capcom characters to get you off. You're the worst thing to touch a Capcom game and frankly, I wish you'd die.


balls less gay? still dealing with a big fucking meatstick and no vag. and balls make it a complete package

>you will never choke on poison's fat girl cock
Why live?

>balls make it a complete package

What are ovaries?

I want to appreciate her big fat girldick and balls with my mouth.

>not liking balls

You're mixing terms here. Futa is a girl with a dick and a pussy

Something you can't see.

>you will never fuck Poison in her ass while her small feminine dick flails around uselessly

I wish Poison made me her male slut with her heaving futa dick!

>fat girl cock
absolutely halal

>small feminine dick
absolutely haram

>small feminine dick



It's absolutely small and cute. No veins, no hair, and abour 4 inches long.

>liking small dicks
Microdicks detected, please remove yourselves from the gene pool

But they are there.

I wanna buy the Poison figure by kotobukiya

where's the peen?

Poison doesn't have a dick, just a more-weird vagenis

not nearly T H I C C enough. what the fuck were they thinking with this skeletonnigger shit?

she is fine.

Regardless of what's in her pants, she identifies as a girl so "she" is the way to go.

Niggas need to learn how to do more OS than just crouch teching in 4.

is this better?

this artist should be killed

body is better but face is worse


This is the ideal body, it's only missing the massive dick to "Poison" men with.

>he never played final fight arcade during the 80s
Dumb frogposter.




Hey wait a minute... This is a blue board!

What would Jesus think about these pictures?

Just change the style, you have a menu in the down-right corner :^)

I wanna fuck Poison in her vagina for the purposes of procreation.

Naw, she a ho bag thot.

Is it gay to want to touch dicks with Poison?

It's gay only when the balls touch.

It is only gay if you're doing it because of the fact she has a dick. Otherwise it's normal and perfectly fine, even then it's nothing to be ashamed of to be gay for Poison


I'd fuck you user.

so when she cums deep inside my ass it's ok because i can only fit 10 inches while she has a 12 inch dick so the balls won't touch?

How about if she cums on my dick, is that gay?

Thats Poison-XXX

how do you know that you can fit 10 inches user?

Yes. Just request that she wont slam in too hard or her balls may sway enough for contact.
Nope. Not gay.

Again that's normal. People choose to forget even heterosexual people have homosexual tendencies and they can't help it, the mind just has these temptations. So it's better to get it out of you and not debate it.

I want Poison to kick me in the balls tbqh

tell that to my wife


Stop barking you fucking noob.

Yes this

does she have a feminine dick


Yes, we must get more mods.

i wish
