Star Citizen Thread

Version 3.0 will be released a few weeks from now. Anyone game?

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Does that mean some more spaceship jpg's will be going up for sale?

I backed it at kickstarter and didn't even know that 1.0 had been released

Sure does.

Well, you would think that 1.0 means finished game, but turns out to be early shitty Alpha.


"Alpha 1.0"

gee I wonder why is it not the finished game?

better spend more on it just in case $150M isn't enough

>a game isn't developed in 3 months
>wow this game is a scam

Fucking entitled bitches get on my nerves, if you know fuck all about game development then don't fucking talk about it

>t. star citizen developer

I'd never set foot in that company, no matter how much they payed me. The development itself seems to be going like many others but the complexity of the game and the bad rep it gets for having an open development seems like hell

>a game isn't developed in 3 months
but it should have been developed 3 years after it's release date

This! It was stupid to promise a release date so early in development. But they did show a heck of a demo last year.

sorry, but at some point your boy chris needs to shit or get off the pot

there are no signs that he plans to, and every passing year just makes you look dumber for giving him money

>no signs

Except for the update the OP mentioned. Save your shitposting for after that.

Stop making these threads shitposter.

note that the footage in this video is exactly the same as the footage they just released as evidence of progress

fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me for five years running and you might be chris roberts

>exactly the same
buy some glasses

>Most expensive game ever developed
>Sup Forums defends its exorbitantly high funding and development time despite becoming one of the oust needlessly wasteful development cycles ever seen

Yeah everything's fine.


This whole "open development" bullshit is the problem, holy shit. Imagine how much time and money is wasted making multiple update videos PER WEEK and bothering devs who should be at their desk fucking working and not answering Sandi's idiot questions or the mouth-breathing dads and forum autists watching on Twitch.

I wish they would tell everyone to fuck off and just work on the game, but because it was crowdfunded everyone has this insane entitlement complex like they should be invited into the office and watch every line of code being written and comment on it.

Mercifully Roberts doesn't give a shit about their actual ideas, if he did it would be 100% space furry ERP sim by now

go back to r/gaming

Go burn your money out in the driveway rather than letting some fat fuck burn it texturing a space skybox.

Go kill yourself rather raging about a videogame

I'll download it and see if it doesn't suck. I hope they don't rush it out with a million bugs

One studios report per week isn't much and ATV is payed by subscribers.
And they actually do studio tours

You overestimate my emotional investment in this conversation, sport.

>I hope they don't rush it out

>>Most expensive game ever developed
SC might end up being garbage but you'll still be a fucking retard.

With the amount of cash I got from refunding SC I bought a PS4

Well fucking said, this is how I feel about crowdfunding vidya in general. Just STFU and work, send an update like once a month maybe. Sure, if it's a big enough project have some dude document/film a bit as you go along, then AFTER you're all done and ship it do a bit of a post-mortem/documentary update or whatever if people are interested (if it's a good game they probably are, if not then just die). But if I'm backing you it's because you already sold me on your competence and ability, at least to the tune of a small amount gambled. I did not back so you could go ask the opinion of every random fucking retard autistic enough to forum whore, I want a professional development with a focused vision. Sure take feedback for actual beta refinement and such when you're done but otherwise put every penny and second into the product.