No free run, it takes forever to get your block up after attacking, what the fuck is this
No free run, it takes forever to get your block up after attacking, what the fuck is this
Looks like Tales of Symphonia. Might be wrong though.
an overrated game.
Might as well say nothing.
the first tales with a 3d overworld and battle system
Free run is broken as demonstrated by Abyss.
>the first tales with a 3d overworld
This isn't true. Pretty sure Destiny had a 3D overworld and I know PS Phatasia had one.
a pretty basic tales game
play abyss ps2 and or vesperia ps3
>Why isn't there any free run in this game that came out before the game that introduced free run?
I really wish the game had a side-step though. You'd have to put a cooldown on it for at least some seconds though, otherwise it'd be broken. Or, hell, just have it be a tech, like guardian. Would be a neat tradeoff between a strong defensive option and a mobility one.
>Game doesn't have features introduced by it's successors
You know Id call you a faggot but I think Id rather just post my waifu Sheena
>Enemies can freerun
>CPU controlled party members can freerun
>You can't
It's just kind of shitty. Even more so when you do co-op with two physical attackers.
It was great back in the days.
it's an okay game.
Story was alright.Some characters were good while some (like the pink haired traitor inOP's pic) was utter shit. In both games
I have around 1200 hours clocked in this game, between the GC and PS3 version. It's a great bro-op game.
>Zelos was a bad character
Wrong. He was a good character with genuine motivation for his actions.
>with genuine motivation for his actions.
his mom died when he was a kid, doesn't give him right to act like an entitled asshole TO EVERYONE and sell people out when he fees like it
Enemies can't, actually.
>doesn't give him right to act like an entitled asshole TO EVERYONE
That's how he's been raised. He's had everything given to him on a silver plate, so he's spoiled. But, he lost his mother and was despised by many people close to him, so he has severe trust issues. That's why he only plays around with women and never takes things seriously. Only a true bromance between him and Lloyd can turn his life around.
>Only a true bromance between him and Lloyd can turn his life around.
except by selling out the party he destroyed the bromance
>what the fuck is this
A game from 2003.
That's only if you didn't trust him yourself. You need to get close to him or else he won't change his ways. He's a fucked up individual, man.
>Letting Zelos down